Author: Kelly of

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Sept 15 – 21, 2019 ~ Forecast + Equinox Event

9/18 ~ Saturn Direct 13* CAPRICORN:
This is Saturn’s first time in Capricorn since 1988-1990 and today completes its second retro in its home sign. This is a tremendous amount of stabilizing energy that you can direct consciously on your own behalf. In general, you can look to any area of your life that requires you to upgrade & fortify because it has essentially run its natural course and is more/less worn out. But you can also look to your Capricorn House, and see if the Areas of Life it represents, also may require some much-needed focus & dedication.

Sept 8 – 14, 2019 ~ Forecast

9/8 ~ Sun (core essential Self) ~square~ Jupiter (imagination & truth):
This is a powerful energy and with that comes the necessity of discernment – it provokes you to get lots of things accomplished and that’s a good thing, however, beware of taking on more than you can actually handle. Having said that now, if you need that little “push” to get some things done, this is just the energy for you. It carries with it the optimism necessary to allow you to go beyond your norm and stretch in new ways.

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Sept 1 – 7, 2019 ~ Forecast

9/1 ~ Mercury (voice) ~trine~ Uranus (individuality):
This activation gives you access to your Higher Mind and opens the way for new, deeper insights that can guide & direct you at this time. Business as usual will not work, it’s time to open up to the unusual, do something different, look at things from another angle and watch the ah-ha’s start pouring in. Your intuition will be firing on all cylinders, giving you access to unprecedented clarity.

VIRGO 2019: Healing + Unity Happen Within FIRST! ~ Article

VIRGO: Healing Requires Faith
PISCES: Unity Requires Order
This season is so important, and taking advantage of every possible form of support and good energy, (planetary or otherwise) is vital to making a smooth transition to the next leg of this particular journey.

August 25 – 31, 2019 ~ Forecast

8/26 ~ Venus (love, finances & relationships) ~trine~ Uranus (freedom & liberation): 
This energy is likely to bring a little excitement into your life, one way or another. It is a good time to do something different, try something new & consciously put your Self in situations where you have to improvise or think on your feet. We are in times of breaking old patterns and re-setting them in more positive, effective ways.

Aug 18 – 24, 2019 ~ Forecast + Special Event

Note from Kelly:
OMG! I coasted right over the Aquarius Full Moon on 8/15 (it’s been added to the blog post from last week) but I want to put it on your radar now, since we’re still within the 3-day window for it to matter. To make it up to you, there is a very *SPECIAL* Video (52-min) of our monthly Full Moon teleconference that Shanta Gabriel hosts every month in her Compassionate Wisdom Circle. She offers incredible New Moon guidance & support from the Archangels too! Check out details HERE:

Aug 11 – 17, 2019 ~ Forecast + Special Event

8/11 ~ Uranus Rx 6* TAURUS (until 1.10.2020):
This is the first full retro in Taurus for Uranus so we should settle into an annual rhythm for the next 6-7 years. The personal planets will interact with Uranus in Taurus in a similar way every year that we can conscious co-create with and every year’s annual retrograde is a special time to assimilate the changes you’ve been going through.

Aug 4 – 10, 2019 ~ Forecast + Special Event

8/7 ~ Sun (source & essential Self) ~trine~ Jupiter (expansion):
This is a blessing of Source energy fueling your biggest dreams & visions for your life, this lifetime. You are encouraged to take advantage of the good *vibe* available when these two get together to expand your life’s direction in a big way. This activation is often blessings from previous dedication. You’ve been moving in a certain direction, and it’s like the Path is wider & deeper now, allowing you to put some huge pieces of your personal Story *together* in a new way.

July 28 – Aug 3, 2019 ~ Forecast

7/29 ~ Sun (source & essential Self) ~square~ Uranus (awakening & radical shift):
As with any Uranus activation, this one disrupts the normal flow to facilitate a ‘break to realign’ moment. While sometimes disruptive & challenging, the ultimate result is usually refreshing in some way.