Category: Divinations

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

March 20 – 26, 2022 ~ Forecast + Events

3/26 ~ Mercury (communication) ~sextile~ Pluto (transformation):
This energy provokes the need to delve deeper into the ideas or information being presented at this time, whether personal or professional. You will want to dig deeper, ask the hard questions and gather insights that are more profound than usual. In your professional/public life, you may find yourself doing better on proper pre-planning & due-diligence and in your personal/private life, you may find yourself digging a little deeper into your own mental patterns & personal history (that have led to ‘now’). As you make these connections and begin to grasp these new insights, they will gain traction and you will become more grounded in your own Truth & Story.

2011-2025 Neptune in PISCES

I thought it might be interesting to review the recording of an event I held almost 12-years ago, on 11.10.2011, that had over 100 people on it just to hear about Neptune moving into Pisces because this is such a big deal. I just reviewed the audio myself and it is SO USEFUL & RELEVANT!! I call it Relevant Reflections when I release an old audio and the few that I’ve uploaded have been very well-received. So I trust you will find value in these Reflections too. I covered a LOT of ground – ALL of which is helpful to check-in with now as we prepare for this very special alignment between Jupiter & Neptune in Pisces.

July 25 – 31, 2021 ~ Forecast + Bonus

7/25 ~ Mercury (communication & self-expression) ~oppose~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
This opposition is between your ideas, thoughts & concepts and your unconscious drives, supporting some deep-digging into the power of your mind and thoughts. How has your thinking shaped your choices over the last 6-months? Are you still operating from an old paradigm of thought? Any opposition is a chance for true integration and we will always have to work at balancing our conscious and unconscious thinking as it affects our day-to-day choices. This could be a good time to consult with a trusted advisor or wise friend to clarify what is coming into your conscious awareness about your own self-sabotaging ideas or habits. This activation supports pulling it out by the root. Often, we address the symptoms rather than the true cause of our discomfort. Pluto won’t allow that. It’s time to go deeper and recognize your own power, the power of your heart and mind, and find that middle ground that allows you peace within and effectiveness without.

March 22 – 28, 2020 ~ Forecast + Resource List

Note + Special Offer from Kelly:
I am over-the-moon excited to share something really special with you and I encourage you to share it with others. This is my SouLodge Sistas on steroids! This is what we do, y’all 😉 Many of us became Earth Medicine Practitioners together in 2017-18 and this is the first big collaboration that we’ve done together – and it’s called Wise Woman Alchemy. What I find fascinating is the timing of this offering because, thanks to Heather Dakota – Book Witch & Business Alchemist, we were putting this together for months before this worldly chaos broke out and now, it is ready for you right ON TIME!

15 Women coming together. 15 Offerings to provide support for an over-stressed and overwhelmed world. We each bring our own brand of magick to help you tap into your intuition, reclaim your joy & sovereignty, and nurture your body & soul. The vision we hold as the Wise Woman Collective is that each woman shares her knowledge, which creates a powerful place for all of us. more…

Aquarius/Leo Lunation ~ Divinations

Note from Kelly:
I had my weekly fun on Instagram, where I join Marji of to talk about the energies of the week. We did some Divinations today and so I created some fun graphics as reminders. I wanted those of you who are not able to join us there to be able to see these things. It will be up on my KarmicTools Youtube Channel by Thursday for those of you who want to watch the replay.