May 5 – 11, 2024 :: Forecast :: Events :: Resources

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

May 5 – 11, 2024 :: Forecast :: Events :: Resources

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

Podcast  ::  AUDIO Only  HERE  (17-min)

MAY 2024  ::  TAURUS Monthly Missive  HERE
  (8-min)  ::  Join eList  HERE

Sacred Union
Gifts & Abundance
Freedom & Responsibility
New Bonds & Attachments
Ripening, Blossoming & Fruition
Celebration of Sexuality & Sensuality

Beltane :: Cross Quarter :: Taurus Gate of Power :: This is an Infinitely potent time ~ it is an “in between” place, also referred to as the *Sweet Spot* – that very thin membrane between *Seed & New Life … between Spring Equinox (seed) & Summer Solstice (new life). It reminds us of the beauty & sustenance Mother Earth has always provided, not just for humans, but for all life on this planet. It is time to tune-in, harmonize & synchronize your rhythm with Nature’s rhythm. Just like we invite the Invisible Assistance & Ancestors during Samhain, the Scorpio Cross Quarter/Gate of Power in Nov, which honors Death (in the Life/Death/Life Cycle), we can now invite the Elementals, Nature Spirits, Devas and the Plant Kingdom into conscious collaboration, honoring their teachings & sacrifices made to assist, feed & support life on this planet in ways humans may not always be capable of. Beltane marks the beginning of Summer, life is bursting forth, initial work is done and this is a time to celebrate fertility, abundance and our relationship to Mother. It is a time to celebrate all that you have created and contributed to, while mindfully preserving *Life* along the way. Ritual, dance, drumming, toning and/or chanting are always used in celebrations of Earth and Her bounty, as is wearing or surrounding your Self with Green: the color of Life ~ Love ~ and the Heart Chakra.

Seasonal SOUL Sisters Circle  ::  Community Event
MAY 2024  ::  TAURUS Gate of Power  ::  FIRE Ceremony
MidPoint between Spring & Summer
NEXT Live Event  ::  MON/May 6th
@9pm (eastern) / 6pm (pacific)
Register HERE & Donate  HERE  (Sug. $22)

MAY 2024  ::  Money Pouring Ritual
with YeYe Luisah Teish
TUE/May 7th
@7pm (eastern) / @4pm (pacific)
Join YeYe’s Patreon for $5+ HERE

5/7  ::  TAURUS New Moon:
Every year, at this time, we tend to our individual Gardens, that sacred place where everything we love has a place to grow, develop & bear fruit. What are you cultivating in your Garden at this time? This is always a chance to begin anew, anchoring the new ideas that just got activated with the Aries Super/New Moon – Solar Eclipse a month ago (4/8), while also practicing the new routines that will help manifest and sustain whatever you’re creating at this time. Taurus energy, whether beginning or completing, always gives you the opportunity to assess your priorities. What is REALLY important – right now? What nourishes, supports and sustains you right now? And because Venus is involved, I’d add “Who” as well ~ Who nourishes, supports and sustains you at this time? Taurus is all about what we *cultivate* so look at what worked and what didn’t over the last 6-months-to-a-year and note what *building materials* you have at this time that would assist you in creating, manifesting and/or magnetizing a comfortable & fulfilling existence that truly reflects what you believe you are worth.

The Taurus Lesson/Energy is not so much about “waiting” as it is about slowing down to consciously cultivate and co-create with the energy, resources & opportunities presenting themselves at this time. Internally, you can anchor the aspects of the New Identity (Aries) recently activated, these are the aspects of self which you feel will support & sustain you going forward in this brand new territory. Whether energetically “new territory” or actual physical, literal “new territory” – we are all on some new ground. This is the time of year to renew your commitment and dedication to living the life that you need, desire & deserve. Take stock of what you have released, as well as what you have acquired over the last year, give appreciation for ALL, then truly detach because you are worth so much MORE! There’s NEW energy & support available, and because your *values & priorities* have permanently shifted over the last year, it is good to reflect on what deeply supports who you are, here & now. What feeds, nourishes, supports & protects your NEW desires? NEW values? NEW priorities? What kind of energy, relationships & circumstances are you magnetizing? What kind are you repelling? How often do you tune-in to honor the beauty & abundance surrounding you, as well as within you? Gratitude unlocks energy and connects you to new resources. So use this Taurus New Moon to plant the seeds of well-being & abundance in your Garden this year.

