April 16 – 22, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events
Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
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TUE/April 18th
7pm (eastern) / 4pm (pacific)
Join YeYe’s Patreon for $5+ HERE
Register to Access YeYe’s Instructions VIDEO + PDF
(You must watch Instructions Video BEFORE
joining the Ritual for best experience & outcome.)
Contribute $5+ to Receive Zoom Access :: This is a Sacred Ceremony, which happens in a special time & space that will carry the Energetic Signature of what we co-create together. For that reason, there is NO REPLAY. Each month, we renew our dedication and connect with the energies available to co-create our health, wealth & happiness. This is a growing Community and ALL are Welcome!
If you’re interested in joining us for an AJE Prosperity class with me and YeYe Luisah Teish that will be held for 6-weeks in June/July, please add your Name + eMail HERE as the formal Invitation will be going out after the 18th Money Pouring Ritual.
4.19.2023 :: New Moon/Solar Eclipse in ARIES + Lunar Flip :: (2 of 2 Aries New Moons)
This is a very special second chance at a New Beginning! You are still Initiating a New Identity & Purpose, but on a larger scale than Annual. This Initiates a New 10-20 year cycle around who you are and what you want for your Individual Self, as well as within the context of your primary Relationships, Partnerships & Collaborations. It is time to reflect on the following years and look at the evolution of your individual goals & aspirations, as well as who supported you, the way that you accomplished those goals and how you expressed yourself along the way. Feel into how often you changed during those years and it directly affected your interactions with others. Feel into how your home & work dynamics shifted or were shaken up too because of the rebirths & renewal happening within you, the individual. Reflect on the relationships that came and went during those years.
Click HERE for Kelly’s Lunar Tools + Energetic Support for this very special Aries Lunation!
2023-25 :: Aries North Node 2004-06 :: Aries North Node 1986-87 :: Aries North Node
2013-16 :: Libra North Node 1995-97 :: Libra North Node 1976-78 :: Libra North Node
A full North Node Cycle includes one of each and runs almost 20-years and is referred to as the Life Path & Direction. When it is happening in the sky like this, it affects the Social & Collective levels. If you have Aries/Libra or Cancer/Capricorn Nodes in your own chart, then these years will feel very personal for you. The rest of us should look to our Aries & Libra Houses in our charts to know the Area of Life that is being activated by these Eclipses. The Initiation/Integration is happening for Aries/Libra, while Cancer/Capricorn Depts have to evolve, develop & grow out of comfort zone and into new territory. Eclipses facilitate great change and obvious upgrades when they roll through. Once you get the rhythm, they are easier to co-create with consciously and not be taken so off-guard.
Lunar FLIP :: is something that also happens every 18-months and repeats every 18-years. It is related to our Lunar Rhythms and happens every time we have two back-to-back Full or New Moons in the Same Sign, in one 28-day cycle. For the last 18-months, we have experienced the New Moon preceding the Full Moon. With this rhythm, we plant seeds and walk-by-faith and usually, come to the Full Moon, which lights up areas we were not aware of and causes some adjustments in order to allow our New Moon intentions to flourish. Now, with these TWO Aries New Moons, the rhythm is flipping to the Full Moon preceding the New Moon. Now, the Full Moon will light things up in a way that illuminates what needs to be cleared & released so that you can go forward and plant seeds on solid, clean, new ground.
Mars in CANCER :: This is relevant because Aries/Libra is in the same family with Cancer/Capricorn. So while we are Initiating & Integrating in Aries/Libra, this forces our Cancer/Capricorn Areas of Life to have to grow “out of comfort zone and into new territory”. Mars has just re-set its whole cycle by lingering in Gemini – after any Retrograde, we always pay special attention to where they go FIRST – what is the first stop? Mars starting its new cycle and then moving into Cancer is an indication that we need to fortify or do some self-care in order to pursue our goals & desires going forward. Also, its first contact is with Saturn in Pisces, which is helping us really tune-in to Heart, Soul & Spirit to determine what Reality & Purpose we want to express going forward, in this new time, with Mars’ New 2-year Cycle of Self-Expression, along with New Creative Ideas, New Opportunities & Expanded Options.
Excerpt from: 3/30 :: Mars (energy & drive) ~trine~ Saturn (stamina & patience):
(3 of 3: 9/28 :: 11/28 :: 3/30)
This is special because it is the first Activation since Mars finished its time in Gemini and Saturn’s first stop since it finished its time in Aquarius – and it’s a trine/blessing! Also, when any planet Retrogrades, there are generally 3-hits (outer planets can hit more than that) – there is the first hit, which let’s us know what is up for renewal; there is the second hit when the Planet is Retro, hopefully facilitating the corrections or clarifications necessary; and the final hit reveals what is available for the ultimate resolution and moving to the next level. So because two out of three were Gemini/Aquarius – AIR energy, which is Mental, we have been making Mental Adjustments and changing our ideas & thoughts around our unique contribution so that we can go forward more empathic, psychic & intuitive about our own choices & actions (Mars) as well as our definition of reality and our own true purpose (Saturn). We have been tussling with ideas and how to work them, who to collaborate with on them and how to express ourselves and all new energies. But this final one is the WATER energy of Cancer/Pisces – with both their first stops in new territory. Now we get down to how we *feel* about these ideas, projects & relationships. Because of the Mars Retrograde, which only happens every 2-years to re-set our individual energies & aspirations, we are calling-in new desires, new actions and new choices & decisions that are better suited to here & now. Who you are and what you want has had an upgrade so how you channel these energies of Mars & Saturn is going to lay the foundation for what you build on and what you bring into form and make real, going forward.
