Category: Energetic Support

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

June 5 – 11, 2022 ~ Forecast

6/10 ~ Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~trine~ Pluto (rebirth & transformation):   (3 of 3: 4/28 ~ 5/25 ~ 6/10)
This activation makes any deep delving within easier and more fruitful. It encourages you to ask the deeper questions, clarify your deeper feelings and trust your intuitive gut feelings that are telling you something has to die so that some other aspect of your consciousness can live. You will want to explore your inner Self, sort through recently gathered information and try to understand better what your own natural process really is. It is best to be alone for such research.

GEMINI ~ Energy of the Month

This month you will have to take many deep breaths to maintain your equilibrium. The pressure is intense and the speed of which information is coming at you, is continuing to increase. Always keep in the back of your mind, if you cannot control it, release it to the Universe … and if you CAN control it, then this (whatever is activating your “control” or “survival” buttons) is just a reminder to inhale back your own authority and your personal power to choose … your power to change your mind and thus, your circumstances. In the instant you commit to your choice, change can occur.

GEMINI ~ Your Authentic Voice

Searching for “different ways” (Gemini) or “truer answers” (Sagittarius) … May I remind you that as a “human” you are dual by nature (Gemini) … and yet, so much MORE! (Sagittarius) Add “human” to “Being” and now you are *Multi-Dimensional*. I find it far more useful these days to look at the energies AND their polar opposites to get a more balanced understanding of what I am experiencing. And beyond that, I notice that I’ve been reminding people almost constantly that “life has become an ‘AND’ … not an either/or”. You have to multi-task to get anything accomplished and/or completed these days. Why is that? Because, you are simultaneously: dying and being born anew; leaving the past behind and moving toward an unknown future; releasing and acquiring on a multitude of levels. You, my multi-dimensional friend, have many layers to your Being which are being activated and/or shifted in dramatic and permanent ways.

May 29 – June 4, 2022 ~ Forecast

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast Podcast ~ AUDIO Only HERE (11-min) Weekly eMail HERE ~ AUDIO HERE (3-min) ~ Join List HERE 5/29 ~ Mars (passion) ~conjunct~ Jupiter (expansion): This is an excellent energy if you are beginning a new project or business because you will have considerably more energy than usual so direct it consciously and…
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May 22 – 28, 2022 ~ Forecast

5/22 ~ Mars (desire & action) ~sextile~ Pluto (purification & transformation):   This is lower will meets Higher Will ~ within you! Mars is your inner Masculine and therefore helps you take action & make choices according to who you are and what you want. Pluto will ensure that you come from the purest place within (Soul-level), which often entails a cleansing of the non-essential and over-growth of the last cycle first. Luckily, this is not a “hard/bad” activation but an opportunity to connect with what you really want, at the deepest Soul-level, which will naturally lead to whatever is blocking that and its ultimate release.

May 15 – 21, 2022 ~ Forecast

5/15 ~ Ceres Enters CANCER (until July 23rd):
Ceres rules how we nurture and like to be nurtured. As it moves through the Signs, it also moves through your respective Houses, activating your Planets and bringing some much-needed loving, caring, nurturing, maternal energy to those zones. It takes about 5-years for Ceres to move through all 12-Signs so the last time it was in Cancer was July 2017 and (fyi) the next time will be August 2026. It’s time for adjustments & improvements to our personal containers and a concentrated dose of nourishment in our Cancer/Capricorn and Aries/Libra Departments by default. It is a once-in-5-years renewal in the Cancer zone, and this is your Emotional Health & Personal Security, how you process your feelings and secure your home base or foundation.

May 8 – 14, 2022 ~ Forecast

Note from Kelly:
This week has NO Activations – this hasn’t happened in a long while but that doesn’t mean there isn’t movement to co-create with! Mercury Retrogrades and Jupiter enters Aries for the first time in 12-years. Both of these are special indeed! Remember that we are also still in Eclipse Season.

May 1 – 7, 2022 ~ Forecast

5/1 ~ Venus (relationships) ~sextile~ Pluto (transformation):
This energy deepens all emotions and strengthens bonds & attachments. Friendships & love relationships become much deeper and, sometimes more intense, not to mention any physical, sexual experiences. Being fake or superficial is never possible when Pluto is involved, and because Venus is involved, we’re talking relationships or how you relate in general, so if you are needing to dig a little deeper with someone, you are supported. This energy can facilitate positive transformation in your relationships, partnerships or collaborations.

TAURUS ~ Energy of the Month

Taurus/Scorpio energy brings awareness of your deepest values, renewal of your priorities and access to the power to co-create your world. Taurus time (April/May) is an annual opportunity to seed the *Garden* of your life … while Scorpio time (Oct/Nov) brings the annual gifts of power, magic and purification. Working consciously with these energies gives you a chance to truly ground your Highest intentions and bring them into ‘form’ to serve the greater good, which will attract blessings beyond your wildest imagination … *IF* you maintain integrity and do the work! Earth energy requires getting real ~ getting serious ~ and often, getting dirty! It is a chance to co-create, contribute and allow Great Spirit to breathe life into the seeds you plant at this time.

TAURUS ~ Body + Soul

Audio Link to this Post HERE (5-min/mp3) PLEASE NOTE that I have created the audio link above for those times it is easier to LISTEN than READ. Hopefully, you took advantage of the Aries/Mars energy to define, in detail, what it is that you “desire” in various areas of your life. Now you have access…
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