Category: Lunar Support

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

PISCES :: Energy of the Month

As we enter the current Pisces energy, many people will be feeling more sensitive than usual, picking up many different kinds of information via all six senses.

PISCES :: Back to the Womb

Pisces is the conclusion of the astrological year and brings us all full circle, back to the womb, where sometimes you may feel uncomfortable, unable to move naturally, cranky because of the limitations ~ but at the same time, remaining safely behind the scenes as you fully develop the “new you”

CAPRICORN :: Energy of the Month

Capricorn is the energy of our inner authority – how we use our authority and how we sometimes tend to give our authority away. When you allow others to determine things you ought to be defining for yourself.

SAGITTARIUS ~ Energy of the Month

Scorpio brought some very real, very heavy duty stuff to the surface for most people. That kind of deep energy shift is the catalyst for the *Spiritual Quest* energy of Sag. Sagittarius is the adventurer and researcher of the zodiac, curious about the deeper meaning of all things and cultivating Truth.

SCORPIO ~ Energy of the Month

Scorpio asks: What will you create? Pluto asks: What is your Mission? in Capricorn: What is your Purpose? How will you access this powerful shape-shifting energy this month? Caroline W. Casey says, “The undercover [Scorpio] Self is the shape-shifting part of us that assumes whatever guises are necessary to best serve our mission.”

SCORPIO Deep Diving :: It’s About to Get Personal

Scorpio is our Soul Level, subterranean, interior realms that we often do not have the time, tools or resources to address in real-time, so we put our Soul needs on the back-burner. Some people avoid their Soul Work their entire lives.

LIBRA ~ Energy of the Month

Libra energy is best for evaluating all your relationships, collaborations & partnerships, personal or business. Are things fair & balanced? Most relationships are rarely “equal”, but how do you feel about the exchange of energy or reciprocity at this time? Is there any kind of imbalance?

LEO ~ Energy of the Month

This month is ALL ABOUT YOU … the NEW you!!

July 31 – Aug 6, 2022 ~ Forecast

7/31 ~ Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~oppose~ Saturn (reality & physical limitations):  Here the opposition is between your thoughts and your reality or current responsibilities. It’s also about your mental and physical getting integrated on some level. Are you working too hard, causing mental or physical exhaustion? Are you too stuck in idea-mode, delaying actions and actual commitments? It’s time to take a realistic look at your life to see where you could change your mind and your reality would follow. You may find yourself asking what your truth and purpose really are or you may be concerned about how to provide for your very basic, essential needs and why you have been constantly limited in that way. Everything can seem bleak and depressing but really it is just the Universe’s way of getting your attention and helping you to focus on what really matters.

GEMINI ~ Energy of the Month

This month you will have to take many deep breaths to maintain your equilibrium. The pressure is intense and the speed of which information is coming at you, is continuing to increase. Always keep in the back of your mind, if you cannot control it, release it to the Universe … and if you CAN control it, then this (whatever is activating your “control” or “survival” buttons) is just a reminder to inhale back your own authority and your personal power to choose … your power to change your mind and thus, your circumstances. In the instant you commit to your choice, change can occur.