
Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

CAPRICORN :: Energy of the Month

Capricorn is the energy of our inner authority – how we use our authority and how we sometimes tend to give our authority away. When you allow others to determine things you ought to be defining for yourself.

Jan 1 – 7, 2023 :: Forecast + Events

1/1 ~ Venus (love, finances & relationships) ~conjunct~ Pluto (purification & transformation): This is an Initiation and an energy that supports a brand new beginning in your personal life.

2023 Energetic Overview

Annual SOLAR Rhythm :: The Sun spends about a month in each Sign, Aries through Pisces, every year. It has an Annual Rhythm that we can learn to sync-up with that is really juicy to co-create with consciously.

2023 :: Special Alignments :: JUPITER

5/17 :: Jupiter (your truth & story) ~square~ Pluto (death, rebirth & transformation):  This is a social and a collective planet squaring off, facilitating change on every level and no one is exempt. In this case

2023 :: Special Alignments :: MARS

3/30 :: Mars (energy & drive) ~trine~ Saturn (stamina & patience):
This is a delicious & potent combo! This is like a great Father/Son working on a project type of energy. The Son has all the muscle, energy & enthusiasm and the Father is the brilliant, steady man who directs that energy and teaches in every moment.

2023 :: Special Alignments :: NORTH NODE

4/2 :: Mars in Cancer ~sextile~ North Node in Taurus
This is an opportunity to make better choices for your health, wealth & knowledge of Self. As you reconnect with what nurtures you and allows you to feel personally secure, you will be able to manifest more abundance & protection from

Dec 25 – 31, 2022 ~ Forecast + Fire Ceremony

12/28 ~ Venus (essence & natural beauty) ~sextile~ Neptune (consciousness & vision):  This energy connects your true values & priorities to the planet of dreams, mysticism & other dimensions (Neptune). You have an opportunity to gain some real traction on making your vision tangible just by connecting to the essence that you want to

Dec 18 – 24, 2022 Forecast + Events

12/18 ~ Ceres Enters LIBRA (until Sept 15th):
Ceres is going to Retrograde in Libra and go Direct in Virgo. Altogether, Ceres spends about 3-months in Virgo and 6-months in Libra so I have covered both below and you will be reminded along the way. So that is 9+ months of personal processing to know what feeds and nourishes you

Dec 11 – 17, 2022 ~ Forecast + Events

12/12 ~ Sun (source & essential Self) ~sextile~ Saturn (organization & structure):  This energy is good for getting serious and organized because the Sun also brings some much-needed clarity. With Saturn involved, practical actions based on responsible assessments will be rewarded, whereas, blowing things off or

SAGITTARIUS ~ Energy of the Month

Scorpio brought some very real, very heavy duty stuff to the surface for most people. That kind of deep energy shift is the catalyst for the *Spiritual Quest* energy of Sag. Sagittarius is the adventurer and researcher of the zodiac, curious about the deeper meaning of all things and cultivating Truth.