
Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

June 27 – July 3, 2021 ~ Forecast + Last Call for Astro 101

6/27 ~ Venus Enters Leo (until July 21st):
Venus in Leo is all about renewing your values & priorities around *Cultivating Your Authentic Self & Unique Contribution*. The last time it was in Leo was Sept 2020 and just imagine how much your essential nature & values have evolved since then alone! This is an introduction to your newly Emergent Self! Review the last 9-months – what have you developed creatively? How has your heart expanded and your consciousness grown & evolved over that time? How have your values & priorities shifted regarding love, sex, fun, creativity & how you express who you really are? What is all that ‘worth’ to you (then & now)? What is the difference in how you expressed your Self in 2015 (last time she really re-set us in Leo), and how you want to express in new ways NOW (2021)? What have you learned about your Self? What have you learned about your immediate friends, family & community, and your place (and preferences) within each connection?

June 20 – 26, 2021 ~ Forecast + Events

6/20 ~ Summer Solstice is the MidPoint in the Annual Solar Cycle, bringing another turn of the Wheel, the peak power of the *Light* before it surrenders, moving toward true completion of that which was seeded at Winter Solstice. Permanently opposite each other, eternally balancing and re-balancing … integrating and re-integrating the *Life-Death-Life Cycle*. These Sacred Seasons represent the time of year we should focus on the balance and integration of Light/Darkness ~ Yin/Yang ~ Feminine/Masculine ~ Inner/Outer ~ Cancer/Capricorn, which adds personal & professional as well as public & private.

June 13 – 19, 2021 ~ Forecast + Bonus

6/13 ~ Venus (relationships, love & money) ~sextile~ Uranus (clarity & inspiration):
This energy, thanks to Uranus, activates a certain spark of electricity in the air. New relationships will have an unusual aspect to them and old ones can break-to-realign in a positive, even fun way with this energy. No monotonous routine, humdrum people or boring collaborations with this one. Use it to access your unique genius and deep well of creativity and then share if you can, with other like-hearted Souls. Take advantage of this energy to tap into areas you may not have realized were available to you before. Keep it light and upbeat; socialize and enjoy the experience of different people or new activities. Keep in mind, however, any relationships begun this week may not be based on qualities needed for long term survival. It is more a time to enjoy the people and experiences that pass through and accept them as a gift!

June 6 – 12, 2021 ~ Forecast + Events

6/10 ~ Mercury Rx (communication & self-expression) ~conjunct~ Sun (core essential Self & Source energy): This energy will compel you to express yourself on many levels. Communication will be a focus, just make sure that it is reciprocated. What I mean is two-way communication and exchange of ideas. As you initiate this new cycle of self-expression, you will have access to some powerful energy that can (and probably will) help you make a difference or an impression on others (if you need to). This is a good time to travel if possible. However, if not physically, then mentally (through visualization) or within your own area (locally), because if you explore a new direction, you are more likely to discover something new.

GEMINI ~ Your Authentic Voice

Searching for “different ways” (Gemini) or “truer answers” (Sagittarius) … May I remind you that as a “human” you are dual by nature (Gemini) … and yet, so much MORE! (Sagittarius) Add “human” to “Being” and now you are *Multi-Dimensional*. I find it far more useful these days to look at the energies AND their polar opposites to get a more balanced understanding of what I am experiencing. And beyond that, I notice that I’ve been reminding people almost constantly that “life has become an ‘AND’ … not an either/or”. You have to multi-task to get anything accomplished and/or completed these days. Why is that? Because, you are simultaneously: dying and being born anew; leaving the past behind and moving toward an unknown future; releasing and acquiring on a multitude of levels. You, my multi-dimensional friend, have many layers to your Being which are being activated and/or shifted in dramatic and permanent ways.

GEMINI ~ Energy of the Month

This month you will have to take many deep breaths to maintain your equilibrium. The pressure is intense and the speed of which information is coming at you, is continuing to increase. Always keep in the back of your mind, if you cannot control it, release it to the Universe … and if you CAN control it, then this (whatever is activating your “control” or “survival” buttons) is just a reminder to inhale back your own authority and your personal power to choose … your power to change your mind and thus, your circumstances. In the instant you commit to your choice, change can occur.

May 30 – June 5, 2021 ~ Forecast

5/31 ~ Mars (desires & actions) ~trine~ Neptune (dreams & visions):
This energy is good for spiritual exploration, digging deeper into your place in the Cosmos and in relation to others. Your energy is best turned inward, as you find just how much ‘who you are’ and ‘what you want’ has actually changed over recent years and using this energy to infuse more depth into your heart’s desires. By infusing your dreams & visions for your Self, you naturally bless Others & the Universe. You may feel inclined to help others, but always balance that drive with some objectivity (are those you’re helping just as dedicated as you are to the common cause?) This is a very laid-back energy that allows you time to take effective action on behalf of your dreams and/or spiritual growth, more than outward action or specific steps. Enjoy it!

May 23 – 29, 2021 ~ Forecast

5/23 ~ Saturn Retrograde 13* AQUARIUS:
A better use of Saturn’s amazing energy is to slow down and check in with your personal base. How organized are you in general? Are you naturally focused and self-directed or do you succeed more often when you have a structure? This is a time to develop or fortify your Inner Authority to make choices & decisions on your own behalf, with courage & confidence. Take time to organize your thoughts or create a plan or strategy for adjusting to the changes (seemingly) being forced on you at this time. Start with small, manageable goals because accomplishing them will also give you the momentum & fortitude to go after the bigger goals. It’s time to release fear & doubt and redefine your reality on some level, if nothing else, for the new year alone.

May 16 – 22, 2021 ~ Forecast

5/17 ~ Sun (core essential Self) ~trine~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
This energy makes you want to get things done, by any means necessary and you may tend to come on a little strong – but it’s all good. The work you want to do, is work that needs to be done and in doing it and facing things head-on, you will gain insights about your Self that fortify your foundation so that your life can evolve to the next level organically. This intense and powerful energy is transformative in nature and will provoke you to think deeply about your life; what you need, desire and deserve. You may find that some aspects of your life need to be reformed or released – go for it – this energy makes reform and release easier than usual.

May 9 – 15, 2021 ~ Forecast

5/11 ~ TAURUS New Moon:
Every year, at this time, we tend to our individual Gardens, that sacred place where everything we love has a place to grow, develop & bear fruit. What are you cultivating in your Garden at this time? This is always a chance to begin anew, anchoring the new ideas that just got activated with the Aries New Moon a month ago (4/11), while also practicing the new routines that will help manifest and sustain whatever you’re creating at this time. Taurus energy, whether beginning or completing, always gives you the opportunity to assess your priorities. What is REALLY important – right now? What nourishes, supports and sustains you right now?