Feb 27 – March 5, 2022 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Feb 27 – March 5, 2022 ~ Forecast

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
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Before we get rolling, I have to share the most fun I’ve had in a while on an IGLive with @NourishedNomadCo, Kate & Kat, and we had a magical, enlightening session at exactly 2pm on 2.22.2022. We discussed the magic & power of that numerical alignment and these ladies had the best follow-up guidance & support in the form of cards, crystals & flower essences that can totally help our current process. We are undergoing a deep & permanent transformation and can use all the help we can get. Plus, it was just FUN! IN-Joy!!

Click HERE for Video
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3/2 ~ Sun (source & essential Self) ~sextile~ Uranus (freedom & individuality):   This activation will help you access a deeper sense of authenticity as everyday, routine events may be more enlightening than usual this week. Anytime Uranus is involved ‘ah-ha moments’ are available, that sudden inspiration or the surprising clarity that changes everything – is bubbling near the surface, you need but invite it into your conscious awareness to be useful. Eventually, you will have to ground these breakthroughs in some literal way or physical form, but this energy supports the exploration of possibilities. Where can you use a dose of freedom & liberation? How can you lighten up? This energy also promotes ‘authentic living’ – you won’t be able to be phony, nor tolerate it in others this week. Just remember that Truth sometimes rattles those who would rather ‘play nice’ (keep up appearances/status quo) than face the facts, so watch out for rebelliousness, if not in you then in others. This is not a disruptive energy, except to those who resist change. Don’t fight it – embrace it! Change is good, it means you are growing!

3/2 ~ Mercury (thought process) ~conjunct~ Saturn (definition of reality):   This energy is excellent for any important project that requires your undivided attention. If you’ve got a vision and have already outlined how to manifest it, now is the time to really fill in the blanks – flesh it out – bring it to life! Do the work! If you do not channel this energy toward patiently and methodically taking the necessary steps to get to the next level, then it can manifest as frustration and feel as if you are not doing what you know in your heart you are supposed to be doing at this time. It leads to negative thinking and self-sabotage. A better expression would be to not think of the things that can go wrong, but entertain the possibility that every door opens and all paths lead to your goal, no matter how they appear at the moment.

3/2 ~ PISCES New Moon:
This is an annual crossroads we come to every year around this time. It is the completion of 12-new moons since the last Pisces New Moon 3.13.2021. How’s it going a year later? No one is exempt. We all have a House in our charts ruled by Pisces. It is here that you should seed your intentions and precious vision for the next year (minimum), with consideration of where you’d like to be at the 6-month MidPoint, the Pisces Full Moon 9.10.2022, when these very seeds will show their true promise. Consider that this crossroads is simultaneously an ending and the womb holding what will be birthed next. Virgo/Pisces realms teach us about being a Spirit in Human form. How’s that going for you at this time? It reminds us of the physical & emotional processing & integration that is necessary on a regular basis. Can you see any patterns in your health or consciousness, your physicality or spirituality and how all these dynamics are part of who & what you are? This is our *Processing Time* prior to the choices & decisions that will have to be made at Spring Equinox. This month you get to dream – to dream the New Vision that you’d like to experience in the 6-12 months. We are also blessed with the additional RARE energies of Jupiter & Neptune coming together in Pisces (officially 4.12.2022) helping us go even deeper to discover a new expanded dream. We are not going to find solutions in the old or linear way, we need to activate our Imaginations and connect with the Soul to find our way through the chaos of a collective Rebirth. Sometimes you have to put the Monkey Mind in a Time Out and let your Imagination lead the way. Give your Self ample time & space to do this over the next month because you are clarifying what you would like to initiate come the Aries New Moon 4.1.2022, a month from now.

Cinnamon’s IG HERE / Website HERE
IG Live SAT/Feb 26th @12noon/pacific / 3pm/eastern

I’d love to share some additional energetic support from both me and Cinnamon Rose! Cinnamon does these amazing Full & New Moon Energy Sessions that are moving molecules like you would not believe, especially supported by the additional energies & alignments going on up in the sky. We are doing some deep & permanent clearings, as well as preparing ourselves better for upcoming initiations that often completely alter our course. We also took some time to have (and record) a conversation about the value of the Venus Reading + Custom Guide. We covered a lot of ground in 32-min – check it out! And remember that it is also a great *gift* for someone who loves self-reflection, journaling & tracking their personal progress as we navigate these intense & transformative times. It becomes even more important to stay anchored in your own true values & priorities and not be swayed by your family, friends, community or culture. Plus, when Cinnamon & I get together, it is always raw and hilarious too! IN-Joy!!

