Oct 6 – 12, 2024 :: Forecast :: Events, Classes + Resources

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Oct 6 – 12, 2024 :: Forecast :: Events, Classes + Resources

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

Podcast  ::  AUDIO Only  HERE  (18-min)

OCT  2024  ::  LIBRA  Monthly Missive  HERE
  (7-min)  ::  Join eList  HERE

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36-min Audio Podcast HERE

SEPT 2024  ::  SOUL Sisters Seasonal Circle
FALL Equinox  ::  FIRE Ceremony
Replay, Tools + Activations  ::  NOW Available
Register HERE to Access  ::  Donate HERE
  (Sug. $22+)

Click HERE  to Order Your Fall Equinox Reading
Click HERE for Fall Equinox Community Reading

10/6  ::  Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~square~ Mars (desire & actions):
This activation can be a tough one for some. If your beliefs are out of alignment with your actions, if you are not self-aware or you act-out unconsciously, being selfish or childish, then watch out, because squares test you to grow and change in some way. Often, this also means that you are suppressing your own nature in some way, which is never really a good idea. When you suppress your Soul, it can make your human more sensitive or defensive, taking things personally as a threat or challenge. If you catch your Self feeling irritable for no apparent reason this week, try to step back and gain some perspective before responding to either your own thoughts or another’s words. Mercury & Mars getting together, in this challenging way, can provoke debates and, in some people, actual fights, so be careful. The deeper aspect of this activation is that some part of you wants to express, perhaps in a new way, and your monkey-mind has got you all off track. Mars demands that you know who you are and what you want, and is the Sacred Masculine part of you, which is supposed to hold good boundaries, protect you and negotiate on your behalf in the world. If you know something that you are not acting on, this can be frustrating. If you are acting in ways that are not allowing you to think things through, this too can cause accidents, problems and delays. It is best to pull in until you are clear. And also keep in mind that, you may not be out of alignment in the above ways, but those around you may be and will likely have no context for what they are feeling and therefore, become indiscriminate with their own choices & actions. Self-preservation is not selfish but essential at this time.

10/8  ::  Venus (feminine & receiving) ~trine~ Mars (masculine & giving):
Venus rules your values & priorities where relationships with love & money are concerned. It is the Sacred Feminine within that innately knows how to co-create with nature, as well as what to cultivate & nurture to full development. Mars rules your desire nature and your Inner Sacred Masculine, which is responsible for getting your ideas into the world, maintaining your personal boundaries and negotiating on your own behalf. When both are channeling through you in a balanced way, like now, what you create and how you move through the world becomes a beautiful dance or, at least, a much more interesting story. The trine is a blessing of ease & grace, an easy-going energy that paves the way for balance & reciprocity and encourages independence within the context of relationships. Communication is usually smooth at this time and exchanges can be mutually beneficial. Any relationships started under this influence have a good chance at success whether personal or professional.

10/8  ::  Mercury (learning & mind) ~trine~ Jupiter (education & consciousness):
This energy is great for expanding your mind, learning something new or taking a class. It’s time to plan for the future and start getting organized. However, you may feel less disciplined and more creative, which is fine in the beginning, but eventually focus & discipline will have to be engaged to ground your new ideas, thoughts or concepts. You have to ask your Self, ‘How bad do you want it?’ If you are self-aware, awake & alert, you will be able to see (and seize) the opportunities as they present themselves. It may ‘appear’ to be luck, but it’s really more that you were in alignment with the Cosmos, present & positive, and ultimately, able to trust & follow your own instincts. Practice, there is no perfection. Being optimistic & looking for opportunity in every experience will magnetize the positive and naturally repel the negative, leading right where you want to be! Take advantage of this good energy to connect to whatever it is you are trying to create in your life at this time.

10/9 :: Jupiter Retro in GEMINI (until 2.4.2025):
Jupiter Retrogrades every year giving us a chance to focus on what has expanded and reevaluate what in your life needs to increase and what in your life needs to decrease. We have all been through a lot on the social/collective levels over the last 1-3 years and many of us have awakened to new ideas, creative concepts & activated expanded networks.

