Category: Energetic Support

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Feb 21 – 27, 2021 ~ Forecast

2/24 ~ Mars (energy) ~trine~ Pluto (transformation):
This is an active, transformative energy that will help you to change your life in a healthy, positive way. You may have the energy & inclination to make major personal (and permanent) changes to who you are and what you want on a deep Soul level. Because it’s a Trine, it promises more ease than is usually associated with Pluto, and in this case, makes transformation smoother too. You may be especially focused on what needs to be done or changed in your life at this time. You will want to take action and the Universe supports that decision, as long as it is righteous and not totally self-serving. This is a good time to get moving, take action regarding your long-term goals – and you will be able to create momentum. You may realize some of your recent actions or choices do not necessarily support your deepest drives or desires. As you get in alignment within & without, the results can be miraculous. Be creative ~ be brave!

Feb 14 – 20, 2021 ~ Forecast

2/14 ~ Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~conjunct~ Jupiter (expansion & learning):    (2 of 3: 1/11 ~ 2/14 ~ 3/4)
It is time to expand your thinking & develop more conscious awareness! This is a powerful energy assisting you on many levels. You will make connections easily & quickly that help you integrate newly acquired information or knowledge, making you appear psychic (or at least lucky) to others. At this time, you can connect with your Highest ideal and most broad outlook for your life, and you may feel that you are finally ready to live your Truth. You are so connected to your own ideal that you naturally give others permission to live their Truth as well, creating an atmosphere of tolerance that feeds all involved. The challenge with this energy is going too ‘broad’ and missing the details that are vital to your success.

Feb 7 – 13, 2021 ~ Forecast

2/10 ~ Mercury Rx (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~square~ Mars (desire & actions):
(2 of 3: 1/8 ~ 2/10 ~ 3/23)
This activation can be a tough one for some. If your beliefs are out of alignment with your actions, if you are not self-aware or you act-out unconsciously, being selfish or childish, then watch out, because squares test you to grow and change in some way. Often, this also means that you are suppressing your own nature in some way, which is never really a good idea. When you suppress your Soul, it can make your human more sensitive or defensive, taking things personally as a threat or challenge. If you catch your Self feeling irritable for no apparent reason this week, try to step back and gain some perspective before responding to either your own thoughts or another person’s words.

Jan 31 – Feb 6, 2021~ Forecast

2/1 ~ Venus Enters AQUARIUS (until Feb 25th):
If Venus in Capricorn is your conservative, dignified Inner Leader Self, then when she’s in Aquarius, she is embodying the Inner Visionary, who joyfully & generously shares her unusual insight, deep wisdom & radical ideas of human harmony that is possible if we cultivate it. Venus in Aquarius requires sovereignty & freedom in both her personal & professional relationships so this is our chance to check in to see how that is going for us as individuals. This is a time to allow your deep Feminine Wisdom to surface to guide you about the future of your relationships & finances. Venus in Aquarius activates an upgrade in your own self-value, self-worth, self-love and self-knowledge.

AQUARIUS ~ Energy of the Month

This month’s energy helps you focus on expressing your innate uniqueness, on all levels. It is also the energy of experimentation – try some new way of doing an old thing. Try to get an understanding of the bigger picture, see your connection to the whole or work on planning your long-term goals. Sometimes we get too bogged down in mundane matters and we lose sight of why we started doing the things we’re doing in the first place. Avoid seeking others’ approval, as most people think differently and may not understand your truth and purpose, which is none of their concern to begin with.

AQUARIUS ~ Expand the Vision

Aquarius has to integrate the self-love lesson of Leo, in order to make its unique contribution to the community and reminds you to think outside the box (Aquarius/Uranus) & follow your heart (Leo/Sun) for the betterment of all. What has changed on a *fundamental* level (Cancer/Capricorn ~ personal/professional) for you, that has now made you aware of how vital it is to honor your essential nature (Leo/Sun) so you are able to contribute to the whole (Aquarius/Uranus) in a more useful and delicious way? It is time for you to further define truth and happiness for yourself. It can no longer follow the formula of generations past. You have direct access to this potent Uranian energy and you can now connect directly to a UNIQUE VISION OF LIFE, COMMUNITY AND THE PLANET.

Jan 24 – 30, 2021 ~ Forecast

1/26 ~ Sun (source & essential Self) ~square~ Uranus (awakening & radical shift):
As with any Uranus activation, this one disrupts the normal flow in order to facilitate a ‘break to realign’ moment. While sometimes disruptive & challenging, the ultimate result is refreshing in some way. Consider the energy that thickens, gathering for a severe thunderstorm, then releasing buckets of rain, for hours, you sleep deeply and awaken to a bright sunny morning with birds chirping unusually loud outside your window. Got the visual? ; -)) This activation is the necessary challenge that gets your attention that something better is available, if you’re willing to improvise and think on your feet.

Jan 17 – 23, 2021 ~ Forecast

1/17 ~ Jupiter (faith/belief) ~square~ Uranus (freedom/liberation):
This is a special alignment that is only going to happen once. Expansion & Liberation coming together can shock the system, no doubt, and this activation will push you out of your comfort zone, whether your life is changing for the better or worse. It’s time to gather all the knowledge & earned wisdom of the last 3-years and apply it to see what works and what doesn’t. Experiment with new ideas, expand on anything solid and explore new realms of possibility, on every level ~ physical, emotional, spiritual & mental.

Jan 10 – 16, 2021 ~ Forecast

1/11 ~ Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~conjunct~ Jupiter (expansion & learning):
(1 of 3: 1/11 ~ 2/14 ~ 3/4)
It is time to expand your thinking & develop more conscious awareness! This is a powerful energy assisting you on many levels. You will make connections easily & quickly that help you integrate newly acquired information or knowledge, making you appear psychic (or at least lucky) to others. At this time, you can connect with your Highest ideal and most broad outlook for your life, and you may feel that you are finally ready to live your Truth. You are so connected to your own ideal that you naturally give others permission to live their Truth as well, creating an atmosphere of tolerance that feeds all involved. The challenge with this energy is going too ‘broad’ and missing details that are vital to your success.

Jan 3 – 9, 2021 ~ Forecast

1/4 ~ Mercury (mind, thoughts & ideas) ~conjunct~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
This activation takes you into the depths of your own mind & consciousness, deepening all communications. You may find yourself obsessing over something, either by yourself or in an attempt to convey something to another. Superficial, quick once-overs, trying to keep things ‘light’ will not likely be possible with this energy. You may feel determined to dig deeper until you get to the core or base issue. It’s good for soul-searching when it’s motivated by a genuine desire to know the truth, rather than to evade it. It’s not-so-good when you’re obsessing over someone or something which no longer serves you (or your Highest good). The challenge with this energy is the tendency to be really intense and locked-in on your own point of view, which is no less valid, but often this type of mental intensity blinds you to something obvious that you overlooked because you were not being objective, but being driven by much deeper (possibly unconscious) emotions.