Oct 27 – Nov 2, 2024 :: Forecast + Resources

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Oct 27 – Nov 2, 2024 :: Forecast + Resources

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

Podcast  ::  AUDIO Only  HERE  (30-min)

NOV  2024  ::  SCORPIO  Monthly Missive  HERE
  (2-min)  ::  Join eList  HERE

36-min Audio Podcast HERE

SEPT 2024  ::  SOUL Sisters Seasonal Circle
FALL Equinox  ::  FIRE Ceremony
Replay, Tools + Activations  ::  NOW Available
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  (Sug. $22+)

Click HERE  to Order Your Fall Equinox Reading
Click HERE for Fall Equinox Community Reading

10/27  ::  Vesta Enters LIBRA (until 1.2.2025):
Vesta takes about 4-years to make it through all 12-signs, so we haven’t had this opportunity in Libra since 2021 and won’t again until 2028. Vesta rules what is sacred to you, where you place your deep focus, dedicate your energy & channel your passion. Often, because of this intense focus in one area, there is neglect or a famine in another area, something you have to give up in order to truly commit. This 2-months, what is sacred is Libra: balance, reciprocity, harmony, beauty, culture & conscious equal partnership – with ourselves, each other and the planet. This is always the goal when any planet (or asteroid in this case) animates Libra, but when Vesta is there, it indicates that it is time to dedicate some intense focus on how we relate and who we relate with, while we renew our own commitments across the board (personal & professional). How can you make inner balance & outer harmony, not just important, but sacred?

10/28  ::  Mars (desires & actions) ~trine~ Neptune (dreams & visions):
(1 of 3: 10/28 :: 1/12 :: 4/19)
This energy is good for spiritual exploration, digging deeper into your place in the Cosmos and in relation to others. Your energy is best turned inward, as you find just how much ‘who you are’ and ‘what you want’ has actually changed over recent years and using this energy to infuse more depth into your heart’s desires. By infusing your dreams & visions for your Self, you naturally bless Others & the Universe. You may feel inclined to help others, but always balance that drive with some objectivity (are those you are helping just as dedicated as you are to the common cause?) This is a very laid-back energy that allows you time to take effective action on behalf of your dreams and/or spiritual growth, more than outward action or specific steps. Enjoy it!

64-min Audio HERE

REPLAY + TOOLS  ::  NOW Available
Post Call Note + Personal Activations  ::  Upon Request HERE
Donate via Paypal/Venmo/Zelle (Sug. $22)
All who Register or Donate will Receive the Replay, Tools + Resources.
All who Submit Birth Date/Time/Place will Receive
an additional email with their Personal Activations.

10/28  ::  Venus (values & priorities) ~square~ Saturn (foundation & structure):
This energy can make you feel cool & detached with loved ones. It is time to ‘take stock’ of your relationships and really evaluate the level of balance between giving & receiving. Business or personal – relationships must have a balance of give & take. You may feel more aware of your true independence in life and start reevaluating the need for certain relationships, at this time. This energy pushes you to dig for your own individual fortitude & determination to live according to your own personal values & priorities, so corrections or adjustments may be necessary and fairly obvious at this time. You may feel a little lonely, depressed or disconnected but it’s just the Universe forcing you to question or assess your current relationships, how you interact with others and how you allow them to interact with you. It’s good to periodically evaluate even the strongest relationship and check the foundation. Don’t give in to (ego-based) fears, focusing on the lack & limitation or what is not working, but instead build on your strengths and honor the goodness that you have created together, as well as in your Self. This is the best time for Intentional Solitude because the insights that you acquire through this process will help you down the road to stabilize your future.

10/30  ::  Mercury (thoughts) ~oppose~ Uranus (radical shift):
This energy tends to make your mind work in over-drive. Not that you think too much, but rather you may tend to think, speak and process information faster than usual. However, when you are moving that fast, sometimes you can overlook something vital. The negative expression of this energy tends to make you feel scattered and disorganized, but the positive side of it is making those brilliant connections that are normally just out of reach. Your perception and intuition are picking up so much in such a short period of time that you will want to review the details later to ensure that you didn’t overlook something crucial to your development. You may be impatient with same-old/same-old routine but check-in with your body to make sure it is not just your monkey mind playing tricks on you. It is a good time to breathe and be flexible because if you are impatient with this energy, you are more likely to make mistakes. Anytime Uranus is involved, radical shifts and ah-ha moments are totally possible on an internal level, however, on an external level you may tend to blurt things out without proper forethought. Be sure to engage your Heart and some kind of filter, especially when communicating with others this week.

10/31  ::  Mercury (ideas & thoughts) ~trine~ Neptune (dreams & visions):
This energy ignites your creative fire, faith and revelations. You may notice yourself drifting aimlessly without conscious direction, yet this combo offers a unique opportunity to tap into alternate realms for intelligence, vision, inspiration and insight. Embrace this period as a chance to freely explore ideas and information, allowing them to flow unrestricted, leading you to unforeseen possibilities. Rather than engaging in pragmatic analysis, it is a time to delve into the Infinite potential of now and delve deeper into your own consciousness. You might experience heightened sensitivity, becoming receptive to information or awareness not usually this easily accessible. It is essential to maintain strong, healthy boundaries while opening up to this mystical vibe. If you find yourself amidst others, strive to preserve the magical and creative ambiance that best complements this energy’s essence.

