July 28 – Aug 3, 2024 :: Forecast :: Events :: Resources

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

July 28 – Aug 3, 2024 :: Forecast :: Events :: Resources

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

Podcast  ::  AUDIO Only  HERE  (13-min)

AUG  2024  ::  LEO  Monthly Missive  HERE
  (13-min)  ::  Join eList  HERE

8/2  ::  Venus (finances & relationships) ~square~ Uranus (change & liberation):
This represents an unforeseen test of growth—a fusion of Venus governing your values & priorities and an interaction with Uranus, symbolizing sudden and seemingly unexpected occurrences. Although it may feel spontaneous, it is actually an invitation to explore something “different” within your love life, finances, or relationships. Embracing a conscious effort to approach things in a completely new way holds the promise of valuable lessons and unexpected blessings. As revelations spark within you, the initial reactions or responses will likely emerge from those closest to you. If your relationships, whether personal or professional, have reached a juncture demanding change or closure, now is an opportune time to openly discuss these matters with detachment and objectivity. This energy might provoke a craving for excitement or a desire to shake things up in your relationships. However, it is also crucial to remain aware and considerate of others’ emotions, as they might not be receptive to the awakening or abrupt changes being activated within you. Alternatively, this energy can facilitate candid discussions, fostering agreements or compromises. Ultimately, this period tests your adaptability within relationships. The more rigid or attached you are to the status quo, the more disruptive this energy might seem. Flexibility becomes paramount in navigating and harmonizing amidst these potentially transformative moments.

LEO  ::  Energy of the Month  ::  Article/Post HERE
LEO  ::  It’s All About YOU!  ::  Article/Post HERE

AUG 2024  ::  Soul Sisters  ::  Seasonal Circle
LEO Gate of Power :: FIRE Ceremony
SUN/Aug 4th
@9pm (eastern) / 6pm (pacific)
Register HERE  (Sug. $22+)
Donate via Paypal/Venmo/Zelle

AUG 2024  ::  Soul Sisters  ::  Monthly Circle
DOLPHIN Medicine
WED/Aug 7th
@8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
Register & Donate HERE ($25)

AUG 2024  ::  Power Circle  ::  Monthly Community Event
Mars Retrograde in CANCER/LEO 2024
THUR/Aug 8th
8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
Register HERE (Sug. $22)
Donate via Paypal/Venmo/Zelle
All who Register or Donate will Receive the Replay, Tools + Resources.
All who Submit Birth Date/Time/Place will Receive
an additional email with their Personal Activations.

Click HERE  ::  Circle of Light MEDITATION   (23-min/mp3)

38-min AUDIO Podcast HERE

79-min AUDIO Podcast HERE

43-min Audio Podcast HERE

Register HERE  ::  Donate HERE
  (Sug. $22)

All who Register or Donate will Receive the Replay, Tools + Resources.
All who Submit Birth Date/Time/Place will Receive
an additional email with their Personal Activations.

49-min  AUDIO Podcast HERE

78-min AUDIO Podcast  HERE

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NEW Monthly Tool  ::  Details HERE  :: 
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Horizontal-Line* www.KarmicTools.com * Copyright © 2000-2024 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute
Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that
it’s distributed freely, content remains intact
and includes contact/link back to post.