Month: October 2023

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Oct 29 – Nov 4, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events

10/29  ::  Mercury (thoughts) ~conjunct~ Mars (actions):
This is the best time to put your energy (Mars) behind your thoughts, ideas and words (Mercury) and get creative.

SCORPIO :: Energy of the Month

Scorpio asks: What will you create? Pluto asks: What is your Mission? in Capricorn: What is your Purpose? in Aquarius: What is your Unique Contribution?

SCORPIO Deep Diving :: It’s About to Get Personal

Scorpio is our Soul Level, subterranean, interior realms that we often do not have the time, tools or resources to address in real-time, so we put our Soul needs on the back-burner.

Oct 22 – 28, 2023 :: Forecast

10/22  ::  Mercury Enters SCORPIO (until Nov 10th):
It’s time to communicate on a Soul Level and connect with your deepest emotions, face your fears, research taboos, dig out secrets that are growing toxic and renew your connection to your own Soul.

Oct 15 – 21, 2023 :: Forecast

Note that Juno is going to linger in Virgo for a total of 10-months reworking this House/Area of Life for you. This means that she will challenge your Gemini/Sag to grow out of comfort zone and into new territory, while asking you to integrate something in your Pisces Dept to accommodate this Rebirth in the Virgo Department.