Category: Relevant Reflections

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Special 2020 Eclipse Update

This is special Eclipse post. We are in a special zone. Although eclipses do happen every 6-months, the signs evolve and therefore the lessons & available energies shift about 1-2 years. Right now, we are deep into the Gemini/Sag series but what you should know is that they actually move backwards through the signs so here too, I remind you about my saying “everything is a response to the last thing and preparation for the next thing”. We had our Cancer/Capricorn Eclipses 2018-2020 (akin to 2000-2002) which rearranged our fundamentals, little did we know what that was really preparing us for with now. Now, we have all these new choices & possibilities but they also seem very tied to or based on what you believe to be true or possible. Either way, we always learn during Gemini/Sag Eclipses 2020-2021 (akin to 2001-2003) and the social/collective realms always evolve too. So what can you remember about those years and what you knew then and what you know now that can inform your choices in the present moment?

Nov 8 – 14, 2020 ~ Forecast + Events

11/9 ~ Venus (values & priorities) ~oppose~ Mars Rx (purpose & desire):
This energy brings a balance & integration of your Inner Sacred Masculine & Feminine energies. Your Inner Sacred Masculine is supposed to negotiate on your behalf, get your ideas in the world & maintain good boundaries, while your Inner Sacred Feminine is a guiding force that creates space to contain & nurture life and your creative babies. Because it is an opposition, it’s time to check in with your SoulSelf to make sure you’re not swinging between extremes, or trying to force issues rather than being open & receptive and going with the flow. Of course, Venus & Mars brings relationships into the light, forcing issues of balance & integration within your relationships as well. Remember, as you change, others must change or go away. As you integrate more balance within you, maintaining balance with others becomes almost effortless.

Sept 6 – 12, 2020 ~ Forecast + Bonus

9/9 ~ Mars Retro in ARIES:
When Mars Retrogrades, it is the time to do the Inner Self-Work – to redefine what you really want and how you express the power & passion of Mars – which is how you go about getting what you want in life. It spends June 2020 – Jan 2021 in ARIES so you may feel the Retrograde in that whatever direction you were heading in (over the last 2 years) may now be slowed or even reversed (temporarily at least). Things that were easy may seem challenging and things that used to be challenging may now become easier or simplified. Remember, all delays & detours are not necessarily “bad”.

August 23 – 29, 2020 ~ Forecast

8/24 ~ Mars (anger/action) ~square~ Saturn (frustration/limitations):
(1 of 3: 8/24 ~ 9/29 ~ 1.13.2021)
This is the energy of action being restricted and the anger or frustration that follows. You can either be angry and feel restricted, limited and unable to move … or you can see this energy as an opportunity to define the right actions to take and strategically plan to take them when the Universe is more supportive. This energy requires us to slow down and double-check The Plan. If you proceed consciously, your plan has a better chance of success than if you were reckless & impatient. You may experience a blockage of some sort, internal or external. You may feel this tremendous urge to change or move forward in your life but seem to find blockages and limitations with every effort. That is likely your perception, do you feel inadequate to the task at hand? What are you afraid of? Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real – release fear and choose to be responsible for creating your own life. If you don’t, your outer circumstance only becomes a reflection of your inner belief. You will attract criticism and repel support.

June 28 – July 4, 2020 ~ Forecast + Reflections

6/28 ~ Mars (action) ~sextile~ Saturn (endurance):
This energy gives you a tremendous power booster to your drive to create stability, as you define it. You will be more willing to do the work, starting with a plan that is carefully thought out and then methodically carried out. Plan and Do! Not just one or the other, but both, which can eventually produce solid results. The rewards for your hard work or the return on your investment will reflect what energy you have put in to stabilizing your life.

CANCER Energy ~ Assimilate & Eliminate

Cancer time brings us face-to-face with some major choices & decisions (Eclipses) which will likely require some form of Assimilation & Elimination. Cancer’s gift is Processing all that passes through your system, taking in the nutrient (that makes the system work) and any excess or toxins that cannot be “assimilated” must be “eliminated”. If you do not eliminate them, then blockages (and some form of dis-ease or discomfort) will occur.

Cancer/Capricorn ECLIPSES

Note from Kelly:
This RE-Post is so “on time” for now because I literally wrote it the last time we had Cancer/Capricorn Eclipses, only last time it was a Capricorn focus and we were releasing toxic Cancer. This time, we are releasing toxic Capricorn and anchoring a new Cancer focus – which is totally covered in this article. It still applies at this time 2018-2020.

CANCER ~ Energy of the Month

This month, the Cancer energy will activate you on the deepest Soul levels. This energy is best when you direct it to Feel & Digest what is going on in and around you … take in and assimilate all nutrients, while eliminating all toxins and excess.

Summer Retrogrades 2020

The *Summer Retrogrades* always extend us a type of grace that shifts the focus (and support) to the work behind the scenes (personal/individual), so do not squander this time on people or circumstances which no longer “fit” the vision you hold for your life. If you allow yourself to get caught up in the storm (of now), you will find when things move forward (Dec/Jan) that you are not in a position to take full advantage of the opportunities. This Summer is about *Completion & Closure* on all old projects and past inclinations. You are moving rapidly toward the “new you” and you can no longer “wing it” (the old way) because you are in completely new territory, where new rules apply.

Saturn in CAPRICORN 2017-2020

Note from Kelly:
When I reviewed May & Sept 2018-2019, they were all surrounded with additional potent energies like Mercury Retrograde assisting our mental processing of the reality we’re living and Chiron just moving into Aries asking us to be more proactive on our behalf where healing, education & soul work is considered if we were going to be responsible adults in life and New Moons, activating new beginnings for us all along with Venus Retrograde in Scorpio rearranging the values & priorities. Now here we are, facing very different choices & commitments than we could’ve ever dreamed up from then to now. We have additional information now but also different needs & desires. If nothing else, we can say during Saturn’s journey through Capricorn this time, we got more serious about something (look to your Capricorn House). Here I give you my 2-cents on Saturn Retro & Direct, plus Chiron in Aries for good measure.