Category: Relevant Reflections

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

TAURUS :: Energy of the Month

Taurus/Scorpio energy brings awareness of your deepest values, renewal of your priorities and access to the power to co-create your world. Taurus time (April/May) is an annual opportunity to seed the *Garden* of your life … while Scorpio time (Oct/Nov) brings the annual gifts of power, magic and purification.

TAURUS :: Body + Soul

Now you have access to potent Taurean energy to build the foundation which will support your goals. You have to know what you want and be willing to work for it, then the Universe will respond in equal measure.

April 23 – 29, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events

4/23 ~ Mercury Rx (expression) ~sextile~ Mars (passion): (2 of 3: 4/8 :: 4/23 :: 6/21)
This is a healthy selfish energy (aka self-preservation). Do not hold back this week. If you have a big dream or serious goal that you have been working toward, then this is the time that may attract the assistance you need from the Universe.

March 12 – 18, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events

3/14 ~ Mars (action & desire) ~square~ Neptune (dreams & illusions):
This can be an annoying energy, to say the least. Basically, you may be confronted with challenges which are a direct result of earlier choices.

PISCES :: Energy of the Month

As we enter the current Pisces energy, many people will be feeling more sensitive than usual, picking up many different kinds of information via all six senses.

PISCES :: Back to the Womb

Pisces is the conclusion of the astrological year and brings us all full circle, back to the womb, where sometimes you may feel uncomfortable, unable to move naturally, cranky because of the limitations ~ but at the same time, remaining safely behind the scenes as you fully develop the “new you”

AQUARIUS :: Energy of the Month

This month’s energy helps you focus on expressing your innate uniqueness, on all levels. It is also the energy of experimentation – try some new way of doing an old thing.

Jan 8 – 14, 2023 :: Forecast + Events

1/8 ~ Mercury Rx (voice) ~trine~ Uranus (individuality):
(2 of 3: 12/17 :: 1/8 :: 1/29)
This activation gives you access to your Higher Mind and opens the way for new, deeper insights that can guide & direct you at this time.

Jan 1 – 7, 2023 :: Forecast + Events

1/1 ~ Venus (love, finances & relationships) ~conjunct~ Pluto (purification & transformation): This is an Initiation and an energy that supports a brand new beginning in your personal life.

2023 Energetic Overview

Annual SOLAR Rhythm :: The Sun spends about a month in each Sign, Aries through Pisces, every year. It has an Annual Rhythm that we can learn to sync-up with that is really juicy to co-create with consciously.