June 30 – July 6, 2024 :: Forecast :: Events :: Resources
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7/1 :: Neptune Retro in PISCES (until Dec 7th):
Where the Moon represents the individual womb energy, Neptune represents the collective womb experience on a much higher level. So as a whole, we are all returning to the womb at this time, essentially preparing for (yet another) rebirth. It’s not going to be as tangible as some would prefer, from Neptune comes all things formless but very, very real – subconscious, dreams, magic, music, art, etc. While the ‘womb’ was the Source of nourishment & protection at one time, we annually renew that connection through the Neptune Retro. It’s time to check-in on the relationship between your Spirit and your Human form. Every year, we are supported to renew that which supports us on a spiritual level. It is where you need to return periodically for strength, nourishment & wisdom. The more regularly you are able to do this, the stronger the connection to your Spirit and true Purpose. When Neptune Retrogrades, it may be less shocking than Uranus or Pluto, but no less effective. It’s primary goal during a Retrograde is to gently dissolve personal boundaries and remind you that you are an Eternal Spirit in a Temporary Form. You start to realize that you are connected to the whole. Not a bad idea, but to some, it can be unsettling if they are rigidly holding onto the boundaries of a false sense of security. Where you might pursue your dreams & visions when it’s Direct, when it’s Retrograding, be creative, read, write, sing, dance – in private – for your own pure joy & delight, as well as for cleansing & releasing purposes. In addition to dreaming for the community, dream for your deepest SoulSelf as well. Connect to that original intent; that original person you were born to be, before you were imprinted by your family, culture or environment. Original Intent. When you can over the next 5-months, take some time to get back to your Center and renew your connection to Great Spirit.
*Neptune is a collective planet, which means that all those born in a 14-year period have Neptune in the same Sign and will share this *spiritual connection*. Jamie of PandoraAstrology.com calls it the ‘shared dream’ of each generation and has a fantastic, short article on the generations HERE.
7/2 :: Mercury (ideas & thoughts) ~trine~ Neptune (dreams & visions):
This energy ignites your creative fire, faith and revelations. You may notice yourself drifting aimlessly without conscious direction, yet this fusion offers a unique opportunity to tap into alternate realms for intelligence, vision, inspiration and insight. Embrace this period as a chance to freely explore ideas and information, allowing them to flow unrestricted, leading you to unforeseen possibilities. Rather than engaging in pragmatic analysis, it is a time to delve into the Infinite potential of now and delve deeper into your own consciousness. You might experience heightened sensitivity, becoming receptive to information or awareness not usually this easily accessible. It is essential to maintain strong, healthy boundaries while opening up to this mystical vibe. If you find yourself amidst others, strive to preserve the magical and creative ambiance that best complements this energy’s essence.
7/2 :: Venus (values & priorities) ~trine~ Saturn (stability & endurance):
During this activation, an effortless and harmonious energy prevails, offering you fertile ground to conscientiously engage with, which can lead to remarkable and palpable outcomes. It is an opportune moment to crystallize your vision and clarify your definitions within the realm of relationships, for at this time, your values & priorities are distinctly illuminated. Drawing from your past positive choices and endeavors, you can anticipate positive benefits and well-deserved rewards heading your way. If you have sidestepped your responsibilities in any relationships, be they public or private, this energy provides a chance to realign, offering a smoother course, unlike the challenges typically associated with Saturn’s influence. Practicality regarding your limitations and a realistic evaluation of others’ contributions are keys to leveraging this energy. It supports discussions aimed at progress, growth, or elevating to a higher collective level, which can also foster teamwork and a sense of kinship. Engaging in strategic planning for the future, delineating a vision that safeguards and nurtures all involved, and honoring the vital essence of life pulsating through these interactions find profound support through this harmonious alignment. Venus embodies the energies of love, money & magnetics, and Saturn advocates for an objective and somewhat conservative approach to both your relationships & finances. Given this fusion of potent energies, I recommend outlining realistic relationship or financial goals spanning the next 3, 6, 9, or 12 months as a guiding compass for this time.
7/2 :: Mercury Enters LEO (until July 25th):
As Mercury moves into Leo, we get to be more creative and make new connections to how we’d like to express ourselves. This year more than ever, it is time to “think with your feelings” – don’t let the Monkey Mind lead. Naturally, the external will begin to reflect the upgrade to your internal consciousness as you integrate all that you’ve learned in the last year or so. In Leo, we are deeply supported to activate our most unique genius & brilliant creativity or at least infuse our ideas with some new beauty, essence, love, light & truth. Get creative and be open, optimistic, playful & detached from outcome as you play with new ways of communicating with others and expressing your Self in a more authentic way. This is most relevant for those with strong Leo/Aquarius and Taurus/Scorpio energies in your chart.
Also note that Mercury is going to linger in Leo/Virgo this year, facilitating a deeper shift in those departments of life (Houses). This means that we are also getting some extra time, energy & space to re-think our creative projects. They may not reflect your Authentic Self as both you and how you express are both evolving or have evolved in big ways recently. Re-thinking if/when/how you have fun and integrate joy & playfulness into your life. These days, you have to really consciously make space for all that because modern culture keeps us all in ‘survival mode’, spinning in this monetary system. Use this extended stay to re-think the issues of your Leo House – and reflect on how you could express a whole new aspect of Self going forward in the Fall of this year.