5/7  ::  Sun (source & essential Self) ~sextile~ Saturn (organization & structure):
This current energy encourages a deeper commitment to organization and order in your life & environment, especially as the Sun brings forth much-needed clarity. Saturn’s involvement signals that practical, responsible actions lead to rewarding outcomes. Conversely, neglect or leaving matters unresolved may swiftly incur consequences, which can be a form of instant karma. Even if faced with such energies or challenges, it is vital to perceive them not as personal reprimands but as Saturn’s way of illuminating your current limitations in the here & now. Understanding these limitations proves invaluable when making choices & decisions about the future. This activation grants access to self-discipline and the capacity to thoroughly explore & contemplate all available options before reaching a decision. It is an opportune period to concentrate on professional aspirations and construct or clarify an achievable blueprint for the future. Seeking guidance from a trusted, knowledgeable elder—one possessing more wisdom and experience than you currently possess—can be immensely beneficial. If direct action toward your goals is not feasible today, invest time in meditation, mentally & visually connecting with your plan & strategy.

NOTE: I swapped May & June Monthly Community Calls so that we cover Venus first. We have a full year to deal with Jupiter but this is a special time in the Venus Cycle so on May 9th, the Power Circle Community Event will be around the Venus Cycle and next month, on June 6th, we will cover Jupiter in Gemini for 2024-25. Every time we hit the MidPoint in the Venus Cycle, we have a wave of new folks that come into the Venus Circle (and hopefully stay with it into the new cycle) so I highly recommend getting the Venus Reading + Custom Guide to cover you for the rest of this cycle and, if you like community, then the Venus Circle is great to support you each month as you navigate the coming Reclamation part of the cycle.

Monthly POWER Circle  ::  Community Event
Venus Cycle MidPoint in GEMINI
THUR/May 9th
8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
Register HERE  ::  Donate via Paypal/Venmo/Zelle  (Sug. $22)
Paypal/Zelle = KellyMBeard @ gmail / Venmo = Kelly-Beard-52

All who Register or Donate will Receive the Replay, Tools + Resources.
All who Submit Birth Date/Time/Place will Receive
an additional email with their Personal Activations.

Click HERE to Order Reading + Custom Guide  ($200)

Click HERE for Details + Registration

Click HERE for Details + Registration

When You Join Elements 1 or 2  ::  You Get Bonus Events w. YeYe & Kelly
2 – New Moon Money Pouring Ritual w. YeYe & Kelly (Taurus/Gemini)
2 – Full Moon Burden Burning Ritual w. YeYe & Kelly (Sag/Capricorn)
2 – Astro Community Events w. Kelly (Jupiter & Venus in Gemini)
2 – Sacred Fire Ceremonies w. Kelly (Taurus Gate + Summer Solstice)
2 – Animal Medicine Calls w. Kelly (Buffalo & Wolf)
($200 Value)

Monthly SOUL Sisters Circle
REPLAY + TOOLS  ::  Available NOW
Register & Donate  HERE  ($25)

ASTRO 101 Class
8-Weeks  ::  $333  ::  Now Scheduled for JULY/AUG 2024

Click HERE for Details & Registration
*Pre-Requisite  =  Reading w. Kelly

Power Circle SUBSCRIPTION  ::  Monthly or Annual
NEW Monthly Tool  ::  Details HERE  :: 
Monthly SUB HERE  ::  Annual SUB HERE  ($99/Save $20)

MARS  Personal Activations  ::  Monthly or Quarterly
Order One Set  ::  HERE
  ($25) or
3-Month Bundle  ::  HERE  ($75)

VENUS  Personal Activations  ::  Monthly or Quarterly
Order One Set  ::  HERE
  ($25) or
3-Month Bundle  ::  HERE  ($75)
BONUS  ::  Venus Circle Replay + Tools

MERCURY  Personal Activations  ::  Monthly or Quarterly
Order One Set  ::  HERE
or Annual Bundle  ::  HERE  ($75)

2-for-1  ::  Astro Cycles  ::  Tarot Reading
New Clients HERE
  ($200)  ::  Previous Clients HERE  ($150)

Horizontal-Line* * Copyright © 2000-2024 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute
Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that
it’s distributed freely, content remains intact
and includes contact/link back to post.