Aug 15 – 21, 2021 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Aug 15 – 21, 2021 ~ Forecast

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
Podcast ~ AUDIO Only HERE (20-min)

8/16 ~ Venus Enters LIBRA (until Sept 10th):
Venus (values, priorities, resources, love, art, beauty, culture) in Libra (balance, reciprocity, relationships) is a time to restore balance within your Being and develop a new sense of self-worth & self-value. This is an opportunity to renegotiate terms of your primary relationships in order to determine what is no longer important to you, while preparing to go deeper. If you align your priorities within your own Being, as well as your primary relationships of *NOW* ~ then it will make the deep dive into the potent Scorpio energy more productive (and less debilitating). When Venus is in Libra, it is time to assess your priorities and re-establish balance with a cool head (Air sign), what’s fair, just and worth it for you, by your own definition. It’s time to take an honest look at how you, your life and choices affect those closest to you. You want to reflect on how effective your choices actually are (or have been) in attracting your heart’s desires as well. Remember, Libra is the lesson of “balance & reciprocity” which must be considered before taking on the Scorpio lesson of “karma & creation”, otherwise you only create more “karma & creations” to clean up along the way. Venus will always remind you that you ARE what you attract and you show the Universe what you value by what you spend your primary resources on (time, energy, money). So use this time to recalibrate things in your Libra Dept and consciously look for new ways of relating.

8/18 ~ Mercury (thoughts) ~conjunct~ Mars (energy): (1 of 3: 8/18 ~ 10/9 ~ 11/10)
I have to preface this with two things: (1) is when Mercury is involved, it is a relatively fast-moving energy. (2) is when Mars is involved, being the lower version of power (Pluto being the Higher version), reminds us that with power, also comes responsibility. Now, that all said, the positive expression of this energy is that you can control your mind & direct it with passion, getting tangible results. This heightens your intellectual ability and mental capacity (for better or worse). You will be able to clearly articulate your thoughts and you should have quick, effective responses. If you maintain your integrity, this is an excellent time to ‘fuel’ major creative expression. If this energy manifests its negative side, it can make you petty & combative, arguing over nonsense and wasting precious time & energy in ego control-dramas. And if it is not coming FROM you, it is just as possible to be coming AT you (from others). This is the best time to put your energy (Mars) behind your thoughts, ideas and words (Mercury) and get creative. The power of this pairing is that they are occupying the same space, essentially energizing each other and initiating a new cycle of creative expression.
*Note – that each conjunction is going to happen in a different Sign: first VIRGO (8/18), then Rx in LIBRA (10/9), then SCORPIO (11/10). This is going to allow you to dive even deeper than usual, into your Heart’s Desire to really explore and re-set each Area of Life (House), infused with new ideas, thoughts & concepts to guide your choices and decisions going forward.

8/19 ~ Sun (core essential Self) ~oppose~ Jupiter (expansion & learning):
This energy is a double-edge sword in that you may “feel” positive and optimistic – which is a good thing – but it is also prone to excess – which brings us to the philosophy of “anything in moderation” or “balance in all things”. Be positive but be alert too! Beware of the urge to overdo it or over-extend yourself on any level. Use this energy to tap into your courageous side and attempt something that you’ve avoided out of fear or doubt. There is a push-pull going on between your ego and your enthusiastic child within which demands that you find a proper expression for this energy. Also, beware of your enthusiasm provoking you to try to get others to see it from your point of view. You always have to be mindful of the fact that everyone is on their individual paths and may not be ready for what you’re bringing … and that’s okay – focus this energy back on your Self and it will serve you well. This energy tends to bring out the self-righteousness in us and that rarely leads where you are trying to go. What this energy is trying to tell us is that certain aspects of your Self and your Spiritual development are coming to a head and decisions need to be made which will affect your future. Pay attention – and try to get the lesson & the blessings of whatever is happening this week because it is trying to guide you to a new level … ready or not! Also keep in mind that it is an opposition, which always reminds us to watch for extremes and practice coming back into center, the truth is you are 6-months into something that requires some integration. If you stabilize now, you can expand your life in positive ways and with more ease & grace.
Click HERE to Request LEO Gate Replay
Click HERE to Request LEO/Heart Chakra Venus Circle Replay

8/19 ~ Uranus Retro in TAURUS (until 1.18.2022):
This is a time when personal planets will interact with Uranus in Taurus in a similar way every year that we can consciously co-create with and every year’s annual retrograde is a special time to assimilate the changes you’ve been going through. Uranus is a collective planet and so affects many people and takes 7-years to accomplish its mission in each sign. It will awaken the Taurus department of life (House) and stimulate any of your planets in Taurus/Scorpio or Leo/Aquarius (by default). Also, I’d say here & now is a good time to reflect on the ‘liberating ordeal’ that you just went through over the last 7-years as it stimulated & awakened your Aries Department. Now that it is truly into Taurus, you can start to reap the benefits and integrate the recent, radical shifts that you’re Identity & Purpose (Aries) have been through and the focus, and thus the lessons & blessings, will now shift to the values & priorities (Taurus) that support that newly awakened Emergent Self and how that works on the ground, in your body, on the Earth, in real time.
*I highly recommend Steven Forrest’s Uranus in Taurus Article HERE.

8/20 ~ Mercury (voice/lower mind) ~trine~ Uranus (individuality/Higher Mind):
This activation gives you access to your Higher Mind and opens the way for new, deeper insights that can guide & direct you at this time. Business as usual will not work, it’s time to open up to the unusual, do something different, look at things from another angle and watch the ah-ha’s start pouring in. Your intuition will be firing on all cylinders, giving you access to unprecedented clarity. While your thinking may lack discipline, your ability to access solutions to any recent (or long-standing) challenges will be off the charts. This energy will not be contained, even though it is generally all mental, you really will have a hard time keeping up with the ideas, thoughts, concepts & intuitions that come to you under this influence so try to take notes that you can refer to later when the grounding will be necessary. Pay attention to the messages that come through/from others as well since you never know how the Universe will show up. This alone is an indication that whatever your consciousness may not have been previously ready to assimilate or process is awakening now to that which is just for you!

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