April 21 – 28, 2024 :: Forecast :: Events :: New Class!
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4/21 :: Sun (illumination & identity) ~square~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
This is a challenge to grow out of your comfort zone and into new territory. That said, Pluto has been in Capricorn during 2008-2024, so twice a year for these 16-years, when the Sun is in Aries (Spring) and Libra (Fall), we get an opportunity to grow & change in the fundamental departments of life: self vs other and home vs work. In this case, and during these years, we are literally changing how we do ALL of this. Each year builds on the previous and we are now on the other side of this process of transformation – which is an incredibly potent point in time & space. It is here that you really decide what you would like to get out of your conscious efforts and sincere dedication. This week is special because this is only the second time these two have gotten together like this (Taurus/Aquarius) as Pluto is still dancing on the edge between Capricorn & Aquarius. This is the Zero Point of Possibilities as they both dip a toe into new terrain this week. This is the Sun’s Annual Re-Birthday in Taurus but Pluto hasn’t been at 0-1* Aquarius in almost 250-years. Also, as stated above, this will now begin to shift the growth & evolution from April & Oct to May & Nov when the Sun is in Taurus (Late Spring) or Scorpio (Late Fall). It will shift from Cardinal/Fundamentals, to Fixed/Values & Resources. And every year, for the next 20-years, we will get our adjustments, transformations & purifications in these new Departments of Life (Houses). This is just a sneak-peek so feel into how you have evolved as an individual and thus, how your relationships have evolved. And then feel into how you want to live differently, more naturally and more in-alignment with your SoulSelf going forward. What changes & adjustments will you have to make in order to live this Next Level more embodied, present & grounded in your own reality?
Sun helps us clarify and when working with Pluto, it is usually what is NOT working, what has run its course and is ready to be composted into new Life, new growth and a new direction (for Self). Pluto is the Purifier, distilling things back to their true & original essence, fight that and it can be painful, work with it consciously and it can be transformative and will heal at the deepest root of any challenge. You can use this activation to honor that which has become obvious, or is highlighted in the here & now and purge or purify this energy. You are deeply supported for releasing old patterns and setting new conscious practices into action. Tie up any loose ends, close multiple chapters, mourn if you must and then, move on. As you do that, you will feel lighter & brighter and more grounded in your true Self, your evolved Self.
4/21 :: Juno Direct in VIRGO (until Aug 9th):
Juno, the Divine Consort, governing our most vital connections and profound commitments has been traversing through Virgo’s realm, helping us to evaluate the health & vitality of our present relationships, especially those of an intimate nature. This energy ignites a desire to dedicate effort toward self-improvement and nurturing deeper connections. When focused inward, this energy fosters healing & wholeness within the Self. However, when directed toward relationships, it demands careful consideration to tread the delicate line between keen observation and being critical or judgmental (Shadow Virgo). Juno’s cycle spans 4-5 years, and moving through Virgo prompts a commitment to your own personal well-being and holistic health, fortifying oneself for the alliances and partnerships desired in life or at this time.
With Juno lingering in Virgo for 10-months, she prompts an unprecedented restructuring of this Area of Life (your Virgo House). This entails challenging your Gemini/Sagittarius aspects to venture beyond their comfort zones into uncharted territories, while calling for integration in your Pisces realm in order to accommodate this rebirth in the Virgo sphere. This journey commences with redefining boundaries within your inner circle & primary relationships. As you evolve, those around you must adapt or naturally move away. This prolonged presence in Virgo upgrades your systems for living, particularly intimate partnerships, as you scrutinize their necessity & actual functionality. It prompts an evaluation: do they serve their purpose, and if not, how can they be repaired or gracefully released.
Now that it’s going Direct, what seemed fuzzy & unclear may suddenly snap into focus for you as your systems let you know how much they can & cannot handle, as well as what’s truly healthy for you, the individual. Now, you will start to be more practical & discerning about who you get intimate with, physically or otherwise. Now, you will be more vigilant about your personal boundaries, which will push all your relationships to adapt & adjust to this new level of self-containment within you. Start setting up new rhythms & routines that allow you to recharge & replenish your energy before engaging with others.
