Neptune Enters ARIES – 2025-39

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Neptune Enters ARIES – 2025-39

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which also includes Additional Kelly-Insights inspired by the article.
38-min  Audio HERE  •  Video HERE

3.30.2025 :: Neptune Enters ARIES (until Oct 22nd):
This year, Neptune is only dipping its toe into Aries for a hot-minute and then it will slow down and back-up into Pisces to close the door on a 165-year cycle of faith, imagination and spirituality so that we can birth a completely new dream. 2025 is only an introduction to a 14-year process of evolution for a whole generation of folks who will be born during 2025-2039, activating & embodying the incoming Spiritual Warrior Archetype of Neptune in Aries. The rest of us will develop it within. If the Moon represents the individual womb, then Neptune is the collective womb. As a collective, we are rebirthing the vision of self-sovereignty, of being whole unto your Self but knowing innately that you are a unique spark and intricate part of a vast web of life. At the same time, the lens through which you see your Self, how you manage your own personal boundaries and what you believe to be true or possible for your life may all need an upgrade.
*NOTE: Neptune returns to Pisces for the very last time Oct 22, 2025 thru Jan 26, 2026.

The Healing Path
Neptune’s time in Aries offers a path toward healing that requires both courage and surrender. To heal the wounds of our past, we must be willing to face them head-on with clarity, integrity and compassion. The deep work of this transit will involve confronting the individual & collective illusions that we have been holding onto and bravely stepping into a more expansive & interconnected reality. During this period, we will learn that true courage is not in forcing an outcome or asserting control but in aligning with the deeper currents of universal wisdom and taking action that is in harmony with the greater good. It is a time for visionary action—a time when we must embrace the power of our own Soul’s truth and step into the unknown with the trust that the Universe will guide us along the way. Neptune’s passage through Aries will not be a journey for the faint of heart. It will be a time of transformation, where spiritual revolutions, shifts in collective consciousness and a realignment of power will unfold. But it is also a time where each of us will be invited to step into our most authentic selves, to courageously heal the old wounds, and to dream a new dream for humanity—one that is grounded in spiritual vision, self-sovereignty and unified action.

Spirituality and the Quest for Truth
On a more personal level, Neptune’s journey through Aries may inspire some to seek truth and meaning on their own terms, outside the confines of traditional institutions. It will be a time where the pursuit of spiritual awakening and inner exploration is something you have to find and develop for yourself. Conventional career paths or societal expectations will not be able to compare to your direct experience of God/Source of your understanding. This is a period when you can reconnect with your innate wisdom & power to channel, embody, manifest & experience Source Energy flowing through your body and directing your choices. It is time to explore new spiritual practices that reflect the energies of freedom and authenticity. We may also see a rise in alternative spiritual practices, where the mysteries of the cosmos are sought through direct experience of intuition, inner visions & personal revelations. The sense of individual sovereignty over one’s own spiritual path will become paramount, and many will begin to seek ways to transcend conventional religion or dogma, taking more time to explore mysticism, esoteric knowledge and a deeper, more direct communion with the Sacred or Mystical.

The Dissolution of the Old
Neptune is the planet of dreams, illusions, collective consciousness & spiritual mysteries. It dissolves what no longer serves, pulling us into the fog of the unknown to guide us beyond the limitations of the material world. Aries, a Cardinal Fire Sign, represents initiation, raw action & a pioneering spirit. It is the spark of life, the hero’s journey & the warrior energy that propels us forward with a new sense of self, renewed courage and deeper determination. When Neptune, the planet of faith & spirituality, moves through Aries, you discover that you have to be proactive about your beliefs and cultivate a spiritual perspective regarding your own personal identity & purpose. The next 14-years will slowly dissolve old paradigms of leadership, individuality, and self-expression and reshape them in a way that prioritizes the healing of the SoulSelf & the individual and facilitate a return to authentic, integrated power to move freely through the world. We will all learn how to follow our intuition about Right Timing and Right Action. We will also have to be alert & fierce about our personal boundaries, which will come up often and in a variety of different ways.

