Jan 14 – 20, 2024 :: Forecast :: Events :: Resources
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Gratitude for Survey
I am so grateful to all of you who took my Social Media Survey! I’m also glad to see how many of you prefer the Direct-Connect like I do and you already go to my websites to connect with me. KarmicTools.com has my Readings, Classes & Live Circles and KellyMBeard.com has my Blog, Soul Sisters Circle Details, Animal Medicine, FREE Community Events & Resources. I didn’t mean to end up having two sites but KarmicTools is actually my teaching platform where all my classes are housed and KellyMBeard is home base. Anyway, I just wanted to say that your feedback has been invaluable as I decide about the changes that I am contemplating. To that end, the very BEST way to ensure that you and I stay connected, is to sign up for my eList HERE. It is not mandatory, but I have asked for your local city/state and your phone number for two reasons: one is that I will probably be traveling more and want to be able to connect with you in-person and the reason for the phone number is just to ensure that we do not lose touch if something weird happens on the internet. I absolutely know that some of you would lose your sh*t if I just “disappeared” so this way we can stay in touch. Honestly, in the old days, we did not have any of this and I was still able to do readings and have live circles and we just used printouts and recordings (albeit on CD) but still – Old School WORKS!! All that said, I have decided to let go of Instagram and keep Youtube & Podcasts for right now. Those of you already on my eList can Update Your Profile (bottom of any Kelly-email) – where you can also manage whether you hear from me once a week or once a month.
1/15 :: Sun (core essential Self) ~sextile~ Neptune (vision & imagination):
This energy prompts a momentary dissolution of the ego, allowing your Authentic SoulSelf to radiate outward to all! It directs attention towards your spiritual center, urging an assessment of its supportiveness. If you have drifted from your spiritual practice, this energy facilitates a smoother reconnection with your spirit, intuition, and life’s purpose. It invites you to recognize where your contributions hold significant value by considering the needs of others beyond yourself. Discovering a need and addressing it in your own distinct and delightful way becomes more natural during this influence, fostering a more generous and compassionate disposition. Your physical energy may be low as a result of Neptune channeling the Sun’s Source Energy inwardly to re-charge your Spirit. Otherwise, it could be projections of all kinds, yours and other people’s as well. Best to spend some Intentional Solitude, preferably in Nature if/when/where possible.
1/18 :: Mercury (communication) ~sextile~ Saturn (responsibility):
(3 of 3: 12/2 :: 12/21 :: 1/18)
This energetic phase offers a valuable opportunity to objectively observe what requires alteration, repair, or grounding within your own life or environment. Sometimes, this energy can lead to feelings of despondency or apathy, but a more empowering approach involves squarely facing what needs attention and persevering with the tasks that you have already initiated. You might sense a pull to organize your home or workplace or feel drawn to participate in a class or workshop aligning with your current aspirations. Maintain focus without becoming overly serious—remember, balance is the key in all endeavors. Focusing solely on scarcity and restrictions can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed and sometimes a sense of powerlessness, which isn’t the essence of this energy. Instead, it is an invitation to discard any overly optimistic perspectives, engage in thoughtful contemplation, attend to the finer details, take inventory, evaluate the worth of your ideas, and make adjustments accordingly. Embrace this time as an opportunity for clear-sightedness, acknowledging what requires attention and taking intentional steps toward improvement. It is about cultivating a balanced approach that considers both the challenges and the potentials for growth.
Part 2 :: Mercury Retro EARTH/FIRE 2024
THUR/Jan 18th
8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
Register HERE :: Donate HERE (Sug. $22)
All who Register or Donate will Receive the Replay, Tools + Resources.
All who Submit Birth Date/Time/Place will Receive
an additional email with their Personal Activations.
1/19 :: Mercury (learning & mind) ~trine~ Jupiter (education & consciousness):
(3 of 3: 12/7 :: 12/18 :: 1/19)
This activation offers a splendid opportunity to broaden your horizons, delve into new learning endeavors, or enroll in a class or workshop. It is a moment to lay the groundwork for future plans and begin organizing your aspirations. However, you might find yourself feeling less tethered to discipline and more drawn to creative impulses. While this creative surge at the outset is beneficial, eventually, focus and discipline becomes essential to anchor your blossoming ideas, thoughts, or concepts into reality. If you remain self-aware, awake, and attentive, you will be able to naturally discern, see and seize the opportunities as they present themselves. What might seem like “luck” to some, is actually a reflection of your own inner alignment with the universal forces, your presence within your own body, a positive mindset, and, ultimately, trust in your own instincts. Remember, it’s about practice; perfection is not the goal – wholeness is! Cultivating optimism and perceiving opportunities in every experience act as a magnet for positivity while naturally repelling negativity, steering you toward your desired destination. Seize this auspicious energy to forge connections that align with your current aspirations and intentions in life.
