Category: Readings w. Kelly

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

March 22 – 28, 2020 ~ Forecast + Resource List

Note + Special Offer from Kelly:
I am over-the-moon excited to share something really special with you and I encourage you to share it with others. This is my SouLodge Sistas on steroids! This is what we do, y’all 😉 Many of us became Earth Medicine Practitioners together in 2017-18 and this is the first big collaboration that we’ve done together – and it’s called Wise Woman Alchemy. What I find fascinating is the timing of this offering because, thanks to Heather Dakota – Book Witch & Business Alchemist, we were putting this together for months before this worldly chaos broke out and now, it is ready for you right ON TIME!

15 Women coming together. 15 Offerings to provide support for an over-stressed and overwhelmed world. We each bring our own brand of magick to help you tap into your intuition, reclaim your joy & sovereignty, and nurture your body & soul. The vision we hold as the Wise Woman Collective is that each woman shares her knowledge, which creates a powerful place for all of us. more…

March 15 – 21, 2020 ~ Forecast + Sacred Events

I have 3-events to share before I launch into our rich & fertile forecast, which only consists of two official activations but boy do they *matter* at this juncture in life but they also come later in the week. Sunday, I am live in Chicago, Monday is when Shanta’s Spring Anustan begins, Tuesday is my IGLive day ~ plus Shanta & I are doing our Annual Equinox gathering Thursday.

June 30 – July 6, 2019 ~ Special Eclipse Update

This week is special! There are no official activations, however, there is a Total Solar Eclipse adding energy to our annual New Moon in Cancer that falls on July 2nd so I thought I would devote this week to that.