Note from Kelly:
This week is relatively light, all things considered. Use this slight breather from the other planets so we can continue to process, integrate and ride the waves of the Sag Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse (6/5). Ultimately, this year’s eclipses are helping us dream up a new vision for home, work, individuality, relationships, communities, learning, teaching and the evolution of consciousness. What is real & true for you? What do you want to see more of, in the world? Find a need and fill it with whatever you really care about and are willing to focus your time, energy & resources on, for the greater good. Now is the time to change your own Story so that the Collective Story automatically shifts. Gemini/Sag Eclipses + Venus Retro in Gemini always coincide with the evolution of the consciousness of humanity itself. As a Social & Collective unit, we are growing and changing the narrative to what is more appropriate for here and now.