June 23 – 29, 2024 :: Forecast :: Events :: Resources
6/26 :: Mercury (your thinking) ~trine~ Saturn (structure & organization):
This energy is good for deep thinking. You are sharp and your standards are high because you are in ‘strategy mode’.
6/26 :: Mercury (your thinking) ~trine~ Saturn (structure & organization):
This energy is good for deep thinking. You are sharp and your standards are high because you are in ‘strategy mode’.
Cancer time brings us face-to-face with some major choices & decisions which will likely require some form of Assimilation & Elimination. Cancer’s gift is Processing all that passes through your system, taking in the nutrient (that makes the system work) and any excess or toxins that cannot be “assimilated” must be “eliminated”.
CANCER :: Energy of the Month:
This month, the Cancer energy will activate you on the deepest Soul levels. This energy is best when you direct it to Feel & Digest what is going on in and around you … take in and assimilate all nutrients, while eliminating all toxins and excess.
6/2 :: Jupiter (consciousness & beliefs) ~trine~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
This is part of a potent 12-year process (Jupiter Cycle) as it relates to Pluto’s purifying and transformative power. This Activation can assist you with a lot of the Energy Work that you’ve been able to do over the last 3+ years in terms of clearing karmic & emotional debris and making meaning out of your experiences.
Use this month to plant your seeds with the New Moon in Gemini ~ take a long, deep breath and feel into what it would be like to express your Self in a whole NEW way. The story of your life is not done yet. You can still choose to “edit” and change the next chapter any way your Soul leads you to.
GEMINI Energy brings to mind: change, duality, choice(s) to make, fork in the road or crossroads, and of course, transition. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which moves along side the Sun in its travels through the sky so it is easiest to catch a glimpse of Mercury during dusk and dawn, when the Sun’s light is coming or going.
Taurus/Scorpio energy brings awareness of your deepest values, renewal of your priorities and access to the power to co-create your world. Taurus time (April/May) is an annual opportunity to seed the *Garden* of your life … while Scorpio time (Oct/Nov) brings the annual gifts of power, magic and purification.
TAURUS: Body & Soul
Hopefully, you took advantage of the Aries/Mars energy to define, in detail, what it is that you “desire” in various areas of your life. Now you have access to potent Taurean energy to build the foundation which will support your goals.
As the Sun enters Aries ~ Spring Equinox Initiates a new Solar/astrological year. This is a *Universal* RE-Set Button. Clean Slate. New Beginning. This is an Annual Activation for everyone, but for the Cardinal Family, it can be a little more intense & personal.
PISCES :: As we enter the current Pisces energy, many people will be feeling more sensitive than usual, picking up many different kinds of information via all six senses.