March 2025 • Monthly Update

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

March 2025 • Monthly Update

Kelly’s Monthly Update

Podcast    AUDIO Only  HERE  (14-min)

MARCH  2025  •  PISCES
Monthly eMail
HERE  • 
Join eList  HERE

For people new to the community, you can join my eList HERE to be kept in the loop. I usually send out the Monthly Missive during the first week of each month, but if/when things come up in-between, you may get the occasional additional email to alert you to events or classes that are time-sensitive. For example, we have a new class set for March 15th with YeYe Luisah Teish and by then, I should have two of my own classes open for registration, so you may get another missive mid-month. We have created some great one-day classes this year that will supplement, support & prepare you for our bigger classes like Elements of Ritual in the Spring and Cracking the Ancestral Code in the Fall.

As for my classes, they will be rooted in Astrology & Earth Medicine. At this time, the first one – Boundaries B*tch Class – is tentatively scheduled for SAT/March 29th @4-8pm/eastern and the Animal Totems + Your Spirit Team – is tentatively scheduled for SAT/April 5th @4-8pm/eastern. I would love to hear from you – reach out directly if you are interested in one or both of these classes. I need at least 10-students and 20 would be perfect. The exchange will be $111 with 10% Off for Venus & Power Circle Subscribers and I am happy to create a discounted bundle if anyone wants both.

The month of MARCH has Mars finally moving forward, however, because Venus (values & priorities) and Mercury (ideas & thinking) are both going backwards, so it is not quite time to act just yet. First, we have to review the last 2-8 years of priorities, relationships & resources and then, review the last 2-5 years of ideas, thoughts, concepts & self-expression … and then – we can make the new choices, actions & decisions that a renewed Mars is activating in a customized way for everyone – especially in your Cancer/Leo Depts.

Basically, Mars is leading to Venus – is leading to Mercury: we have activated new self-care, self-love & self-preservation with Mars; we will activate new values & priorities around identity & purpose with Venus; and all that will lead to new creative ideas, flow & fire with Mercury retrograding in Water & Fire Signs all year.

March 1st brings a special energy with Venus Retro and conjunct Moon, creating a special portal for us to go within and use the Pisces Party (Ceres, Sun, Saturn, Mercury, North Node + Neptune) to intuit what is most ready to birthed or acted upon Aries-style, at this time. You are going to a whole new level of self-love & self-care, identity & choices, reality & purpose, life path & direction and all of it is rooted in a completely new dream & vision of the future, for your Self and the world.

76-min Audio Podcast HERE
Request Tools + Activations HERE

The Spiritual Warrior Archetype is also being born anew. You are being called to rise – to own your power and stand in the truth of your own journey by being pro-active on your own behalf, making new choices & choosing new actions. You are learning to stand up for your Self and what you believe in, without apology. This Archetype does not waste energy on the frivolous! Hopefully, you have already let go of draining relationships, refined your sense of Self over time and cleared blockages on your Path so that you could set your life up to be protected, sovereign & fulfilling. It is vital that you develop your sensitivities, hone your psychic abilities and cultivate a relationship with your Spirit Team in order to navigate this year, and the foreseeable future. Now, due to some social/collective breakdown, you can break-through and honor your own Nature, respect others and follow your instincts about what is right for you, and still be in-service to others on some level.
*We explore this in my Neptune Enters ARIES Post HERE.

38-min Audio Podcast HERE

Eclipse Season is upon us! Eclipses bring changes and what I call a “break to realign” or “shake-ups/break-ups + wake-ups” because every time they circle back to a certain area of life, these disruptions & upgrades happen. Once you know they are coming, you can choose change rather than be surprised by it, or worse, have it imposed upon you. We are still navigating the edge of Aries/Libra Eclipses and the incoming Virgo/Pisces Eclipses. The last time we were on this cusp was 2006 and a lot of the same themes are circling back. We are closing out and initiating a completely new 19-year cycle related to the North Node/Life Path & Direction. Reflect on the changes you went through back then. Here you are again evolving around your identity within the context of your relationships and recalibrating your physical & spiritual aspects of self.