11/1  ::  SCORPIO New Moon:
This Scorpio New Moon is really powerful for seeding your deepest, Soul-Level needs & desires. This is an annual opportunity to return to the Infinite Void (conception point) and set some completely new intentions. There is also additional energy available, at this time, from your Invisible Team of Support – that is your Angels, Ancestors, Orishas & Animal Spirit Guides who walk with you now & always. This New Moon opens a portal of sorts, one that allows us to align with the ultimate power of transformation, transcending the current form, on personal levels, as well as social/collective levels. And because the form is being conceived at this time, you may not know what the exact logistics (3D) are, but you can connect with the *Essence* of what you want to create – the essence of what you want to feel – the essence of what you want your Earthly Experience to be! Connect to that *Essence* and connect to a new level of authentic power that is in-sync with your own individual system. Connect to that which you want to bring to Life, that which you want to bring from Invisible Form (Scorpio), into Visible Form (Taurus) in a way that serves you and benefits others, while harming none. Then, do your Power Wishes/Scorpio Intentions around initiating an Annual Cycle of Transformation & Manifestation that anchors the larger 10 and 20-year cycles we just initiated in the last 2-years. We are expanding the possibilities as we speak, that enable us to combine our deepest core values with our most expanded vision for humanity! One.soul.at.a.time.

This New Moon asks us to get *congruent* with our inner & outer selves and renew our commitment to positive change. All of this speaks to the new realms emerging in place of all that has crumbled in recent years. Many sprouts of your hard work are breaking ground, and if not, I suspect that a clearing is in the works so it won’t be long (hang in there). As you’re setting your New Moon Intentions, consider how you *feel* about Pluto Issues: death, power, sex, money & resources (among other things). Renew your dedication to holding your own structure, owning your Inner Authority and directing your personal power in new & better ways. All of that is getting an upgrade thanks to the current alignments in the sky pattern.

I would add here, that it is also the time of year when we do the most readings, divinations & consulting with the Ancestors because it is the time of year that we ask for clarity on all that has gone before so that we can make the best decisions about how to go forward, with their blessing. There is an Underworld Journey of sorts that we do at this time of year, which is available & customized for each of us. Schedule some down-time to go inwards and commune with your own Soul and your Spirit Team.

NOV 2024  ::  Money Pouring Ritual
with YeYe Luisah Teish
FRI/Nov 1st
@7pm (eastern) / @4pm (pacific)
Join YeYe’s Patreon for $5+ HERE

11/2  ::  Mercury (your voice) ~trine~ Mars (your actions):
This is a great alignment of your Thoughts & Actions. Clarity is effortless and you can follow your instincts. Be mindful of the Element too ~ in this case WATER ~ this is your emotional body, feelings and empathic nature. Water activates flow & creativity and reminds you to stay grounded in your body and pay attention to your *responses* to what’s going on within and around you. When things line up in Water Signs, you are in a position to explore how you feel about the choices being presented at this time. It is a wonderful energy which gives you the awareness of multiple dimensions and it activates your ability to feel what is necessary & make choices based on how your body responds to what is presented. You will have direct access your emotional needs and if you’re ready to explore your creativity, now is the time to create space for more of that in your life. Mercury & Mars getting together in this easy angle, brings blessings and is also a great energy for small gatherings or learning new things. It’s a good energy for channeling deep feelings into some kind of creative expression. Enjoy it! Just keep in mind your own Elemental Balance as well and how you naturally work with Water energy in your life.

11/2  ::  Mercury (communication) ~sextile~ Pluto (transformation):
This energy provokes the need to delve deeper into the ideas or information being presented at this time, whether personal or professional. You will want to dig deeper, ask the hard questions and gather insights that are more profound than usual. In your professional/public life, you may find yourself doing better on proper pre-planning & due-diligence and in your personal/private life, you may find yourself digging a little deeper into your own mental patterns & personal history (that have led to ‘now’). As you make these connections and begin to grasp these new insights, they will gain traction and you will become more grounded in your own Truth & Story. We all get excited about those kind of ah-ha moments, and you may find yourself wanting to share them with others who may or may not be ready to hear such deep Truths or have the conscious awareness to even process them, so remember to use some discernment around who and when you share these new-found insights.

11/2  ::  Mercury Enters SAGITTARIUS (until Jan 8th):
When Mercury is in Sag, we get a little more philosophical and start to search for the “meaning” of life and of the year that we have just lived through. We have the Processing Planet in a Processing Sign, so we are also integrating all that we have learned in the last year so that we can claim it as embodied wisdom. And we are activating that embodied wisdom so that we can tell a more authentic & interesting Story. We are conceiving a New Vision on some level and feeling into the upgrades & improvements that we can experience once we expand & raise our consciousness, as well as shift our beliefs so that we can actually live into this new narrative. Once we’ve integrated all the aspects of life that have evolved recently, we can start to look for the potential of the incoming, new year. What good ideas can you anchor, build on and expand in the next year so that they express a higher vibration & more authenticity? With Mercury in Sag, you are supported to believe in a new vision for the future, to reach for something completely NEW and dream a little BIGGER than you usually allow yourself to dream. Expand the vision, for your Self, for your life and for the planet. Tell a New Story and use December to dream it up!

Also, Mercury is going to linger here in Sag to extend & expand our lessons around what we believe to be true or possible for our creativity & authentic self-expression. You should prepare to review your life, your beliefs & your Story to validate & confirm the improvements & upgrades that you’ve made this year and also feel into the ones that you’d like to be ready to make in the new year.
Dates to Remember:
11.25.2024 :: Mercury Rx @22* Sag
12.15.2024 :: Mercury Direct @6* Sag
1.8.2025 :: Mercury Enters Capricorn

SCORPIO  ::  Energy of the Month  ::  Article/Post HERE

SCORPIO  ::  Deep Diving/It’s About to Get Personal  ::  Article/Post HERE

OCT 2024  ::  Soul Sisters  ::  Monthly Circle
RAVEN Medicine
Replay + Tools  ::  NOW Available
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