Click HERE to Order Venus Reading + Custom Guide ($150)
Click HERE to Request Replay of 2/24 Venus Monthly Circle

*NOTE: Venus & Mars are traveling together from their first meeting in Capricorn (2/16) to their final Initiation for this particular new cycle in Aquarius (3/6). It is unbelievably potent to have them conjunct Pluto as it will be the last time it is possible in Capricorn so this is special! We are literally completing a mission of restructuring – from Zero Point – our Masculine & Feminine Roles & Responsibilities. This is huge! And so anything you can do to honor the re-set of Masculine/Feminine within you, will go a long way in supporting your evolution going forward. We are totally rebirthing how we contain, nurture & protect LIFE (Feminine) as well as how we negotiate on our own behalf, get our ideas in the world and hold good boundaries (Masculine). This rare Pluto purification will support those actively healing, educating and doing their own Soul Work.

3/3 ~ Mars (desires) ~conjunct~ Pluto (transformation):
This is an extremely powerful combination of energy. If it is properly channeled, magical results are possible. If your ego is engaged, tragic results are possible. This is ‘lower will’ versus ‘higher will’ together, increasing each other’s strength and potency. So if you know who you are and what you want, then this energy can catapult you to the next level, giving you endless energy, power and drive to accomplish your goals. Restriction of any kind will make you angry & frustrated, so anticipate as much as you can and get creative. You may have to work within certain limitations, but don’t let your ego (or wanting your own way) to block the blessing of this transit. Any time Pluto is involved, complete transformation is at work, so go with it. Be clear about your desires, commit to release any/all blockages and own your power in a positive way, no victim consciousness lest you attract a victim circumstance.

| DEC 28, 2008 ~ 1* Capricorn
| DEC 14, 2010 ~ 4* Capricorn
| NOV 27, 2012 ~ 8* Capricorn
| NOV 10, 2014 ~ 11* Capricorn
| OCT 19, 2016 ~ 15* Capricorn
| APR 26, 2018 ~ 21* Capricorn
| MAR 23, 2020 ~ 24* Capricorn
| MAR 03, 2022 ~ 27* Capricorn
| FEB 14, 2024 ~ 00* Aquarius

I would like to say that Mars has a 2-year cycle, so every 2-years since 2008, when Pluto entered Capricorn, we have all been going through this repeated cleansing & renewing of the Sacred Masculine within. With a total of 8-Initiations in Capricorn, you can look for the first one in Aquarius on Valentine’s Day 2024, when hopefully we will renew our Love for HUMANITY and being the communal creatures that we are. It is toxic, patriarchal conditioning that tells you to ‘go it alone’. So we’ve been learning to be responsible for ourselves, our own thoughts, feelings & actions. Now we are going to see, more glaringly than ever, how we truly affect each other even when we are far apart because we are one species, sharing one water, one air, one Earth. All Life is connected and if we are the “intelligent” species we think we are, then it’s time for the Modern Steward of the Earth to be born. What will you contribute?

3/3 ~ Venus (love, finances & relationships) ~conjunct~ Pluto (purification & transformation):  (3 of 3: 12/11 ~ 12/25 ~ 3/3)  This is an Initiation and an energy that supports a brand new beginning in your personal life. Some aspect of your values & priorities has shifted or run its natural course and this is a time to move in a completely new direction, even if it only feels like moving to your own next level (with love, finances or relationships). Pluto adds intensity to the mix, for better or worse, but also grants rare access to profound levels of connection within and with those that you are in alignment with on a Soul-level. This is the ultimate support for the power of love to transform ALL. Because your values and priorities are changing, relationships must also undergo a similar adjustment (when you change, everyone around you changes or goes away). Beware of value differences that can cause power struggles which are not productive, that’s often just the ego distracting you from an opportunity to finally release some dead weight and move into the new with more ease & grace. Try to create circumstances that are win/win and mutually beneficial, this will allow the relationship to evolve, rather than devolve or revolve back into the new cycle and thus, repeating a negative pattern.

3/5 ~ Sun (identity) ~conjunct~ Jupiter (expansion):
Once a year, these two link up and expand your life & consciousness. It’s time to infuse your personal story with a new level of individual Truth. You have learned & experienced a lot in one year and now you are supported to integrate (and apply) all that you’ve discovered. This energy expands your sense of Self, and inspires you to new heights within. It indicates that it is time to go to the next level and gives you the optimism & faith that you need to try new things and/or learn something new. The highest expression of this energy is a fiery passion to be the best, the lowest expression is arrogance and self-righteousness. This is a powerful pair of energies joining forces, so watch for opportunities to grow and expand your consciousness, as well as your circumstances through your own efforts & expertise.

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