
Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Aug 21 – 27, 2022 ~ Forecast + Events

8/21 ~ Vesta Rx RE-Enters AQUARIUS (until Nov 20th):
This has turned into a one-year process March 2022 -thru- February 2023, which has several implications. First of all, Vesta is what is “sacred” – not just important or valuable but SACRED, to you, the individual. She is the part of us that is completely dedicated and sometimes so focused on one thing, so much so, that we forget about other parts of life so it can be where we get extreme as well.

Aug 14 – 20, 2022 ~ Forecast + Events

8/14 ~ Sun (core essential Self) ~oppose~ Saturn (physical limits & definition of reality): 
This is an annual process of development. The Sun makes it personal and about you the individual. Saturn helps move your timeline along and build the literal aspects of life, the basics of providing for yourself (food, shelter etc) and your personal limitations. What renewed aspect of Self got activated about 6-months ago and how do you want that to fully develop over the next 6-months? This is a potent midpoint, the most powerful course-correcting time in any cycle, this one being an annual meeting between Sun & Saturn, a check-point between you and your responsibilities. Each year, you evolve, some years more consciously than others so this is a good time to check-in with your own personal definitions of what you are or are no longer responsible for.

Aug 7 – 13, 2022 ~ Forecast + Events

8/7 ~ Venus (values & priorities) ~trine~ Neptune (faith & spirituality):
This is a very supportive energy for dreaming your world into being! Allow your imagination some latitude to wander and see where it leads. Play with “what if” scenarios. For example, “what if” all your material needs & desires were taken care of, what would you dedicate your time, energy & resources to? You may be very empathic and connected to others and what they are going through at this time, so maintain adequate boundaries. Neptune can activate a very spiritual encounter with another human being (friend, family or lover) but only time will tell if it is Neptune playing tricks on you or if it is truly a spiritual connection.

LEO Energy ~ It’s All About You

This month is all about YOU!! Leo energy always makes me think of the song, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine …” If you did the Cancer work of clearing emotional debris (ineffective reactions, old habits, past events or people) from your life and anchored your inner sense of belonging, then you should be quite ready for Leo’s heart-centered radiance to shine through you. If you tend to be shy or hide your own light under a bushel, then it may signify a time for you to get out anyway to share, socialize and be seen! What’s the use of clearing a space for all your good and then sitting around waiting for it to knock on your door? It ain’t gonna happen that way! Leo energy is where our courage lives and asks us to tap in and recharge that battery annually, if not more often.

LEO ~ Energy of the Month

This month is ALL ABOUT YOU … the NEW you!!

July 31 – Aug 6, 2022 ~ Forecast

7/31 ~ Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~oppose~ Saturn (reality & physical limitations):  Here the opposition is between your thoughts and your reality or current responsibilities. It’s also about your mental and physical getting integrated on some level. Are you working too hard, causing mental or physical exhaustion? Are you too stuck in idea-mode, delaying actions and actual commitments? It’s time to take a realistic look at your life to see where you could change your mind and your reality would follow. You may find yourself asking what your truth and purpose really are or you may be concerned about how to provide for your very basic, essential needs and why you have been constantly limited in that way. Everything can seem bleak and depressing but really it is just the Universe’s way of getting your attention and helping you to focus on what really matters.

July 24 – 30, 2022 ~ Forecast + Events

7/25 ~ Juno Retro in PISCES (until Oct 23rd):
Juno, the Divine Consort, rules your most important relationships & partnerships, as well as what you are deeply committed to. She will spend an extended period in *PISCES* this year ~ 4.20.2022 thru 1.13.2023 ~ that’s about 9-months to incubate a New Vision of how we can partner with Nature in new ways and relate with each other on deeper, more intimate levels after being put through so much social & collective trauma over the last 2+ years. This is an opportunity to heal within and with others, it is a chance to process & integrate on a whole new level. This supports deep emotional processing so that we can interact with others in healthier ways too.

July 17 – 23, 2022 ~ Forecast + Events

7/17 ~ Mercury (ideas) ~trine~ Neptune (dreams):
This energy activates your creative process & intuition. You may catch yourSelf unconsciously drifting aimlessly but a better use of this combination is to open to the other realms for ideas & information and play with it, free flow, see where it leads. It is not the time for pragmatic analysis, but more a time to explore the infinite possibilities available to you, as well as what’s going on in your own consciousness. You may be more sensitive than usual, opening yourself to information or awareness that isn’t always that readily available. Remember, to keep good boundaries when *opening* like this and if you have to be around people, try to maintain the mystical, creative vibe that this energy is best for.

July 10 – 16, 2022 ~ Forecast

7/10 ~ Sun (source & essential Self) ~sextile~ Uranus (freedom & individuality):
This activation will help you access a deeper sense of authenticity as everyday, routine events may be more enlightening than usual this week. Anytime Uranus is involved ‘ah-ha moments’ are available, that sudden inspiration or the surprising clarity that changes everything – is bubbling near the surface, you need but invite it in (to your conscious awareness to be useful). Eventually, you will have to ground these breakthroughs in some literal way or physical form, but this energy supports the exploration of possibilities.

CANCER Energy ~ Assimilate & Eliminate

Cancer time brings us face-to-face with some major choices & decisions (Eclipses) which will likely require some form of Assimilation & Elimination. Cancer’s gift is Processing all that passes through your system, taking in the nutrient (that makes the system work) and any excess or toxins that cannot be “assimilated” must be “eliminated”. If you do not eliminate them, then blockages (and some form of dis-ease or discomfort) will occur. Quality nourishment (or what you take into your system) is vital and *if* you have held onto anything that has not been put to proper use, then you may be particularly toxic (within or without), and you will have to Cleanse and Heal FIRST, before your can rebuild or fortify your structure (Capricorn).