Oct 20 – 26, 2024 :: Forecast + Resources

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Oct 20 – 26, 2024 :: Forecast + Resources

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

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10/22  ::  Mercury (your thinking) ~trine~ Saturn (structure & organization):
This energy is good for deep thinking. You are sharp and your standards are high because you are in ‘strategy mode’. This is a more solitary energy though, so communications with others may be hampered a bit because it is time for you to hold your own, at some new level. It’s time to focus on the details that hold the big dream together, all the little things that make the grand vision work. Some folks respect that attention to detail while others may consider it nit-picky but it is what the energy supports at this time so don’t worry if others don’t understand what you’re going through. By the same token, you may also feel a little overwhelmed by the many “little things” that cannot be denied or delayed and thus there is a sense of urgency to get it all done. Beware of a tendency toward pessimism, depression or overwhelm. Try to stay focused on all the blessings that you do have and all that you have accomplished instead of what’s still on the list of things to do (in life). This energy is not intended to make you feel bad about all the things left yet to do, but encourage you to begin the necessary steps for manifesting your dreams. This energy just makes you focus on the practical side of manifesting. Clear the debris, and begin to lay a new, clean, solid foundation beneath your goals. Saturn gets you present to the necessary steps and Mercury helps you think clearly.

10/22  ::  Sun (illumination) ~square~ Pluto (transformation):
This is a challenge to grow out of your comfort zone and into new territory. That said, with Pluto in Aquarius (2024-2044), twice a year for the next 20-years, when the Sun is in Taurus (Late Spring) and Scorpio (Late Fall), we will get an opportunity to grow & change in the self-value/self-worth departments, as well as our individuality within the community where we make our unique contribution. Pluto is transforming all of that and we are only at the beginning of a *process* of personal evolution that is great to co-create with bi-annually (twice a year). In this case, and during these years, we are literally changing how we do ALL of this. Sun helps us clarify and when working with Pluto, it is usually what is NOT working, what has run its course and is ready to be composted into new Life, new growth and a new direction (for Self). Pluto is the Purifier, distilling things back to their true and original essence, fight that and it can be painful, work with it consciously and it can be transformative and it will heal at the deepest root of any challenge. You can use this activation to honor that which has become obvious, or is highlighted in the here & now and purge or purify this energy. You are deeply supported for releasing old patterns and setting new conscious practices into action. Tie up any loose ends, close multiple chapters, mourn if you must and move on. As you do that, you will feel lighter & brighter and more grounded in your true Self, your evolved Self.

10/24  ::  Mars (action) ~sextile~ Uranus (breakthrough):
(1 of 3: 10/24 :: 1/23 :: 4/4)
This energy gives you the inspiration & original ideas that will fuel new action steps in your personal life. Patience & discipline are not the theme when these two get together, so beware of any urge to change just for the sake of change. But if you’re ready for a radical shift within or around you, then this activation could give you the clarity to breakthrough any long-standing blockages. This energy, when consciously directed, can actually break you out of any ‘ruts’ that you’ve been in, inspire and motivate you to authentic change. You have energy and the illuminating ‘a-ha’ moments which will propel you to a new, enlivened state of being, although it may upset folks around you who would rather keep things status quo. Think outside the box, improvise, try something new (or in a new way), engage in activities that you’ve never tried and try to connect with a new & different circle of people.

64-min Audio HERE

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SCORPIO  ::  Energy of the Month  ::  Article/Post HERE

SCORPIO  ::  Deep Diving/It’s About to Get Personal  ::  Article/Post HERE

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RAVEN Medicine
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