In the global context, Neptune’s influence on Aries will prompt a reevaluation of power structures, especially those that have perpetuated war, division, separation & conquest. There will be a collective yearning for new leadership models based on compassion, empathy & visionary insight. Your individual purpose cannot be utterly self-serving or you will drown in delusion. But if/when you begin to recognize that you are part of a greater, more interconnected web of life, then you can make new choices about what to believe & how to protect your individual self. We will likely see new forms of social movements arising that are focused on individual rights, justice, borders & personal boundaries.

Spiritual Activism
Because 3D/Reality may look chaotic & destructive, we have to work with and through our Spirit Team in order to be more effective. It is time to cultivate a disguise (Neptune) of the Self (Aries) that is not intended to deceive but to keep you safe & protected from any chaos & destruction. (We want to be invisible to the authorities unless or until we need them.) And since, often, we are invisible to those moving through the mainstream reality anyway, we do have an advantage. We have cultivated a relationship with the Ancestors, we have developed the connection with our Spirit Team and we have learned to follow our instincts & intuition in order to know what is real and what is right for you, the individual.

Bucking the status quo or birthing the new reality is often met with resistance or outright violence, so we must disguise “The rEvolution” in our art, theatre, storytelling or play/games. These are all indigenous ways of learning for humans and we have to re-learn how to activate our imagination to live a life of our own choosing. Activate that newborn baby/don’t-know mindset in order to birth a new vision. It is time to be part of a unified community but to also be pro-active on your own behalf. If you are adaptable, flexible & present, you can take advantage of some of these inevitable changes. Ultimately, it is time to dedicate to a greater cause but in a covert way. Think: Underground Railroad – a path to freedom that you have to choose and find cohorts along the way who are seeking the same connection with each other and freedom from oppressors, dictators & petty tyrants.

Shadow aspects show up when you refuse to take up the responsibility and make the commitment to a cause greater than Self. You can end up in exile, wandering aimlessly. Or you can become a victim of the mass mind, which creates chaotic thinking & overwhelm and a loss of a sense of Self & self-value. This confusion & uncertainty limits your options, whereas Spiritual Activism is taking your power back to affect change and call-in or co-create a higher vision. Let go of limited thinking & pettiness of it being all about you. In your vision for a greater world, and your dedication to co-creating it, you will also get to have the experience and reap the benefits.

Spiritual Warrior
The Spiritual Warrior Archetype is being born anew. If we tackle it in the traditional, toxic way of war, we simply repeat the negative cycle of oppressed and oppressor. This current ingress provides the rare opportunity to embody your Inner Wise, Spiritual Warrior who helps you survey the present – clear the past and prepare for the future. It is time to be vigilant about your personal boundaries and being as self-sufficient as possible. Knowing who you are and what you want is vital to navigating this new realm of possibilities. A certain confidence, faith & integrity is going to be necessary as you choose where to spend your time, energy & resources. We say that ‘soldiers fight together’ but ‘warriors fight alone’ so prepare yourself as much as you possibly can and surround yourself with other Spiritual Warriors. Shadow aspects show up when you have unexpressed anger & negative emotions that do not have a proper outlet. When you are not feeling strong & confident, this energy may make you over-sensitive, over-emotional & reactive instead of responsive. This can also cause hesitation, inaction & self-doubt that you will want to be mindful of and catch it early so you can address it accordingly.

Spiritual Discipline
Spiritual Discipline is going to be absolutely necessary. If you do not have certain goals, focus & discipline, you will likely get left behind as the new order takes root. In order to master anything, you have to be consistent, disciplined & dedicated to the goal. Another aspect of Spiritual Discipline is doing the daily practice & showing up at your altars regularly – do not be lazy about communing with your Spirit Team because you will miss out on the miracles that are possible. It is a time for spiritual strategy, plans & tactics to address mental, physical & emotional issues. We will all have to train, practice & prepare for the immense change coming so that when we are actually faced with this new dream, we can be direct, decisive & skilled. Shadow aspects show up when we lack adequate boundaries, a regular rhythm & Spiritual Discipline. When that happens, you are more likely to take things personally or over-think things, creating more confusion. Any lack of self-control, apathy, weakness or fear will also trip you up with this energy.

