May 26 – June 1, 2024 :: Forecast, Events + Resources

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

May 26 – June 1, 2024 :: Forecast, Events + Resources

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

Podcast  ::  AUDIO Only  HERE  (9-min)

JUNE  2024  ::  GEMINI  Monthly Missive  HERE
  (8-min)  ::  Join eList  HERE

38-min Audio HERE

5/27  ::  Mercury (communication) ~sextile~ Saturn (responsibility):
This energetic phase offers a valuable opportunity to objectively observe what requires alteration, repair, or grounding within your own life or environment. Sometimes, this energy can lead to feelings of despondency or apathy, but a more empowering approach involves squarely facing what needs attention and persevering with the tasks that you have already initiated. You might sense a pull to organize your home or workplace or feel drawn to participate in a class or workshop aligning with your current aspirations. Maintain focus without becoming overly serious—remember, balance is the key in all endeavors. Focusing solely on scarcity and restrictions can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed and sometimes a sense of powerlessness, which isn’t the essence of this energy. Instead, it is an invitation to discard any overly optimistic perspectives, engage in thoughtful contemplation, attend to the finer details, take personal inventory, evaluate the worth of your ideas, and make adjustments accordingly. Embrace this time as an opportunity for clear-sightedness, acknowledging what requires attention and taking intentional steps toward improvement. It is about cultivating a balanced approach that considers both the challenges and the potentials for growth.

Monthly VENUS Circle
GEMINI  ::  OUTER Initiation/Reclamation
THUR/May 30th
@8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
Drop-IN HERE  ::  Subscribe HERE ($25/mo)

Donate via Paypal/Venmo/Zelle  ($150)
Paypal/Zelle = KellyMBeard @ gmail / Venmo = Kelly-Beard-52

5/31  ::  Mercury (ideas & thinking) ~conjunct~ Uranus (change & awakening):
It is said that this energy depends on your “normal mental speed” which is not the same as intelligence. If you are naturally quick-witted, expect a surge of insights & ah-ha moments during this phase. Uranus acts like a flash of lightning, illuminating your most unique brilliance & deepest insights but you have to work to remember them so that you can act on them in the future. We are awakened to a new level of consciousness and it is best not to fall back into old thinking or old consciousness at this time. These awakenings can liberate you, but being clear, organized & decisive is going to be necessary to get all the benefits. Engaging in like-minded discussions can be incredibly enlightening, educational & invigorating, which will broaden your own perspective, as well as those of others. For some, this period can spark intuitive awakenings that connect you to your own true Inner Knowing and activates super-creativity. However, beware of hypersensitivity and premature conclusions. Validate insights before activating any plans to incorporate them. The risk of an overtaxed nervous system looms, so seek grounding in Nature, under the sky, on the mountain or by the beach. Embrace revelations, noting them down for future reference, as they often hold hidden treasures for later exploration.

Monthly SOUL Sisters Circle
NEXT LIVE Event  ::  THUR/May 30th
Register & Donate  HERE  ($25)

ASTRO 101 Class
8-Weeks  ::  TUESDAYS  ::  JULY/AUG 2024

Click HERE for Details & Registration  ($333)
*Pre-Requisite  =  Reading w. Kelly

Power Circle SUBSCRIPTION  ::  Monthly or Annual
NEW Monthly Tool  ::  Details HERE  :: 
Monthly SUB HERE  ::  Annual SUB HERE  ($99/Save $20)

2-for-1  ::  Astro Cycles  ::  Tarot Reading
New Clients HERE
  ($200)  ::  Previous Clients HERE  ($150)

Horizontal-Line* * Copyright © 2000-2024 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute
Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that
it’s distributed freely, content remains intact
and includes contact/link back to post.