Dates to Remember:
Enters VIRGO = Oct 17, 2023
Retro = 21* VIRGO = Jan 12, 2024
Direct = 6* VIRGO = April 21, 2024
Enters LIBRA = Aug 9, 2024
4/23 :: SCORPIO Full Moon:
The Scorpio Full Moon always shines a bright light on that which we may have overlooked, suppressed or postponed that will no longer remain hidden. Any Scorpio Moon can be very emotionally intense to experience and navigate, so rather than let it plunge you to the depths of the Underworld, try to consciously choose an aspect of your Being or your life that you are ready, willing and finally, able to truly *release* and ask that the Universe support this process with ease & grace. Humans are creatures of habit and generally, resist letting go but honestly, that will only intensify & prolong any pain that you may already be experiencing. Take your power back by choosing to allow whatever it is to go from your life so that it can either – come back in a higher, purified form or something even better can grow up in its place that would better suit your needs at this time anyway. Remember, Scorpio is RAW Truth, don’t try to make sense of it until next month (when the Sag Full Moon brings in the Higher Truth), right now, just work on surrender & acceptance as well as reclaiming your own power to direct your life.
This is a potent time for consciously co-creating with the Life/Death/Life Cycle. What in/around you needs to “die” so that something new can be seeded to come into existence? This Full Moon asks you to define your deepest, core values (Taurus) and then asks: What are you willing to sacrifice (Scorpio/Power) for something of greater value to you (Taurus/Garden)? This Scorpio Full Moon will reveal many things and connect you to your own Soul’s desires, as well as fears, catalyzing the deepest of all surrenders. Some aspect of life has truly died, but only in the way that it creates space & nutrient for new life to take root. Scorpio Full Moon gives you a chance to release or compost whatever has outgrown its natural lifespan. Take some time to *cleanse & purify* your system of all that has grown toxic or run its natural course. Use this energy to release waste, debris & the nonessential and use the light of the Full Moon to bathe yourself with new life, vitality & power.
APRIL 2024 :: Burden Burning Ritual
with YeYe Luisah Teish
TUE/April 23rd
@7pm (eastern) / @4pm (pacific)
Join YeYe’s Patreon for $25+ HERE
4/25 :: Mercury Direct in ARIES (until May 15th):
Mercury moving through Aries tends to make us think more instinctively. This is a mixed blessing. On one hand, you can take in a lot of information and easily sort & sift it based on what your immediate needs are but on the other hand, it can make you jump the gun without thinking things all the way through because you are reacting instead of responding. Reacting comes from the Head and Responding comes from the Heart. It is best to use this energy to dig into your own ideas & motivations – WHY do you want what you want? Why are you thinking the way you do? What is motivating your ideas, thoughts & concepts? Also, because it is Spring, it is time to think about which ideas will best serve your personal needs and professional goals in the coming year so it is another one of those times where I remind you that this kind of self-centeredness is not based in ego but is essential to how you make your choices & decisions every day. If you do not look out for your own ideas and/or personal needs, then who will? You can also keep in mind that Libra energy balances out Aries energy, so make sure that your ideas create win/win situations where your needs are met and you are still being of service to others in a meaningful way.
Your thinking has been rearranged in this Aries Department and now, as it goes Direct, you will start to act on these new ideas & concepts. Just remember to keep tapping into your instincts & intuition before taking action. Clarify & Confirm with your Spirit Team and then go for it! A New You – or at least, some new way of expressing – is emerging – make sure it is a true representation of what you think or what you are creating and wanting to express.
Monthly VENUS Circle
TAURUS :: SOUL Star Chakra/Release
THUR/April 25th
@8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
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Monthly SOUL Sisters Circle
NEXT Live Event:
WED/May 1st
@8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
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Monthly SOUL Sisters Circle
Replay + Tools :: NOW Available
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ASTRO 101 Class
8-Weeks :: $333 :: Now Re-Scheduled for JULY/AUG 2024
Click HERE for Details & Registration
*Pre-Requisite = Reading w. Kelly
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