Month: August 2024

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Aug 25 – 31, 2024 :: Forecast :: Events, Classes + Resources

8/26  ::  Ceres Direct in CAPRICORN (until Dec 7th):
Now that you have reviewed your life and how you have evolved in your own nurturing needs, you can start to consider how to go forward. This is yet another indication of initiating new ways of nourishing ourselves and nurturing others that is up for renewal.

Aug 18 – 24, 2024 :: Forecast :: Events, Classes + Resources

8/18  ::  Mercury Rx (lower mind & ideas) ~square~ Uranus (Higher Mind & awakening): (2 of 3: 7/21 :: 8/18 :: 9/6) This energy presents a challenge by urging you to broaden your consciousness, prompting a shift in your thinking or thought patterns and encouraging new & different responses to information, as it is presented.

Aug 11 – 17, 2024 :: Forecast :: Events, Classes + Resources

8/14 :: Mercury Rx RE-Enters LEO (until Sept 9th): Mercury is still in its Retrograde Process and now it is backing up into Leo, where we may need to be more creative and make new connections to how we would like to express ourselves going forward, at this new level of consciousness.

Aug 4 – 10, 2024 :: Forecast :: Events :: Resources

8/6 :: LEO Gate of Power:
This period is all about Assessments & Preserving what is growing strong, solid, useful & nourishing, while also releasing density, weight & excess to be composted into something more useful in the season to come.