Feb 12 – 18, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events
2/15 ~ Venus (values) ~conjunct~ Neptune (dreams):
This energy is the power of your vision combined with your deepest values. It is the initiation of a new dream.
2/15 ~ Venus (values) ~conjunct~ Neptune (dreams):
This energy is the power of your vision combined with your deepest values. It is the initiation of a new dream.
2/5 :: LEO Full Moon:
The Leo Full Moon often illuminates the discrepancies between who you are, who you think you are and who you are perceived to be.
1/22 ~ Uranus Direct in TAURUS:
We have just completed this year’s annual Uranus Retrograde in Taurus. The personal planets will interact with Uranus in Taurus in a similar way every year so we can consciously co-create with them.
1/8 ~ Mercury Rx (voice) ~trine~ Uranus (individuality):
(2 of 3: 12/17 :: 1/8 :: 1/29)
This activation gives you access to your Higher Mind and opens the way for new, deeper insights that can guide & direct you at this time.
12/18 ~ Ceres Enters LIBRA (until Sept 15th):
Ceres is going to Retrograde in Libra and go Direct in Virgo. Altogether, Ceres spends about 3-months in Virgo and 6-months in Libra so I have covered both below and you will be reminded along the way. So that is 9+ months of personal processing to know what feeds and nourishes you
12/12 ~ Sun (source & essential Self) ~sextile~ Saturn (organization & structure): This energy is good for getting serious and organized because the Sun also brings some much-needed clarity. With Saturn involved, practical actions based on responsible assessments will be rewarded, whereas, blowing things off or
11/28 ~ Mars Rx (energy & drive) ~trine~ Saturn (stamina & patience):
(2 of 3: 9/28 ~ 11/28 ~ 3/30)
This is a delicious & potent combo! This is like a great Father/Son working on a project energy. The Son has all the muscle, energy & enthusiasm and the Father is the brilliant, steady man who directs that energy and teaches in every moment.
11/20 ~ Sun (source & essential Self) ~trine~ Jupiter (expansion):
This is a blessing of Source energy fueling your biggest dreams & visions for your life, this lifetime. You are encouraged to take advantage of the good *vibe* available when these two get together to expand your life’s direction in a big way.
11/13 ~ Venus (relationships) ~sextile~ Pluto (transformation):
This energy deepens all emotions and strengthens bonds & attachments. Friendships & love relationships become much deeper and, sometimes more intense, not to mention any physical, sexual experiences.
11/7 ~ Venus (values & priorities) ~square~ Saturn (reality & purpose):
This energy can make you feel cool & detached with loved ones. It is time to ‘take stock’ of your relationships and really evaluate the level of balance between giving & receiving. Business or personal – relationships must have a balance of give & take.