April 5 – 11, 2020 ~ Forecast
Note from Kelly:
I am so excited to tell you that this Weekly Forecast is now listed as a podcast in iTunes, Spotify, Google etc. It will be listed in many more as I get approved and I have created a Podcasts page on my website so you can find all the necessary links there. This way, you can listen on any of your preferred platforms. This is a good time to remind you that every article & blog post that I do has an audio link for those times when reading is difficult or impossible. It’s a great feature for those with any eyesight issues. Even my email ~ you don’t even have to read my emails anymore because you can click a link and I will read it to you. I am delighted to be exploring what other podcasts I may want to host or guest on, so please send me suggestions if podcasts are your thing. Also, hopefully by the time you receive this, I will have the new Venus Article posted, meantime, I hope you also enjoy the Aries Energy of the Month Article ~ Blog Post HERE -and- 7-min Audio HERE.