Aries New Moon/Solar Eclipse
Group Energy Session
Details & Registration HERE
Includes Replay, Tools & Resources
4/20 :: Sun (illumination) ~square~ Pluto (transformation):
This is a challenge to grow out of your comfort zone and into new territory. That said, Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, so twice a year for these 16-years, when the Sun is in Aries (Spring) and Libra (Fall), we get an opportunity to grow & change in the fundamental departments of life: self vs other and home vs work. In this case, and during these years, we are literally changing how we do ALL of this. Each year builds on the previous and we are now 15-years into the 16-year process of transformation – which is an incredibly potent point in time & space. It is here that you have the most information to consciously work with as you prepare for the final year, and ultimately, what you would like to get out of your conscious efforts and dedication. This week is special because of them being at Zero Point of Possibilities as they both dip a toe into new terrain. This is the Sun’s Annual Rebirthday in Taurus but Pluto hasn’t been at 0* Aquarius in almost 250-years. Also, as stated above, this will now begin to shift the growth & evolution from April & Oct to May & Nov when the Sun is in Taurus (Late Spring) or Scorpio (Late Fall). It will shift from Cardinal/Fundamentals, to Fixed/Values & Resources. And every year, for the next 20-years, we will get our adjustments, transformations & purifications in those Departments of Life (Houses). This is just a sneak-peek so feel into how you’ve evolved as an individual and thus, how your relationships have evolved. And then feel into how you want to live differently, more naturally and more in-alignment with your SoulSelf going forward. What changes & adjustments will you have to make in order to live this Next Level more embodied, present & grounded in your own reality?
Sun helps us clarify and when working with Pluto, it is usually what is NOT working, what has run its course and is ready to be composted into new Life, new growth and a new direction (for Self). Pluto is the Purifier, distilling things back to their true and original essence, fight that and it can be painful, work with it consciously and it can be transformative and will heal at the deepest root of any challenge. You can use this activation to honor that which has become obvious, or is highlighted in the here & now and purge or purify this energy. You are deeply supported for releasing old patterns and setting new conscious practices into action. Tie up any loose ends, close multiple chapters, mourn if you must and move on. As you do that, you will feel lighter & brighter and more grounded in your true Self, your evolved Self.
ARIES/LIBRA Nodes + Eclipses
THUR/April 20th
9pm (eastern) / 6pm (pacific)
Register HERE :: Donate HERE
All who Register or Donate will Receive the Replay, Tools + Resources.
All who Submit Birth Date/Time/Place will Receive
an additional email with their Personal Activations.
4/21 :: Mercury Retro in TAURUS (until May 14th):
Mercury in Taurus activates our senses as our primary communicators. Mercury rules all the information that we take in – mentally, physically, emotionally & spiritually so when we are processing that information through the Taurus lens, then we must engage our 6-senses in order to learn or discover truth. Your senses give you so much information but with food & pharmaceuticals dulling them down, you may have to do a cleanse just to get them to function properly. Mercury in Taurus helps us all get very practical, activating our common sense. It is time to be very pragmatic by asking the value & worth of all that you engage in, all of which is up for a renewal. We are additionally liberated by Uranus being there in Taurus too, helping release old, crusty thinking that no longer applies in the here & now. We are activating our imaginations to help beautify our environment and cultivate creative solutions to our current challenges. It’s time to connect with our body and physical well-being.
Part of this will also be woven into this Mercury Retrograde. Mercury will go Direct in Taurus on May 14th, at which point you will be able to re-dream your vision and move forward on a completely new level. Last year, Mercury Retrograded on the cusp of Air & Earth Signs, which gave us a chance to recalibrate those ideas one more time before we began to create all new containers for them. This year, we have to get out of our heads and into our bodies more often in order to get the message or the wisdom. What makes you feel physically safe, secure & protected? What gets your creative juices flowing? How has that changed over the last 5-yrs or so?
There is quite a party going on in Taurus. North Node/Life Path & Direction is only there once in 20-years; Uranus the Liberator, is only there every 84-years; and tiny but powerful, Juno, which rules how we do partnership, particularly intimacy, is only there every 4-years. I can’t even do the math that would have them all at the Council Table together like this. So this is a rare opportunity to conceive a new vision of how you would like your current embodiment to go. What new direction could you go in that would lead to more beauty & personal security? How could you liberate your Self from some past oppressive consciousness that limits your experiences and release any lack of self-worth or self-value? What would you have to strip or release to improve your magnetic field so that you attract more love, health & happiness? Think: Quality of Life.
April kicks off the upgrade, May we review our individual needs & desires around personal security & creature comforts and then June allows us to move forward with more clarity on which ideas will be worth our time, energy, resources & efforts going forward.
SAT/April 22nd
7pm (eastern) / 4pm (pacific)
Register HERE :: Donate HERE
YeYe’s Wish List HERE :: Linktree HERE
GEMINI/Solar Plexus/Reclamation
The Liberator Archetype w. Nasa Bawa
92-min Audio HERE :: Video HERE
APRIL 2023 :: EAGLE Medicine :: The Pioneer Archetype
Click HERE to Register + Donate $25
Includes Replay, Tools + Resources
* www.KarmicTools.com * Copyright © 2000-2023 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute
Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that
it’s distributed freely, content remains intact
and includes contact/link back to post.