DATES to Remember:
Mercury Enters LEO :: 7.2.2024
Mercury Enters VIRGO :: 7.25.2024
Mercury Retro 4* VIRGO :: 8.4.2024
Mercury Rx RE-Enters LEO :: 8.14.2024
Mercury Direct 21* LEO :: 8.28.2024
Mercury Direct RE-Enters VIRGO :: 9.9.2024
Mercury Enters LIBRA :: 9.26.2024
79-min AUDIO Podcast HERE
ASTRO 101 Class
8-Weeks :: TUESDAYS :: JULY/AUG 2024
Click HERE for Details & Registration ($333)
*Pre-Requisite = Reading w. Kelly
7/3 :: Mercury (communication & self-expression) ~oppose~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
This opposition highlights the clash between your conscious thoughts and your subconscious motivations, encouraging a profound exploration of the potency wielded by your mind and its ideas. Take a moment to ponder: how have your thoughts influenced the decisions that you have made in the past 6-months? Are you still governed by outdated ideas or negative thought patterns? Every opposition serves as an opportunity for genuine integration, emphasizing the ongoing necessity to harmonize our conscious and subconscious thinking, which impacts our daily decisions. Consider seeking counsel from a trusted advisor or a wise confidant to gain clarity on what aspects of self-sabotage your conscious mind is becoming aware of. This activation supports a thorough excavation, pulling out issues by their roots. Often, we tend to address the symptoms rather than the underlying causes of our inner unrest, yet Pluto will not allow such superficial treatment. It is an invitation to delve deeper, to acknowledge the inherent power residing within your heart and mind, and to discover a balanced center that nurtures inner tranquility while promoting outer effectiveness.
Monthly SOUL Sisters Circle
NEXT Live Event :: BEAR Medicine
WED/July 3rd
@8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
Register & Donate HERE ($25)
7/5 :: Mars (energy & actions) ~sextile~ Saturn (endurance & stability):
This energy offers a significant boost to your drive to establish stability on your own terms. You will find yourself more motivated to put in the necessary work & dedication, starting with meticulous planning followed by methodical execution. It is about both planning & action, and this combination can yield tangible results over time. The outcomes of your efforts or investments will directly reflect the energy that you have dedicated to stabilizing your life recently. Rather than suppressing this energy, it is crucial to direct it consciously. Excessive restriction & limitations may lead to explosive outcomes down the line, whereas patience & channeling this energy into cultivating a solid foundation will help you attain results and manifest your desires.
7.5.2024 :: CANCER New Moon:
This is a powerful opportunity to start anew in the Cancer Area of Life (House). We are getting a dose of New Beginning Energy that is so needed & necessary right now, considering the large-scale “endings” that we are also dealing with. This month gets personal, thanks to the watery, changeable Cancer vibe and the New Moon – they are helping us all seed a new consciousness, a new story and new ways of interacting with others. It is time to initiate something that you are willing to be responsible for nurturing to its full development and releasing to the Universe. Something born from YOU! Cancer is the BEST time to practice deep self-care so that you are a more reliable vehicle for bringing your creations to life! Where is the *Fertile Ground* in your life, environment or world, at this time? What personal tending is ‘up’ for you at this time? What basic fundamentals do you need in order to feel loved, supported, well-fed and cared for? Cancer/Capricorn both activate our lessons around the “basics” in life, emotional and physical security, food and shelter. It’s about feeling what needs to be done and then doing it, so don’t give-in to emotional overwhelm. Instead, as you develop a whole new way of containing, nurturing and protecting your life-force energy (fuel/what you eat or feed others), you are subsequently, honoring your own individual feelings and personal Nature. Remember, Cancer is how we feel on the inside, about the Capricorn Reality that we’re living on the outside so if there is a discrepancy, the New Moon is the time to go within and seed a new vision.
I would like to remind you to take some time during July/Aug this year to assess & integrate your own personal growth, development & direction for the year. Use this time to release ideas, people or situations which drain your lifeforce energy, dim your light or block your flow. In Cancer, you are reminded to check-in with your own natural rhythm and assess where you may have gotten off that rhythm and must re-set yourself this summer so that you can handle the upcoming Fall Harvest. How can you renew your dedication to a routine that nourishes, inspires & energizes you? How can you put your ideas & skills to good use in the world? Where are your gifts & talents needed, valued & honored? What nourishes your body, awakens your mind and feeds your soul? Check-in with your SoulSelf this summer – much of these very fundamental, basic things in our lives have changed and so have we!
To add to that, we are in the process of what I call the *Lunar Flip*. For the last 18-months, the Full Moon preceded the New Moon, creating a rhythm of having to complete, clear & release before seeding anything new. Now that rhythm is shifting to the New Moon preceding the Full Moon, which creates a rhythm of having to plant your seeds and walk by faith to the Full Moon, which usually shines a light on anything possibly blocking those New Moon Seeds from taking root and growing healthy & strong. This means that we may have to do some tweaks & adjustments before really launching anything new for the next 18-months.
We are going through two Capricorn Full Moon Releases to facilitate the Initiation at 14* Cancer in your chart. In other words, we have to release things from two different Areas of Life (Houses) so that something important can initiate properly. This is especially potent & transformative for anyone with strong Aries/Libra or Cancer/Capricorn.
JULY 2024 :: Money Pouring Ritual
with YeYe Luisah Teish
FRI/July 5th
@7pm (eastern) / @4pm (pacific)
Join YeYe’s Patreon for $5+ HERE
78-min AUDIO Podcast HERE
35-min AUDIO Podcast HERE
SUMMER Solstice :: FIRE Ceremony
REPLAY + TOOLS :: NOW Available
Register HERE :: Donate HERE (Sug. $22)
38-min AUDIO Podcast HERE
49-min AUDIO Podcast HERE
Power Circle :: Monthly Community Event
Jupiter in GEMINI – 2024-25
REPLAY, Tools + Activations :: NOW Available
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CANCER :: Energy of the Month :: Article/Post HERE
CANCER :: Assimilate & Eliminate :: Article/Post HERE
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