Spiritual Courage & Conviction
Spiritual Courage & Conviction is going to be mandatory over the next several years. If you do not know what you believe or if you are weak-minded, it will be easier to control or manipulate you. It is time to be super-clear & decisive about the vision that you want to embody & express. This is a whole new world we are birthing at this time so you will have to have that courage, clarity & discernment in order to navigate effectively. Choose your path & commit to a full engagement with life, keeping your 6-senses healthy & implicitly trusting & relying on your Spirit Team. They will give you the confirmation and the confidence to navigate in a way that honors your true, Authentic Self. Shadow aspects show up as selfishness & self-destructiveness that only causes more grief & clean-up to deal with. If you are sleep-walking thru life, not choosing a direction, then one will be imposed upon you. If you lack adequate personal boundaries, then you may be victimized or abused.

Earth and Ecological Healing
Neptune’s influence over Aries also brings a sense of urgency around our relationship with the Earth and it is likely to awaken issues related to our oceans, including tectonic plates moving and volcanoes becoming more active. Aries is a Cardinal Sign, urging us to act with initiative and boldness, while Neptune asks us to attune to the spiritual dimensions of our planetary home. This transit will likely stir deep feelings of responsibility to heal the Earth, not through mere physical efforts alone, but through spiritual and energetic attunement as well, which means more ritual & ceremony for Mother Yemaya and Father Olokun. The collective may begin to embrace new ways of thinking about our environmental crises, seeing them not just as material problems to solve but as spiritual callings to restore balance and harmony with the planet. However, the Shadow side of that is glorifying war, indiscriminate greed and utter selfishness with no regard for other people or the planet.

The Shadow of Neptune in Aries
Every activation has its Shadow, and the Shadow of Neptune in Aries will manifest as confusion, disillusionment and a tendency to become lost in delusions of grandeur about you, your identity & physical rights. There is a dangerous immaturity to this energy that doesn’t understand or care about the consequences to the whole web of life. There is a fragility & over-sensitivity that often gets triggered into a full-blown conflict that just causes more confusion, destruction & chaos. Under this influence, there is a tendency to idealize or glorify war and create conflict around personal boundaries.

As individuals, it is likely to show up as lack of accountability and no self-awareness, just delusional & selfish. Weak-minded or ill-prepared people may be more emotionally reactive and violate your boundaries, physical or otherwise, creating or perpetuating the whole oppressed/oppressor vibe. These same folks will also lash out with indiscriminate anger & rage. They may not be able to clearly articulate what is wrong, they just know “something is wrong” so they come out swinging. There is a tendency to expect a fight so you end up getting one. Let’s not do that. The other issue that is likely to raise its head is more confusion about identity – not really seeing your Self clearly. That is when it becomes critically important to have community to reflect back and help you evolve instead of stagnate or drown.

Inadequate personal boundaries are literally dangerous at this time and, truly, the best boundaries are going to be Spiritual & Energetic Boundaries! Self-preservation will be best served by your connection to your Spirit Team, your spiritual practices and the Soul Work that you are able to do in alternate realms. 3D/Reality is in the throes of a major death, rebirth & transformation. In the social and collective realms, we may encounter periods where collective ideals become distorted, where charismatic leaders manipulate spiritual narratives for their own gain, or where movements that began with pure intentions lose their way. The challenge during this transit will be to maintain clarity of purpose and to remain rooted in our spiritual truths amidst the collective fog of illusion.

Shadow aspects also includes the potential for escapism, where individuals or groups may seek refuge in false realities or destructive ideologies. There will be a tendency to resist responsibility for change, falling into the trap of “spiritual bypassing”—a kind of avoidance of the hard work required to manifest true transformation. Victimhood & martyrdom may run rampant with individuals not taking responsibility for their own choices & decisions – which always come with consequences of some kind.

