Category: Energetic Support

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

April 11 – 17, 2021 ~ Forecast

Note from Kelly:
Ok y’all, this week is going to be intense one way or another. There is a lot to cover and this update is a little longer than most, so grab some tea and your journal and prepare for a personal *Check-IN* with this one! The personal planets in Aries are in a growth position with Pluto the Transformer but there are also these blessings & opportunities woven in as well so I don’t want you to get too caught up in what is ending or leaving your life. Right now, we are basking in the “clean slate” energy of Aries – give yourself the gift of renewal at this time and tap into the literal balance that is available at this time. There is also this delicious combined energies of Mercury in Aries, Mars in Gemini & Jupiter in Aquarius so even as we are transforming from the inside-out, we are also being nudged by this crew to expand the vision of what we believe is actually possible for ourselves, each other or the planet. But take from it what works for you and circle back to the rest when you need to since this is such a rich, complex week of Activations.

ARIES ~ Energy of the Month

As the Sun enters Aries ~ Spring Equinox Initiates a new Solar/astrological year. This is a *Universal* RE-Set Button. Clean Slate. New Beginning. This is an Annual Activation for everyone, but for the Cardinal Family, it can be a little more intense & personal … Aries Initiation ~ Libra Integration ~ Cancer/Capricorn Test/Growth. Everyone has Aries ruling some area of life and this is the area of life that gets activated at this time every year. Do you know your rhythm for this? How do you feel every Spring?

April 4 – 10, 2021 ~ Forecast

4/6 ~ Venus (feminine values & priorities) ~sextile~ Mars (masculine desires & actions):
This energy is good for creating the balance between self & other. It is good for trying new things & meeting new people, if/when possible. It creates a good vibe and balanced masculine/feminine energy that allows a nice exchange between self and other. This is a good time to be creative, so be cognizant of any ideas that come to you right now, even if you cannot implement them right away. This is a happy, upbeat energy, so if you can be sociable, by all means, get out and mingle. It’s possible to attract someone under this influence as well. The best thing to do with this energy is get involved with new and progressive projects or people. It’s all very positive.

March 28 – April 3, 2021 ~ Forecast

3/28 ~ LIBRA Full Moon:
Can you feel the process that you have been through, personally, over the last 6-months? Can you feel the Universe reshaping, repositioning you to birth a whole new way of living on Earth and relating with other living beings? In order to do that, relate in a whole new way with Life, we’ve undergone quite a rigorous release process over the last 6-months alone. When you ‘shed skins’, you have to know that you are raw & vulnerable as you grow new skin or if it is a new birth of any kind, there is that initial stage of development that immediately follows birth that is the most vital for the health & well-being of the (creative) baby.

March 21 – 27, 2021 ~ Forecast + Event

3/26 ~ Venus (beauty & creativity) ~conjunct~ Sun (individuality & Light):
This activates your innate creativity and gets your wheels turning about what you want to express or bring to life in the world, what you want to invest in and be a part of. When Sun contacts Venus, the creativity is centered around you, the individual, however, here as Venus contacts the Sun, it is all about your creations! Use this Solar infusion to brighten and illuminate your Self, your surroundings and/or your creative projects. This expands & brightens your magnetic field and opportunities that are just right for you are the result. There is a burst of new energy wanting to be expressed through you, and it’s based on your new values & priorities. It is also the beginning of a new creative cycle. Remember that love too is a creative force, so if your relationships are more center-stage than your creative projects, then this too lends new potency to what you create with others. This is a powerful seed time and good to allow support & guidance from men and/or the Sacred Masculine within and around you.

March 14 – 20, 2021 ~ Forecast + Equinox

3/15 ~ Mercury Enters PISCES (until April 3rd):
This is the *Sacred Pause* before you decide or choose something really important this Spring. Take advantage of this time to clarify where you are and where you are heading and keep in mind the power of the Imagination & Spirit (Pisces). If you imagine doom & gloom, it is more likely to manifest. If you imagine breakthroughs with relationships & resources then you will create more of that.

PISCES ~ Energy of the Month

As we enter the current Pisces energy, many people will be feeling more sensitive than usual, picking up many different kinds of information via all six senses. Over-sensitivity that disrupts your flow and takes you away from your center is one thing, but a better way to think of this energy is to ponder the concept of how sound penetrates when you put your head under water. It is likely the same sensation as when you were in the womb of your mother’s belly. You actually “feel” the sounds more than you “hear” them, you “sense” all the activity around you. That is the essence of NOW. And like back then, you are picking up a multitude of vibrations ~ hearing, feeling and sensing the world around you at this time.

PISCES ~ Back to the Womb

Pisces is the conclusion of the astrological year and brings us all full circle, back to the womb, where sometimes you may feel uncomfortable, unable to move naturally, cranky because of the limitations ~ but at the same time, remaining safely behind the scenes as you fully develop the “new you” – this is vital to ensure a safe, healthy birth of this “new life” whether it be a creative project, a desired goal or YOU! All seeds germinate in the darkness and the infant stages are the most delicate.

March 7 – 13, 2021 ~ Forecast

3/7 ~ Pallas Enters PISCES (until 2.14.2022):
This week is very special and the Initiation is happening in your Pisces Department. (That will automatically affect your Virgo/Gemini/Sag Depts by default.) For all of us, this is the conclusion of an annual process that the personal planets activate for us around Feb/March every year. So on one hand, we are processing the last year. With Pallas in Pisces, we are looking to access all the wisdom & miracles of the last 4-5 years which is how long it takes her to navigate Aries-thru-Pisces.

Feb 28 – March 6, 2021 ~ Forecast

3/3 ~ Venus (relationships, love & money) ~sextile~ Uranus (clarity & inspiration):
This energy, thanks to Uranus, activates a certain spark of electricity in the air. New relationships will have an unusual aspect to them and old ones can break-to-realign in a positive, even fun way with this energy. No monotonous routine, humdrum people or boring collaborations with this one. Use it to access your unique genius and deep well of creativity and then share if you can, with other like-hearted Souls. Take advantage of this energy to tap into areas you may not have realized were available to you before now. Keep it light and upbeat; socialize and enjoy the experience of different people or new activities. Keep in mind, however, any relationships begun this week may not be based on qualities needed for long term survival. It is more a time to enjoy the people and experiences that pass through at this time and accept them as a gift!