Category: Energetic Support

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

April 24 – 30, 2022 ~ Forecast

Note from Kelly:
Ooh wee y’all – pray for me – Mercury Retro is giving me some appearances that I refuse to let be a reality. Bear with me as my communications systems are upgraded! I trust – I trust – I trust! Meantime, I do seem to be receiving and even sending emails but gmail accounts continue to report a problem. But also, feel free to send me emails or re-send anything you think I missed. Also, I will be sending out the Venus Replay and the Olokun Follow Up Replay in the next couple of days. Please be patient as my software is handicapped at the moment and everything is taking extra steps to get done. I really appreciate your understanding as it is also just me – trust me, I am dreaming up the ideal Assistant that loves technology and wants to free me up to strictly be The Creative and the Mystic Mentor. And to that end, I need those of you wanting to do the next Astro 101 Class to sign up asap! This is where you will learn about astrology by using your own chart. We start on May 3rd! All are welcome but we will have a focus on 40-50-somethings – those of you born 1960-1980.

April 17 – 23, 2022 ~ Forecast + Events

4/17 ~ Mercury (thoughts) ~sextile~ Venus (art & beauty):
This is a great opportunity to beautify your ideas, improve or deepen them so they are expressing more of your unique authenticity. Communication in relationships usually goes well under this influence. This energy also turns your thoughts and ideas toward how you feel and what inspires you with love & beauty. This is a great time to be particularly creative, or do something that activates your own Inner Artist. It is best to keep it light and let go of your mundane burdens just for a time. Pleasure reading, a walk on the beach, a play or museum are all good things to do at some point this week, if possible.

April 10 – 16, 2022 ~ Forecast

4/10 ~ Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~square~ Pluto (rebirth & transformation):     This energy is a tough, yet powerful one. Its Highest expression would be to focus on your inner deep-dig, discovery, development & transformation of your own mind & consciousness that happens when these two get together and we are challenged to grow out of comfort zone and into new territory. It enables you to look beneath the surface to some core drives and gain some valuable insights and thus, choose a plan of action based on your findings.

April 3 – 9, 2022 ~ Forecast

4/4 ~ Mars (energy, desire & action) ~conjunct~ Saturn (structure, responsibility & timing):   Any conjunction is an initiation and Mars rules ‘who you are’ and ‘what you want’, while Saturn rules your definition of reality & your physical limits, along with your roles & responsibilities. If you are feeling frustrated, you may need to clarify your desires more, then take tangible, practical steps toward them. Anytime Saturn is involved, it will depend on your personal nature, as some thrive on structure & good boundaries, while others buck the system and want to do it their own way (which causes its own types of conflicts in the world). Sometimes this energy manifests as action being restricted and the anger that follows. You can either be angry and feel restricted, limited and unable to move … or you can see this energy as an opportunity to define the right actions to take and strategically plan to take them when the Universe is more supportive.

ARIES ~ Energy of the Month

As the Sun enters Aries ~ Spring Equinox Initiates a new Solar/astrological year. This is a *Universal* RE-Set Button. Clean Slate. New Beginning. This is an Annual Activation for everyone, but for the Cardinal Family, it can be a little more intense & personal … Aries Initiation ~ Libra Integration ~ Cancer/Capricorn Test/Growth. Everyone has Aries ruling some area of life and this is the area of life that gets activated at this time every year. Do you know your rhythm for this? How do you feel every Spring? Aries energy activates the instinctual draw toward change and new beginnings. Old ways no longer work and you must get out of your comfort zone and experiment with new modes of operating. It’s time to move again, shake off the sleepiness of Winter. It’s an annual Re-Birth that reminds you to honor both the Shadow and the Light, the visible work, done in the Light and often with others … as well as … the invisible work, done in the Shadows, behind the scenes, alone and hidden from view. How would you like to do things differently this year? What aspect of your life, being or environment could use some conscious focus and intentional action?

March 27 – April 2, 2022 ~ Forecast

3/27 ~ Mercury Enters ARIES (until April 10th):
Mercury moving through Aries tends to make us think more instinctively. This is a mixed blessing. On one hand, you can take in a lot of information and easily sort & sift it based on what your immediate needs are but on the other hand, it can make you jump the gun without thinking things all the way through because you are reacting instead of responding. Reacting comes from the Head and Responding comes from the Heart. It is best to use this energy to dig into your own ideas & motivations – WHY do you want what you want? Why are you thinking the way you do? What is motivating your ideas, thoughts & concepts?

March 20 – 26, 2022 ~ Forecast + Events

3/26 ~ Mercury (communication) ~sextile~ Pluto (transformation):
This energy provokes the need to delve deeper into the ideas or information being presented at this time, whether personal or professional. You will want to dig deeper, ask the hard questions and gather insights that are more profound than usual. In your professional/public life, you may find yourself doing better on proper pre-planning & due-diligence and in your personal/private life, you may find yourself digging a little deeper into your own mental patterns & personal history (that have led to ‘now’). As you make these connections and begin to grasp these new insights, they will gain traction and you will become more grounded in your own Truth & Story.

2008 Neptune + Uranus Reflections

Bonus Post – Mutual Reception of Neptune in Aquarius + Uranus in Pisces 2008
Here is another throw-back that is useful to review at this time, in conjunction with the 2011-2025 Neptune in Pisces Post HERE. This audio was recorded on 11.11.2008 so both of these were done around the same time of year, 3-years apart. I even reference this one on the later 2011 audio when Neptune shifts from Aquarius into Pisces.

2011-2025 Neptune in PISCES

I thought it might be interesting to review the recording of an event I held almost 12-years ago, on 11.10.2011, that had over 100 people on it just to hear about Neptune moving into Pisces because this is such a big deal. I just reviewed the audio myself and it is SO USEFUL & RELEVANT!! I call it Relevant Reflections when I release an old audio and the few that I’ve uploaded have been very well-received. So I trust you will find value in these Reflections too. I covered a LOT of ground – ALL of which is helpful to check-in with now as we prepare for this very special alignment between Jupiter & Neptune in Pisces.

March 13 – 19, 2022 ~ Forecast + Events

3/13 ~ Sun (essential Self) ~conjunct~ Neptune (delusions & illusions):
This transit tends to make you very sensitive to others whether it is rational or not. If you are one of those people who tends to put everyone else’s needs before your own, watch out, because this makes that urge even stronger. Be aware of two things: (1) most times people who focus so much on others, to the exclusion of their own needs, is because there is something about their own life they do not want to face; and (2) you could get lost in your so-called altruism to the point where you lose touch with reality. This energy is best used alone to meditate and contemplate your own world unless you can be completely detached in your charity work. I use this little motivation to decide – is your life so perfect and abundant that you can afford to spend so much time and energy on another’s life? If so, GREAT! Go for it! If not, however, then “charity begins at home” – work on YOU!