Historical Aside
The last time Neptune moved through Aries was 1861-1874, which was a pivotal time in US/American history, and one which has run its course. I pray we do not repeat the same mistakes but in the social/collective environment, these issues are all back up again. Two major things were created in 1865: Salvation Army and the KKK. On one side, we had the values of all people deserving of the basic necessities of life: food, shelter, community and learning how to be self-contained & independent because that cultivates true character, true independence & true self-esteem. On the other side, we had delusional hate, staggering ignorance & unrelenting violence.

For those who do not know and my international students, the Salvation Army was created in 1865 to make the church more accessible to the whole community at a time when many poor and working-class people were excluded from the churches. They serve people in need through community centers, hospitals, and rehab programs. They fight hunger & poverty so people can remain independent & self-sufficient with their basic physical & spiritual needs met. And the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was created in 1865, as a way to resist Reconstruction efforts in the South, particularly the rights of newly freed Black Americans. Initially, the Klan was more of a social club, but it quickly morphed into a violent, white supremacist organization that used terror to maintain white control and oppose the political, social, and economic advancements of African Americans and other groups that were seen as a threat to white dominance. The Klan persists because of its ability to adapt its rhetoric to changing political climates. It often works by exploiting fear, uncertainty, and social unrest to recruit members and promote its agenda.

The Rise of the New Collective Dream
This journey will likely illuminate a few hints on what new dream or vision you are birthing over the next 14-years. However, this is a collective planet so it will also be a “collective dream” that we are contributing to for the next several years. It is challenging but not impossible to work with the collective planets. In this case, you will see so much dissolve around your individual power to function alone, you will need a community for this new adventure. You are not alone in your desire for sovereignty, free will & choice but we may have to clear & release some illusions or delusions in order to have that experience. The power is going to be in each of us being strong as individuals and coming together against those who would enslave us further. Aries is the ‘right to be here’ and with Neptune, we are looking to have our own individual experience of or relationship with God/Source. Those born 1942-1955, with their collective Neptune in Libra, may be able to assist at this time.

Neptune is about faith in that which you cannot see, it is all about personal spirituality & universal connection to all that is. Neptune in Aries is about spiritual courage, trusting your Spirit Team and doing the spiritual work (ie, ritual, ceremony, daily practices etc). Neptune blurs boundaries between you and others and it reveals the depths of your SoulSelf – that Soul part of you that is connected to all other Souls. Aries is action-oriented and completely sovereign, independent and personally focused. These are slightly contradictory energies that we are going to have to navigate, embody & express in some way. You may want to look to your Aries House(s) for where the dissolution and re-dreaming or birth of a new dream will happen over the next 14-years.

Depending on your age & stage of life, everyone’s experience of Neptune in Aries will be customized. If you’re in your 50’s, we only have about that (14-years) to set up our elder years and the independence that we would like to have during that time in life. No matter how old you are, what is your deepest dream for your own sovereignty, identity & purpose for this lifetime? We have to think bigger than our day-to-day life when dealing with the collective planets. Also, depending on your own Neptune placement and how that will interact with Aries Energy is something else to consider. How do you naturally deal with your spiritual side, your SoulSelf and your place in the great cosmic dance? How has that evolved over the last 14-years?

As Neptune moves through Aries, the collective dream itself will begin to take on a new flavor. The energy of Aries calls for courage, action & good personal boundaries, but Neptune asks for sensitivity, discernment & vision. This tension will manifest in an unfolding narrative where, on one hand, you may feel a deep need to act, to change the status quo, and to confront the harsh realities of our world; and on the other hand, you may also be called to soften, to listen, and to understand the invisible forces that shape the course of your individual and our collective destiny. This period will see an emphasis on visionary leadership, but not the kind of leadership that demands conformity but rather inspires passion & creativity. Leaders during this time will not be those who command from a place of authority but those who can tap into the collective unconscious, bringing forward wisdom that feels universally resonant.
Dates to Remember:
Enters ARIES  =  3.30.2025
Rx 2* ARIES  =  7.4.2025
Rx RE-Enters PISCES  =  10.22.2025
Direct 29* PISCES  =  12.10.2025
Dir RE-Enters ARIES  =  1.26.2026

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