1/19 :: Venus (finances & relationships) ~square~ Neptune (illusions & boundaries):
This energy serves as a conduit for creative inspiration. If you possess any artistic inclinations, you will find access to a potent energy that could lead to the creation of something truly remarkable. Delve deep and allow your creative essence to flow freely! At the same time, this energy might challenge relationships—both personal and professional—to ground themselves in more authenticity & integrity. Relationships lacking a solid foundation are likely to dissolve under this influence. When Neptune exerts its influence, it alters our perception, often illuminating potential rather than the actual reality. It is a time to detach and trust in the unfolding journey. If a relationship concludes under this influence, it is not necessarily negative; rather, it suggests that it may never have been firmly established from the start. Embrace gratitude and move forward. This activation aims to harmonize your genuine values & priorities with the vision held in your mind & heart. However, expanding your consciousness is necessary. Trust your inner guidance and take practical steps forward, aligning your actions with your newfound understanding.
1/20 :: Sun (source & essential Self) ~conjunct~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
This energy evokes a famous quote, “circumstances don’t make a man, they reveal him.” As the Sun (representing the ego) aligns with transformative Pluto, you may emerge as a different individual once this intense fusion dissipates (they meet annually). Pluto has a knack for bringing forth neglected or buried aspects of ourselves up and into the light, a process that can be miraculous, challenging and also a completely natural part of your individual growth. This alignment grants you increased access to your own source energy (Sun) as well as the capacity to transcend your past self, embracing the essence of who you are evolving into. Bringing hidden facets into the light leads to profound revelations that inspire you to question your assumptions about your own identity and what you aspire to express in this lifetime. It is a chance for inner rebirth or to illuminate and heal your deepest, darkest corners with universal light. This initiation often necessitates a release or sacrifice, fostering growth that allows you to blossom in more authentic ways. Responsibly directing the concentrated power of Pluto is crucial during this time, as it can provoke power struggles or violent projections. It is wise to pick your battles, as not everyone welcomes Light in their dark places. This period prompts introspection about the worth of the sacrifices you are or have made recently. Relationships can undergo strain due to the raw truths surfacing from the soul, yet it also presents an opportunity to address underlying issues. Think of it as being akin to the Tower card in the Tarot—it is not always about destruction but transformation into a new form. Remember, breakdowns often precede breakthroughs!
1/20 :: Pluto RE-Enters AQUARIUS (until Sept 1st):
Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2044 :: It is going to take a year or two to fully enter Aquarius so this is a process but here is what we have to look forward to. This is a Collective Planet that moves in an erratic orb, spending 10-35 years in a Sign. As of the 1980’s, when Pluto was in its home Sign of Scorpio, it was at the short-end, spending about 10-12 years there revealing the Underworld of sex, death, power, money, secrets & resources. Lots of “power behind the power” during that decade that got exposed. Then in the 1990’s, Pluto moved through Sagittarius, revealing all the erosion & toxicity of the Vatican and organized religion went through a complete upheaval. Then Pluto started extending its stay (in Sag for 13-years). And extending it again by spending 16-years in Capricorn during 2008-2024, where we are right now, where we have witnessed the crumble of institutions, government, health care, education and most social systems that are now having to be re-imagined & reborn. In Capricorn, we see the price of giving away our power & inner authority to outer structures or systems. So now, moving into 20-years of Aquarius is shifting the purification & transformative process onto humanity, technology & the future.
This is a mixed blessing, as with all alignments, there is a Light & Shadow Expression. The blessing of Pluto moving through Aquarius is the mass-awakening of humanity on some level. The old ways no longer work and where we have been trapped in *survival mode*, we now have to consider the future of the next 7-generations. Our choices directly affect them and power is shifting from the old school, controlling patriarchy – the few who want to horde the resources & control the many to the new school, progressive, future-oriented Aquarius that wants more community, collaboration & equal distribution of resources to those who need it most. We get super-inventive & creative when shifting big cycles like this.
