Nov 26 – Dec 2, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Nov 26 – Dec 2, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

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11/27  ::  Mercury (communication) ~square~ Neptune (dissolution):
This is a mixed blessing energy. On one hand, it’s good for spiritual study and giving your dreams a little energy (if your schedule permits). On the other hand, it makes for major miscommunications between people. Try to think before speaking, because if it’s possible to misunderstand or not ‘get it’ altogether, it will happen this week. Be careful not to let the “longing” for your dreams to come true, distort your judgment and mislead you into believing the illusion. With this energy, some people will deliberately deceive and others have to be careful not to be misled. Stick to the facts or stay quiet, for now. You may even be inclined to withhold information to avoid a confrontation – don’t do it. Communicate with your Self, your Higher Self and God/Spirit today, otherwise plan to be very clear in explaining yourself to others (humans) so there are no misunderstandings.

11/27  ::  GEMINI Full Moon:
Sag Time always launches the research & development process of the year, during November & December. This is when you reflect on the last year of your life and determine what it all really “means”. Basically, what Story are you telling with the year you just came through? And what Story do you want to tell in the upcoming year? Now is the time to marinate your ideas with imagination & meditate on the possibilities!

Gemini energy (Full Moon=11/27) helps you process the facts & information revealed. This is good for reviewing options, opportunities & other ways to decide on the best “way” for you personally. The Full Moon always illuminates an area in need of attention. Sometimes with Gemini it is simply making up our mind, making a decision or getting congruent instead of being scattered and pulled in too many directions. I would also add here, that any Gemini Moon is about a reset so that you can “think with your feelings” in a more clear way that becomes inner wisdom that guides you which you can trust and count on to be true for you.

Virgo energy (Last Qtr Moon=12/4) helps you sort, sift, release & integrate what is REAL for you personally and what is real for your body & daily reality that you have to navigate on a regular basis, in real time. We’re still processing, however, it is not the “idea” of what’s happening in your life at this time, but more like how much your physical body and nervous system etc can actually handle, process or sustain in a 24-hour period.

Sag energy (New Moon=12/12) helps you intuit deeper meaning and develop a Story & Belief System that you, personally, can live with more integrity, going forward. This is when we plant the seeds of living a more authentic, vital & honest life. It is also the time when I give everyone permission to dream BIG – stretch beyond your normal limitations and expand the vision for your life.

Pisces energy (First Qtr Moon=12/19) helps you process what’s going on in your life through the filter of the emotions & intuitions that you are feeling at this time. You may ask questions that help you discern what’s really happening versus what you see through any kind of rose-colored glasses. First Qtr brings the first step on our New Moon intentions so in this case, you should follow your intuition because Spirit’s communication is always more subtle than literal. So I also recommend prayer, reverence in Nature, intentional solitude to hear your Angels, Orishas & Ancestors, who are wanting to speak to and through you at this time. Also, it is time to add some imagination to that vision, flesh it out that Story and make it your own!

Ultimately, this year’s Gemini Full Moon (11/27) supports a major data-dump! We are releasing all old thinking, old ideas, old paradigms, old thought patterns and most of all, old ways of *communicating & expressing* – on multiple levels. It is a delicious opportunity to change your thinking in a fundamental way, which will shift the Path you are on. As you release debilitating mental patterns with this Full Moon, you also let go and trust that you are creating a cleaner space for a more efficient aspect of your Being to emerge & express. If it doesn’t serve some kind of actual function, it has to go, which clears space for something more useful & relevant to support you in real time. This lunation supports changing our individual *Conceptions & Perceptions* in radical ways. What are you *Conceiving & Perceiving* at this time? It is an incredible time to be awake, alive & participating consciously!

SCORPIO  ::  SOLAR Plexus Chakra/Release
Victim Archetype  ::  Kinds of Mothers
THUR/Nov 30th
@8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
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12/1  ::  Mercury Enters CAPRICORN (until Dec 23rd ):
Now that we have expanded & explored the possibilities (in Sag) and which of them have any chi/lifeforce energy in them, we can now choose which ones to embody, express and create containers for going forward. This is the time of year when we review all that we’ve accomplished with an eye toward what we can build-on in the upcoming new year. We get a little more serious & focused on our goals & how we will accomplish them. We look at our exchanges to see which ones are solid and which ones are not and we start to look at new commitments going forward.

Mercury in Capricorn is going to ask us to get practical about the fundamentals: home & work and the self vs other balance, which means it is time to check-in with your choices & commitments and the state of mind you were in when you made them. It is going to ask you to check-in with the structure & viability of your ideas, thoughts & concepts. And then it is going to Retrograde (12/12), asking us to review & revise our thinking where our choices & commitments are concerned so we can go forward with renewed faith in an expanded vision that can be activated in the new year, and that is when we can confidently step into a New Narrative, rooted in more personal integrity and creative longevity.
DATES to Remember:
Mercury Enters SAG  ::  11.10.2023
Mercury Enters CAPRICORN  ::  12.1.2023
Mercury Rx 8* CAPRICORN  ::  12.12.2023
Mercury Rx RE-Enters SAG  ::  12.23.2023
Mercury Direct 22* SAG  ::  1.1.2024
Mercury RE-Enters CAPRICORN  ::  1.13.2024
Mercury Enters AQUARIUS  ::  2.5.2024

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12/2  ::  Mercury (communication) ~sextile~ Saturn (responsibility):
This energy is really good for being able to objectively see what needs to be changed, fixed or stabilized in your life or environment. One expression of this energy is a tendency toward depression or apathy, but a better expression would be facing what needs to be done and following through on anything that you have already begun. You may feel the need to organize things at home or work, or perhaps take a class or workshop of some sort that will help you attain your current goals. Either way, be focused but not too serious – balance in all things. It’s when you focus on the lack and limitation that you can feel overwhelmed and sometimes helpless. That’s not the point of this energy. It’s just time to take any ‘rose-colored glasses’ off, do some serious thinking, tend to the details, take stock, assess the value of your ideas and make changes accordingly.

Monthly Soul Sisters Circle
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