Sept 29 – Oct 5, 2024 :: Forecast :: Events, Classes + Resources

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Sept 29 – Oct 5, 2024 :: Forecast :: Events, Classes + Resources

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

Podcast  ::  AUDIO Only  HERE  (33-min)

OCT  2024  ::  LIBRA  Monthly Missive  HERE
  (7-min)  ::  Join eList  HERE

Click HERE  for  Details + Registration

Click HERE  for  Details + Registration

36-min Audio Podcast HERE

SEPT 2024  ::  SOUL Sisters Seasonal Circle
FALL Equinox  ::  FIRE Ceremony
Replay, Tools + Activations  ::  NOW Available
Register HERE to Access  ::  Donate HERE
  (Sug. $22+)

Click HERE  to Order Your Fall Equinox Reading
Click HERE for Fall Equinox Community Reading

9/29  ::  Mars (energy & drive) ~trine~ Saturn (stamina & patience):
(1 of 3: 9/29 :: 2/9 :: 4/4)
This is a delicious & potent combo! This is like a great Father/Son team working on a project type of energy. The Son has all the muscle, energy & enthusiasm and the Father is the brilliant, steady man who directs that energy and teaches in every moment. Internally, this is your Inner Authority guiding your innate desire nature to the tangible results that it so craves. Saturn brings the long-term goals to the table and Mars’ energy can fuel your efforts creating amazing results. This energy enables you to focus longer, attend to the details, overcome obstacles, and get more tangible results of your actions & choices. Normally, when these two get together, it is more like the ‘tortoise and the hare’ type of energy, which can be frustrating for some. However, they are in an easy-angle and if there is any major project which needs your attention, now is the time you will likely be in the mood to tackle it and be completely supported.

9/30  ::  Mercury (communication & self-expression) ~conjunct~ Sun (core essential Self & Source energy):
This energy will compel you to express yourself on many levels. Communication will be a focus, just make sure it is reciprocated. What I mean is two-way communication and exchange of ideas. As you initiate this new cycle of self-expression, you will have access to some powerful energy that can (and probably will) help you make a difference or an impression on others (if you need to). If possible, this could be a good time to travel. However, if not physically, then mentally (through visualization) or within your own area (locally), because when you explore a new direction, you are much more likely to discover something new. This energy opens you up to a download of more information than usual so pay attention! If you are solid and organized, you may even gain some much-deserved recognition from others that you have earned through your own individual efforts.

OCT 2024  ::  Money Pouring Ritual
with YeYe Luisah Teish
TUE/Oct 1st
@7pm (eastern) / @4pm (pacific)
Join YeYe’s Patreon for $5+  HERE

10.2.2024  ::  LIBRA New Moon/Solar Eclipse (#5 of 6):
The Libra New Moon is an excellent time to set your intentions for restored balance within your own Being, enabling healthier relationships, naturally. Keep in mind that you will always attract your own *Vibrational Match* … so how’s your vibe these days? Inviting, welcoming … or … guarded and suspicious? This is the month to set intentions around conscious equal partnership, whether public or private, short-term or long-term, balance is always the key. This is the month to honor The Scales that we must weigh our personal progress against our obvious manifestations in relationships (for better or worse). It’s time to assess the strength & value of each one (one-by-one) and what kind of time, energy & resources you have and are willing to invest further with this person, situation or agreement. Soulful kinship and a sense of belonging are vital for most humans and we need to cultivate that more than ever these days. In our primary partnerships, we can practice renegotiating as we go, at regular intervals, and I highly recommend that you do because it keeps everyone on the same page. We can be part of something without being burdened by it. We can have soulful connections without losing ourselves. We can still love each other even if & when we do not agree. It’s time to define your individual terms and start renegotiating with those who matter, while releasing those people, situations or agreements which are no longer relevant or useful.

Because it is an Eclipse, this is a bigger “New Beginning” than the usual New Moon – there is extra energy for letting go of old, toxic, worn out relationships (South Node in Libra) and making space for more balanced & reciprocal partnerships to blossom – ones that honor your individuality & sovereignty in general (Chiron + North Node in Aries). 2020 was the demarcation of the “Break to Re-Align” in our Social Systems. Patriarchy & western culture are losing their stronghold on our souls and we are breaking free to be sovereign Beings who CHOOSE Community – Life – Kinship – The Beauty Way. We are cultivating all new systems for living on/with Mother Earth – there are better, more efficient, less toxic ways to live on this planet. We needed the consciousness to awaken first, now we will be able to implement the changes that honor the Aquarian Age that is coming in as we speak. So use this blessed New Moon + Mercury/Juno (commitment & partnership) to Initiate a whole new way of interacting with people, places and Mother Earth herself. Honor the fact that we have to be IN-Relationship-WITH life and each other – we do not have power over – we are not conquerors – we do not “own” the Earth, we are RELATED to the Earth, it is our home and where our family of elements, plants & animals have to exist too. It looks chaotic in the world, however, this break-to-realign is a true blessing to wake up those sleepy-heads who don’t want to miss this! Claim a whole new level of RELATING – one that is balanced, beautiful, nourishing, healthy and most of all, NATURAL!

OCT 2024  ::  Soul Sisters  ::  Monthly Circle
RAVEN Medicine
WED/Oct 2nd
(eastern) / @5pm (pacific)
Register & Donate HERE

10/4  ::  Venus (values & priorities) ~trine~ Saturn (stability & endurance):
This is a smooth, easy energy that you can work with consciously and yield incredible, even tangible, results. It’s a good time to define your terms where relationships are concerned because you are really clear about your own values & priorities, at this time. Based on your past choices & efforts, positive benefits & earned rewards are forthcoming. If you’ve avoided responsibility in your own relationships (public or private) or finances, then this energy can help get you back on track, with less pain & suffering than usual (when Saturn’s involved). If you can be practical about your own limits and realistic about what others bring to the table, then this energy also supports discussing forward movement, development or spiraling to a new, higher level in some way, as a team. Strategizing about the future, clarifying the vision of what will support & protect all involved and honoring the essence of life that runs throughout is deeply supported by these two getting together in an easy angle. Venus is also the energy of love & money, so it’s a good time to be objective and somewhat conservative where both your relationships & finances are concerned. With this interaction with Saturn, I would suggest outlining a reasonable relationship or financial goal for the next 3 – 6 – 9 – or 12 months.

69-min Audio Podcast HERE

Monthly VENUS Circle
SCORPIO :: THROAT Chakra/Reclaim

Replay + Tools  ::  NOW Available
Drop-IN HERE  ::  Subscribe HERE  ($25)

LIBRA  ::  Energy of the Month  ::  Article/Post HERE

64-min Audio HERE

Mars Retrograde in LEO/CANCER 2024-25

REPLAY + TOOLS  ::  NOW Available
Post Call Note + Personal Activations  ::  Upon Request HERE
Donate via Paypal/Venmo/Zelle (Sug. $22)
All who Register or Donate will Receive the Replay, Tools + Resources.
All who Submit Birth Date/Time/Place will Receive
an additional email with their Personal Activations.

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NEW Monthly Tool  ::  Details HERE  :: 
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  ($200)  ::  Previous Clients HERE  ($150)

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All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute
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