This energy is going to encourage us to possibly go back to school or delve into certifications and definitely expand our consciousness, up-level our knowledge base & learn something new. It is time to fully embody and truly express your new ideas & thinking by making new choices & different decisions. You can use this Retro period to review your creative ideas, explore your thinking a little deeper and change your perspective on the Story you are telling by the level of consciousness you are expressing. Jupiter expands the focus on your ideas, thoughts, concepts & consciousness, something else we can actively improve with Jupiter here for a whole year. Being open to new thinking, expanded consciousness & a new narrative is going to be necessary for you to go forward with Earned Wisdom & Evolved Consciousness.

During the Retrograde, you should also be mindful of the Shadow of Jupiter in Gemini – which is extremes, mind games, exaggeration of the facts, lying, deception & manipulation and being scattered & mentally unstable. Jupiter will bring blessings & improvements to your Gemini Dept, however, if things are NOT going well for you at this time, be mindful because Jupiter’s influence makes everything bigger – good, bad or indifferent. And the biggest Shadow of this energy is what we call a *Blind Spot* – when you are so focused on the ‘big goal’ that you miss something crucial right under your nose. Let’s review the Story we are telling and check-in with whether or not that Story is still true or even worth telling. Could you edit & improve it during the Retrograde?
Years to Reflect On:
GEMINI             = 2023-24 :: akin to … 2012
VIRGO             = 2027 :: akin to … 2015
SAGITTARIUS  = 2030 :: akin to … 2018
PISCES           = 2033-34 :: akin to … 2021-22

NOV 2024  ::  VENUS Monthly Circle
THUR/Oct 10th
@8pm (eastern) / @5pm (pacific)
Drop-IN HERE  ::  Subscribe HERE  ($25)

10/11  ::  Pluto Direct in CAPRICORN (until 11.19.2024):
Pluto has been in a 16-year long evolutionary & transformative process (2008-2024) in the Capricorn sector of your chart, digging deep and activating any other planets you may have in Capricorn (and/or Cancer/Aries/Libra by default). So, it’s good to look at this as an on-going purification & transformation in this department of life (and, subsequently the other three areas too). However, 2024 brings its final dip into CAPRICORN once and for all. Pluto moves generations and great numbers of people along their evolutionary path, however, every year when it Retrogrades, it turns that energy inward, giving us unique access to our own depths, where our SoulSelf resides. When it goes forward, like today, it is a very gradual awakening process that develops from there. Transformation happens behind the scenes and often out of the prying eyes of others, as well as your own conscious mind, because this is deep Soul Work that only you can do. What have you really purified & transformed this year? or what would you like to?

On a personal level, Pluto helps you dig up any destructive unconscious patterns, strips you raw and confronts you with who you are and how you will survive when nothing and no one else is available to help or support you. I also like to think of Pluto as our ‘buried treasures’ and like diamonds, it requires a very special task to release from within and bring them into the Light. Often, because Pluto rules death, rebirth & transformation, something is sacrificed for your own greater good. Although it is sometimes painful and can be debilitating to some, it doesn’t have to be, but is almost always is (a) necessary and (b) ultimately *liberating*!!

The Retrograde afforded a certain purification, in the sense that you are now better able (and supported) to truly let go, strip away the non-essential in order to reconnect with your original intent. Change is greatly supported at this time, so anything that you are really ready, truly willing & finally able to change, can be transformed forever. Capricorn gets everyone focused on choices & responsibilities, as well as the structure of life that supports & protects you and the overall stability of whatever House it Rules. This final purification & transformation is going to take us forward into the Aquarian Age and we will begin to explore the power & toxicity of combining human or natural life with technology. Where Pluto spent 16-years in Capricorn, it will extend it stay in Aquarius for 20-years so buckle-up and pace yourself – we are in for a transformative ride!

OCT 2024  ::  Soul Sisters  ::  Monthly Circle
RAVEN Medicine
Replay + Tools  ::  NOW Available
Register & Donate HERE  ($25)

69-min Audio Podcast HERE

Monthly VENUS Circle
SCORPIO :: THROAT Chakra/Reclaim

Replay + Tools  ::  NOW Available
Drop-IN HERE  ::  Subscribe HERE  ($25)

LIBRA  ::  Energy of the Month  ::  Article/Post HERE

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