July 30 – Aug 5, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events
8/1 :: AQUARIUS Super/Full Moon:
This Full Moon asks: What have you become “too” attached to? And/or what have you become “too” detached from (and need to reconnect)?
8/1 :: AQUARIUS Super/Full Moon:
This Full Moon asks: What have you become “too” attached to? And/or what have you become “too” detached from (and need to reconnect)?
We can all consciously honor the healing, education & personal transformation that Chiron facilitates. Chiron in Pisces (2011-2019) taught us about sensitivity & boundary issues and being a Spirit in human form. Now, in Aries, we are opening up to the new directive of self-healing, self-assembling & self-mastery going forward.
7/17 :: Mercury (expression) ~square~ Jupiter (truth):
This energy challenges you to integrate your smaller, individual point of view with the larger vision for your life. On one hand, you can see the big picture in new ways, but on the other hand, you may not be very interested in the details that bring it about
7/9 :: Mercury (ideas) ~trine~ Neptune (dreams):
This energy activates your creative process & intuition. You may catch yourSelf unconsciously drifting aimlessly but a better use of this combination is to open to the other realms for ideas & information and play with it, free flow, see where it leads.
7/2 :: Venus (love, finances & relationships) ~square~ Uranus (sudden change):
(1 of 3: 7/2 :: 8/9 :: 9/29)
The truth is, it is time to do something “different” where your love, finances or relationships are concerned. Making a conscious effort to do things in a completely new way will be rewarded with a lesson & a blessing that you would’ve never considered before now.
6/25 :: Mercury (communication) ~square~ Neptune (dissolution):
This is a mixed blessing energy. On one hand, it’s good for spiritual study and giving your dreams a little energy (if your schedule permits). On the other hand, it makes for major miscommunications between people.
6/18 :: Sun (core essential Self) ~square~ Neptune (illusions & delusions):
This activation can cause self-doubt, self-delusion and an overall confusion that seems to be sourced within or self-directed. It’s only temporary.
6/11 ~ Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~trine~ Pluto (rebirth & transformation):
This activation makes any deep-delving within easier and more fruitful. It encourages you to ask the deeper questions.
6/4 ~ Mercury (your thinking) ~conjunct~ Uranus (the Awakener):
It is said that this energy depends on your “normal mental speed” which is not the same as intelligence. If your mind is naturally quick, then you will be downloading more than usual during this Initiation.
5/28 :: Sun (essential Self) ~square~ Saturn (responsibility):
With this energy, it is best to understand that you will have two distinct pulls within – obligation to others versus responsibility to Self. How much do you owe your Self and how much are you obligated to others?