Category: Energetic Support

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

March 26 – April 1, 2023 :: Forecast

3/28 ~ Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~conjunct~ Jupiter (expansion & learning):
It is time to expand your thinking & develop more conscious awareness! This is a powerful energy assisting you on many levels.

March 19 – 25, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events

3/20 ~ Sun (core identity) ~sextile~ Pluto (transformation):
This is a healthy, positive, transformative energy. You will have access to energy that will help you change your current circumstance for the better and/or clear up an issue that has been challenging you for a while now.

March 12 – 18, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events

3/14 ~ Mars (action & desire) ~square~ Neptune (dreams & illusions):
This can be an annoying energy, to say the least. Basically, you may be confronted with challenges which are a direct result of earlier choices.

March 5 – 11, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events

3/6 ~ Sun (source & essential Self) ~sextile~ Uranus (freedom & individuality):
This activation will help you access a deeper sense of authenticity as everyday, routine events may be more enlightening than usual this week.

PISCES :: Energy of the Month

As we enter the current Pisces energy, many people will be feeling more sensitive than usual, picking up many different kinds of information via all six senses.

PISCES :: Back to the Womb

Pisces is the conclusion of the astrological year and brings us all full circle, back to the womb, where sometimes you may feel uncomfortable, unable to move naturally, cranky because of the limitations ~ but at the same time, remaining safely behind the scenes as you fully develop the “new you”

Feb 26 – March 4, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events

3/2 ~ Venus (values & priorities) ~conjunct~ Jupiter (truth & story):
This is an extremely powerful energy that brings the two *benefactors* together to initiate a new cycle that makes you very mentally “present” to the fact that both your values and your truth are shifting.

Feb 19 – 25, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events

2/19  ::  PISCES Super/New Moon:
This is an annual crossroads that we come to every year around this time. It is the completion of 12-new moons since the last Pisces New Moon 3.2.2022. How’s it going a year later? No one is exempt.

Feb 12 – 18, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events

2/15 ~ Venus (values) ~conjunct~ Neptune (dreams):
This energy is the power of your vision combined with your deepest values. It is the initiation of a new dream.

Feb 5 – 11, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events

2/5 :: LEO Full Moon:
The Leo Full Moon often illuminates the discrepancies between who you are, who you think you are and who you are perceived to be.