Category: Astrology Articles

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

ARIES ~ Energy of the Month

As the Sun enters Aries ~ Spring Equinox Initiates a new Solar/astrological year. This is a *Universal* RE-Set Button. Clean Slate. New Beginning. This is an Annual Activation for everyone, but for the Cardinal Family, it can be a little more intense & personal … Aries Initiation ~ Libra Integration ~ Cancer/Capricorn Test/Growth. Everyone has Aries ruling some area of life and this is the area of life that gets activated at this time every year.

March 22 – 28, 2020 ~ Forecast + Resource List

Note + Special Offer from Kelly:
I am over-the-moon excited to share something really special with you and I encourage you to share it with others. This is my SouLodge Sistas on steroids! This is what we do, y’all 😉 Many of us became Earth Medicine Practitioners together in 2017-18 and this is the first big collaboration that we’ve done together – and it’s called Wise Woman Alchemy. What I find fascinating is the timing of this offering because, thanks to Heather Dakota – Book Witch & Business Alchemist, we were putting this together for months before this worldly chaos broke out and now, it is ready for you right ON TIME!

15 Women coming together. 15 Offerings to provide support for an over-stressed and overwhelmed world. We each bring our own brand of magick to help you tap into your intuition, reclaim your joy & sovereignty, and nurture your body & soul. The vision we hold as the Wise Woman Collective is that each woman shares her knowledge, which creates a powerful place for all of us. more…

PISCES ~ Energy of the Month

As we enter the current Pisces energy, many people will be feeling more sensitive than usual, picking up all kinds of information via all six senses. Over-sensitivity that disrupts your flow and takes you away from your center is one thing, but a better way to think of this energy is to ponder the concept of how sound penetrates when you put your head under water. It is likely the same sensation as when you were in the womb of your mother’s belly. You actually “feel” the sounds more than you “hear” them, you “sense” all the activity around you. That is the essence of NOW.

Jupiter Enters Capricorn ~ Build On the Vision

Jupiter is shifting from expansive Sagittarius to the consolidation of Capricorn. The last time we experienced this energy was 2007 (Sag) and 2008 (Capricorn). We’ve learned that what we believe to be true or possible for ourselves & the world is usually what we act upon and now we are about to learn that whatever we focus on grows & expands. So, in Capricorn, what are you responsible for? How do your beliefs now have to serve a purpose in some way? Sovereignty & Inner Authority are going to be a focus for learning over the next year.

SAGITTARIUS ~ Energy of the Month

Scorpio brought some very real, very heavy duty stuff to the surface for most people. That kind of deep, energetic shift is the catalyst for the *Spiritual Quest* energy of Sag. Sagittarius is the Adventurer and Researcher of the zodiac, curious about the deeper meaning of all things and in cultivating Truth.

SCORPIO: Energy of the Month

Scorpio is the energy of power, conception, creation & karma; Pluto is the energy of death, rebirth and transformation; and the 8th House is the energy of past life relationships, Ancestors and personal renewal. This is the most powerful time of the year for planting the seeds of what you want to manifest in your life, as well as what you want to release (permanently) from your life. I highly recommend that you take some serious quiet time, meditate for a while and then write them, sing them – dedicate in some way.

VIRGO 2019: Healing + Unity Happen Within FIRST! ~ Article

VIRGO: Healing Requires Faith
PISCES: Unity Requires Order
This season is so important, and taking advantage of every possible form of support and good energy, (planetary or otherwise) is vital to making a smooth transition to the next leg of this particular journey.

Eclipses ~ Tis the Season of Light

Eclipses are all about light distribution, the patterns and flow of Light. Being the Light ~ Embodying the Light ~ Expressing the Light ~ Directing the Light ~ Activating the Light ~ Translating the Light ~ Catching the Light ~ Honoring the Light ~ Connecting to the Light ~ Being a Vehicle for the Light ~ Tis the Season of Light, especially anytime Eclipses are involved!

SUMMER 2019: Portals and Choices and Crossroads ~ Oh MY!

This Summer, we have some potent alignments, intense energies & radical shifts to initiate, anchor and integrate. As we are able to do that, we prepare for more major changes coming over the next year.