Category: Astrology Articles

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

October 11 – 17, 2020 ~ Forecast

10/11 ~ Sun (core essential Self) ~square~ Jupiter (imagination & truth):
This is a powerful energy and with that comes the necessity of discernment – it provokes you to get lots of things accomplished and that’s a good thing, however, beware of taking on more than you can actually handle. Having said that now, if you need that little “push” to get some things done, this is just the energy for you. It carries with it the optimism necessary to allow you to go beyond your norm and stretch in new ways.

LIBRA ~ Energy of the Month

Libra energy is best for evaluating all your relationships, collaborations & partnerships, personal or business. Are things fair & balanced? Most relationships are rarely “equal”, but how do you feel about the exchange of energy or reciprocity at this time? Is there any kind of imbalance? That should be your focus this month. Libra energy helps us see all sides of an issue or our lives, and this energy gives us the capacity to access a win/win situation if we only open up to the possibilities and be more receptive to teamwork. Get out of selfish Aries—it’s all about ME-mode, consider what would the most beautiful & inspiring and what would best serve all involved and voila’ – you are using Libra energy the way it was intended.

Mars Retrograde ARIES 2020

Mars Retrograde is a special occasion and can be full of surprises. The last time it happened was in 2018, when it crossed between Capricorn & Aquarius (Earth & Air) during March–Nov 2018. The last time it retrograded in Aries was July 1988-Jan 1989. Mars Retro is rewiring your desire nature and inner sacred masculine ~ in the Area of Life (House). Whether male or female, we all have to hold good boundaries, negotiate on our own behalf and get our ideas out into the world. You can consciously co-create with this personal planet every two years when it gets a potent upgrade.

VIRGO ~ Energy of the Month

Virgo gives everyone a chance to “process, sort & sift” all that has come up in the last nine months. There is a line in the book, Little Soul & the Sun by Neale Donald Walsh, that says, “Now that I know WHO I AM, I want to BE it!” And I must suggest that in order for you to “BE” all that you discovered about your essential nature (in Leo) and what nourishes and supports you on the deepest levels (in Cancer), Virgo is the energy that extracts the BEST of YOU and helps you heal and/or release all that is no longer relevant or useful – within and around you.

LEO Energy ~ It’s All About YOU!

This month is all about YOU!! This energy always makes me want to sing, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine …” If you did the Cancer work of clearing emotional debris (ineffective reactions, old habits, past events or people) from your life and anchored your inner sense of belonging, then you should be quite ready for Leo’s heart-centered radiance to shine through you. If you tend to be shy or hide your own light under a bushel, then it may signify a time for you to get out anyway to share, socialize and be seen! What’s the use of clearing a space for all your good and then sitting around waiting for it to knock on your door? It ain’t gonna happen that way! Leo energy is where our courage lives and asks us to tap in and recharge that battery annually, if not more often.

LEO ~ Energy of the Month

This month is ALL ABOUT YOU … the NEW you!! Release all that is no longer “truth” for you – on every level. Begin the process of integrating these amazing new aspects you’ve recently discovered about your Self and HONOR who you have worked so hard to become!! You may have to re-train the people in your life to honor who you’ve become too ~ simply by your living example. When YOU change, everything around you changes or it goes away naturally. You may want to try to find peace with the fact that some people and situations will have to move out of your life at this time. Pay attention! A change of directions has been coming for a while now and all things have fallen into place ~ new life is NOW!

June 28 – July 4, 2020 ~ Forecast + Reflections

6/28 ~ Mars (action) ~sextile~ Saturn (endurance):
This energy gives you a tremendous power booster to your drive to create stability, as you define it. You will be more willing to do the work, starting with a plan that is carefully thought out and then methodically carried out. Plan and Do! Not just one or the other, but both, which can eventually produce solid results. The rewards for your hard work or the return on your investment will reflect what energy you have put in to stabilizing your life.

CANCER Energy ~ Assimilate & Eliminate

Cancer time brings us face-to-face with some major choices & decisions (Eclipses) which will likely require some form of Assimilation & Elimination. Cancer’s gift is Processing all that passes through your system, taking in the nutrient (that makes the system work) and any excess or toxins that cannot be “assimilated” must be “eliminated”. If you do not eliminate them, then blockages (and some form of dis-ease or discomfort) will occur.

Cancer/Capricorn ECLIPSES

Note from Kelly:
This RE-Post is so “on time” for now because I literally wrote it the last time we had Cancer/Capricorn Eclipses, only last time it was a Capricorn focus and we were releasing toxic Cancer. This time, we are releasing toxic Capricorn and anchoring a new Cancer focus – which is totally covered in this article. It still applies at this time 2018-2020.

CANCER ~ Energy of the Month

This month, the Cancer energy will activate you on the deepest Soul levels. This energy is best when you direct it to Feel & Digest what is going on in and around you … take in and assimilate all nutrients, while eliminating all toxins and excess.