Can you feel it? Jupiter & Saturn kick off a new 20-year cycle in Aquarius and that kicked off a 200-year cycle of the Air Element. Venus & Mars kicked off a new cycle of integration of our Sacred Feminine & Masculine that is more progressive & collaborative. Now, Pluto moves into Aquarius kicking off its own kind of 250-year cycle. This feels like on-the-ground entrance into the 2500-year Aquarian Age. At a minimum, Pluto’s ingress will seal the deal of utter transformation & rebirth in our Aquarius Depts, as individuals. But remember, this is a low ‘n slow kind of cooking that Pluto will do over the next 20-years. As with any healing or transformation, we have to purify first, then we can heal, then we can restore – it is a PROCESS.
Another blessing of Pluto in Aquarius is that we may shift to a higher form of communal living where we share resources and are responsible for our own communities. This progressive energy sees the value & longevity possible when we share the work as well as the rewards. There is value to offering your unique contribution and working together as a team for the greater good but for the powers that be, who want clones & drones instead of critical, creative thinking humans, this is threatening. And nothing worthwhile is ever easy or simple. This is a radical shift to a new way of working together, using technology to serve its true purpose (not run the world) but of freeing us up to be more creative individuals. This is when our innovation goes through the roof, partly by those breaking the rules and liberating old consciousness but also partly by that old saying “need is the mother of all invention”. We “need” a new way that is more life-affirming & sustainable. And in order to combat some of the consumption & waste, we are going to have to literally invent new things to help us move forward.
The Shadow side of Pluto in Aquarius is embodied by those who would enslave us with technology, blurring the lines between human nature and the nature of technology. One operates on organic, evolutionary responsiveness and the other is programmed & disconnected from the multi-dimensionality of Earthly existence. How do you “blend” that without annihilating one or the other or both? This is the cold, detached rulers overseeing the minions they feel entitled to control, exploit & manipulate for personal gain. Pluto in Aquarius over the years, coincides with huge battles over slavery & human trafficking and here we are with this “up” again. We must be vigilant about preventing another era of global slavery, oppression & manual labor that allows their technologies to continue sucking Mother Earth of Her resources and expanding unabated until they take over. Then, we have altered the organic nature of Earth and Her creatures which naturally in habit this planet – humanity being one of those creatures.
We, like Mother Earth, are regenerative creatures, however, it takes us some time to go from idea-into-form depending on what you are creating. So let’s use the purifying power of Pluto to distill our Aquarian Dreams back to their original essence – one that is inclusive, sustainable and good for ALL Life on this planet. Let’s lead by example and work together to cultivate thriving communities that work well together and no longer require “overlords” “bosses” or “authority figures” to run our lives for us – we will become self-sustaining – with the help of some technology and whole lot of community!
One last note, this will be particularly intense for any Aquarius/Leo or Taurus/Scorpio energies in your chart so take it easy and pace yourself as transformation is a journey, not a destination.
Cathy Pagano is hosting a FREE Zoom on Pluto in Aquarius – she says, “look at the potentials of this pass of Pluto through Aquarius (2023-2043) and to go back to its last pass through Aquarius in 1778-1797 to see if you had a past life during those interesting times. If you weren’t in America during the American Revolution and after, you certainly had ancestors who lived during those decades in the countries of your origins, where many other revolutions were taking place. What ideas, beliefs and concerns did you/they have then and what information can you bring forward to help you in the coming years. I’m hoping this will be an interesting and fun way to welcome in Pluto to Aquarius this year. It’s interesting that Pluto makes one more retrograde back into Capricorn (sign of government, financial institutions, social organizations) just before the U.S. election.”
Pluto in Aquarius :: EVENT w. Cathy Pagano
SAT/Jan 20th @4pm (eastern)
Register HERE
Check Out Cathy’s Books
Wisdom’s Daughters HERE :: Aphrodite HERE
2024 Elements of Ritual CLASS
8-wks :: Saturdays :: 1-2:30pm (pacific)
Click HERE for Details + Registration ($535)
Astro 101 :: Health, Wealth & Knowledge of Self CLASS
Learn Basic Astrology Through the Lens of Your Own Blueprint
Details & Registration HERE :: $333 / 8-wk Class
8-wks :: Tuesdays :: 7-9pm (eastern)
Soul Sisters :: Monthly CIRCLE
Tools + Replay :: NOW Available
Register & Donate HERE ($25)
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MERCURY Personal Activations
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or Annual Bundle :: HERE ($75)
VENUS Personal Activations
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BONUS :: Venus Circle Replay + Tools
MARS Personal Activations
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