Category: Energetic Support

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Healing Trinity 2009

Finally, I think you will also find tremendous support in the following RE-Post. I did the first part in Nov 2009, which is more of an Overview. The second part, had many more details and planetary alignments that we were working with at that time, but just like on the audio, I almost cut out the Chart portion thinking it wouldn’t be relevant, but neither were true. The chart advice was totally prolific for what we are experiencing right now and the second part of the RE-Post is like that too – there are little nuggets of gold in there. IN-Joy!!

Oct 17 – 23, 2021 ~ Forecast + Events

10/17 ~ Jupiter Direct in AQUARIUS:
Jupiter goes Retrograde annually, providing an opportunity to check-in with the Area of Life (House) where it is extending its stay. This year, it’s your Aquarius House, so freedom, detachment & community is all part of it. Jupiter helps us learn & understand things on a deeper level, and in Aquarius, we start to see how our unique contribution really matters. Each year, during the Retro, we get to “edit our personal Story” so that we can live our authentic Truth & Purpose, at a more embodied level going forward. We have from now until Dec 28th to finish up this once-in-12-years opportunity to goldmine the wisdom of Jupiter in Aquarius before our education shifts back to the Pisces Department and we get an incredible expansion there next.

Oct 10 – 16, 2021 ~ Forecast

This is a time to develop or fortify your Inner Authority to make choices & decisions on your own behalf, with courage & confidence. Take time to organize your thoughts or create a plan or strategy for adjusting to the changes (seemingly) being forced on you at this time. Start with small, manageable goals because accomplishing them will also give you the momentum & fortitude to go after the bigger goals. It’s time to release fear & doubt and redefine your reality on some level, as Saturn gets through its 2+ year journey in Capricorn. This Retrograde likely revealed at least a clue about what restructuring needs to happen for you personally and going Direct will help you begin to rebuild.

LIBRA ~ Energy of the Month

Libra energy is best for evaluating all your relationships, collaborations & partnerships, personal or business. Are things fair & balanced? Most relationships are rarely “equal”, but how do you feel about the exchange of energy or reciprocity at this time? Is there any kind of imbalance? That should be your focus this month. Libra energy helps us see all sides of an issue or our lives, and this energy gives us the capacity to access a win/win situation if we only open up to the possibilities and be more receptive to teamwork.

Oct 3 – 9, 2021 ~ Forecast

10/3 ~ Mercury (learning & mind) ~trine~ Jupiter (education & consciousness):
(2 of 3: 9/20 ~ 10/3 ~ 10/31)
This energy is great for expanding your mind, learning something new or taking a class. It’s time to plan for the future and start getting organized. However, you may feel less disciplined and more creative, which is fine in the beginning, but eventually focus & discipline will have to be engaged to ground your new ideas, thoughts or concepts.

Sept 26 – Oct 2, 2021 ~ Forecast

9/26 ~ Mercury Retrograde in LIBRA (Until Oct 18th):
This year is special because Mercury has retrograded in ALL Air Signs: Aquarius, Gemini and now Libra. The last time it did this was 2015 and before that 2008 and before that was 2001-02. Can you find any common threads between those years that point to you having a complete re-set in your Mental Body? Those years do coincide with a LOT of movement, changes, ideas, learning, teaching and birthing new ways of expressing ourselves as individuals within the context of our relationships.

Sept 19 – 25, 2021 ~ Forecast + Events

9/20 ~ Mercury (learning & mind) ~trine~ Jupiter (education & consciousness):
(1 of 3: 9/20 ~ 10/3 ~ 10/31)
This energy is great for expanding your mind, learning something new or taking a class. It’s time to plan for the future and start getting organized. However, you may feel less disciplined and more creative, which is fine in the beginning, but eventually focus & discipline will have to be engaged to ground your new ideas, thoughts or concepts.

Sept 12 – 18, 2021 ~ Forecast

9/14 ~ Mars Enters LIBRA (until Oct 30th):
Mars rules our desire nature, our energy & fuel – and how we direct it – our passions and the Sacred Masculine, which is the part of you who can negotiate on your own behalf, get your ideas in the world and keep good, healthy, effective boundaries. Anytime Mars is in Libra, we get an opportunity to tune into how our relationships, partnerships & collaborations are doing. We check-in with Self to determine if we still desire these goals, situations or partnerships. It takes about 2-years for Mars to make its journey back to Libra so the last time we had access to this energy was Oct/Nov 2019, so who you are and what you want has evolved over that time and now you get to initiate clean.

VIRGO ~ Healing + Unity Within

This season is so important, and taking advantage of every possible form of support and good energy, (planetary or otherwise) is vital to making a smooth transition to the next leg of this particular journey. This month’s expanded Virgo energy will feed you in a way that fuels your individual process, making you more effective in your preparation for the coming tangible results.

VIRGO ~ Energy of the Month

Virgo gives everyone a chance to “process, sort & sift” all that has come up in the last nine months. There is a line in the book, Little Soul & the Sun by Neale Donald Walsh, that says, “Now that I know WHO I AM, I want to BE it!” And I must suggest that in order for you to “BE” all that you discovered about your essential nature (in Leo) and what nourishes and supports you on the deepest levels (in Cancer), Virgo is the energy that extracts the BEST of YOU and helps you heal and/or release all that is no longer relevant or useful – within and around you.