On a social level, 2006 was also 5-years after Sept 11th and here we are, 5-years out from covid changing how the world operates and we, individuals, have to adapt & adjust all over again. What these two instances have in common is that renewal of the value of life itself, the realignment of priorities that was/is necessary and picking up the pieces to walk forward, on faith, knowing that we can birth a new kind of life, on multiple levels. Both then & now, it took time to process but both times, we were brought back to self-preservation, the value of having a community & rising like a Phoenix from the ashes, born anew and ready for another cycle.

The last thing I want to put on the table for this month’s energies is that March is a lot of preparation for a big alignment between Mars, Saturn & Uranus happening on 4.4.2025. This is a big deal that we discussed at length on the Mars + Other Planets Replay but suffice it to say that we are having our molecules rearranged so that we can maintain a higher frequency on the subtle side and, on the tangible side, we are both anchoring a new foundation (for the next 30+ years) and liberating ourselves from an old reality & structure that we have clearly outgrown. There is a distinct “in-between” feeling, we are not in the old and we are not quite in the new yet so pace your Self and be patient with your own rebirth & integration process.
DATES to Remembers:
Mars Rx – 12/6 – 2/23
Venus Rx – 3/1 – 4/12
Mercury Rx – 3/15 – 4/7
Eclipses – Spring =
3/14 – VIRGO Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse
3/29 – ARIES Super/New Moon-Solar Eclipse
Eclipses – Fall =
9/7 – PISCES Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse
9/21 – VIRGO New Moon/Solar Eclipse + Lunar Flip
Preparation for 4/4 – Mars/Saturn/Uranus

If you want all the details on the activations this month, consider subscribing to the Power Circle (monthly or annual), which will get you the full forecast and many customized tools to help you navigate according to your own blueprint. This includes the Lunar Tools and other Custom Bonus Goodies for only $9.99/mo. This small contribution helps tremendously with the upkeep of the website & maintaining the teaching platform.

Either way, I still recommend subscribing to my KarmicTools youtube + podcast channels as they will notify you directly & immediately when I post anything.

MARCH  2025    POWER Circle
Monthly Community Event
SUPER Moons 2025
THUR / March 6th
@8pm (eastern) / @5pm (pacific)
Register HERE  •  Donate HERE  (Sug. $22)
All who Register or Donate will Receive the Replay, Tools + Resources.
All who Submit Birth Date/Time/Place will Receive
an additional email with their Personal Activations.

ARIES  OUTER Initiation  Release
THUR / March 13th
@8pm (eastern) / @5pm (pacific)
Drop-IN HERE  •  Subscribe HERE  ($25)

Venus Reading + Custom Guide
Venus Retro in ARIES  •  Article HERE
NEW Clients 
($200)  •  Power Circle  ($180)  •  Previous Clients  ($150)
Send to: KellyMBeard @ (paypal/zelle) or
Kelly-Beard-52 (venmo)

SAT / March 15th
Details + Registration HERE

SOUL Sisters Circle  •  Seasonal Ceremony
MARCH  2025  •  FIRE Ceremony
SPRING  Equinox
FRI / March 21st
@8pm (eastern) / @5pm (pacific)
Register HERE  •  Donate HERE  (Sug. $22+)

YeYe Luisah Teish  •  Join Patreon Community  HERE
Jambalaya School  •  Coming SOON  •  Details  HERE

70-min AUDIO Podcast HERE

80-min Audio Podcast HERE

PISCES  •  Energy of the Month  •  Article/Post HERE
PISCES  •  Back to the Womb  •  Article/Post HERE

2-for-1  •  Astro Cycles  •  Tarot Reading
NEW Clients HERE
  ($200)  •  Previous Clients HERE  ($150)

Power Circle SUBSCRIPTION    Monthly or Annual
NEW Monthly Tool  •  Details HERE  • 
Monthly SUB HERE  •  Annual SUB HERE  ($99/Save $20)
BONUS  •  Subscribers Receive 10% OFF  •  All KarmicTools Products & Services

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Click HERE to Request Your Unique Link

Horizontal-Line* * Copyright © 2000-2025 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute
Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that
it’s distributed freely, content remains intact
and includes contact/link back to post.