Category: Energetic Support

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Mars Retrograde ARIES 2020

Mars Retrograde is a special occasion and can be full of surprises. The last time it happened was in 2018, when it crossed between Capricorn & Aquarius (Earth & Air) during March–Nov 2018. The last time it retrograded in Aries was July 1988-Jan 1989. Mars Retro is rewiring your desire nature and inner sacred masculine ~ in the Area of Life (House). Whether male or female, we all have to hold good boundaries, negotiate on our own behalf and get our ideas out into the world. You can consciously co-create with this personal planet every two years when it gets a potent upgrade.

VIRGO ~ Energy of the Month

Virgo gives everyone a chance to “process, sort & sift” all that has come up in the last nine months. There is a line in the book, Little Soul & the Sun by Neale Donald Walsh, that says, “Now that I know WHO I AM, I want to BE it!” And I must suggest that in order for you to “BE” all that you discovered about your essential nature (in Leo) and what nourishes and supports you on the deepest levels (in Cancer), Virgo is the energy that extracts the BEST of YOU and helps you heal and/or release all that is no longer relevant or useful – within and around you.

Aug 30 – Sept 5, 2020 ~ Forecast

PISCES Full Moon is the best time of the year (Aug-Sept) to:

•Release shame, blame & guilt and
•Embrace the value of the lesson in every experience.
•Release criticism, judgement & fear
•Embrace compassion for others & patience with your own process.
•Release the addiction to unobtainable perfection
•Embrace trusting your creative Spirit & inherent beauty.
•Release petty distractions & victim consciousness
•Embrace your inner authority to direct your own life.

August 23 – 29, 2020 ~ Forecast

8/24 ~ Mars (anger/action) ~square~ Saturn (frustration/limitations):
(1 of 3: 8/24 ~ 9/29 ~ 1.13.2021)
This is the energy of action being restricted and the anger or frustration that follows. You can either be angry and feel restricted, limited and unable to move … or you can see this energy as an opportunity to define the right actions to take and strategically plan to take them when the Universe is more supportive. This energy requires us to slow down and double-check The Plan. If you proceed consciously, your plan has a better chance of success than if you were reckless & impatient. You may experience a blockage of some sort, internal or external. You may feel this tremendous urge to change or move forward in your life but seem to find blockages and limitations with every effort. That is likely your perception, do you feel inadequate to the task at hand? What are you afraid of? Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real – release fear and choose to be responsible for creating your own life. If you don’t, your outer circumstance only becomes a reflection of your inner belief. You will attract criticism and repel support.

August 16 – 22, 2020 ~ Forecast

8/16 ~ Sun (core identity) ~trine~ Mars (desire):
This is a powerful energy for solidifying who you are, what you want and what you are capable of. It brings out your desire to be truly self-sustained & independent, and with the good angle between Sun & Mars, you are deeply supported for forward movement that feels almost effortless when you are grounded and aligned with your own Truth & Purpose. If you are not clear about who you are or what your purpose is, this energy will inspire you to find out. If you are already on track and crystal clear, then this energy strongly supports progress & evolution to the next level in obvious ways.

August 9 – 15, 2020 ~ Forecast + Bonus Update

Note from Kelly:
It is turning out to be quite an intense Summer and the 8:8 Lion’s Gate / Cross Quarter is the MidPoint between Summer & Fall and an excellent time to focus on YOU! the individual. Leo time every year is ALL ABOUT YOU! what you love, what you are attracted to and what you magnetize into your life experience. The next 6-weeks will give you a chance to reconnect with your own heart to decide how you want to live your life going forward, what Story you want to tell with your choices and where your Self-Love & Self-Care (Leo) rank in your life and daily routine (Virgo).

August 2 – 8, 2020 ~ Forecast + Events

8/2 ~ Sun (source & essential Self) ~square~ Uranus (awakening & radical shift):
As with any Uranus activation, this one disrupts the normal flow to facilitate a ‘break to realign’ moment. While sometimes disruptive & challenging, the ultimate result is refreshing in some way. Consider the energy that thickens, gathering for a severe thunderstorm, then releasing buckets of rain, for hours, you sleep deeply and awaken to a bright sunny morning with birds chirping unusually loud outside your window. Got the visual? ; -)) This activation is the necessary challenge that gets your attention that something better is available, if you’re willing to improvise and think on your feet.

LEO Energy ~ It’s All About YOU!

This month is all about YOU!! This energy always makes me want to sing, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine …” If you did the Cancer work of clearing emotional debris (ineffective reactions, old habits, past events or people) from your life and anchored your inner sense of belonging, then you should be quite ready for Leo’s heart-centered radiance to shine through you. If you tend to be shy or hide your own light under a bushel, then it may signify a time for you to get out anyway to share, socialize and be seen! What’s the use of clearing a space for all your good and then sitting around waiting for it to knock on your door? It ain’t gonna happen that way! Leo energy is where our courage lives and asks us to tap in and recharge that battery annually, if not more often.

LEO ~ Energy of the Month

This month is ALL ABOUT YOU … the NEW you!! Release all that is no longer “truth” for you – on every level. Begin the process of integrating these amazing new aspects you’ve recently discovered about your Self and HONOR who you have worked so hard to become!! You may have to re-train the people in your life to honor who you’ve become too ~ simply by your living example. When YOU change, everything around you changes or it goes away naturally. You may want to try to find peace with the fact that some people and situations will have to move out of your life at this time. Pay attention! A change of directions has been coming for a while now and all things have fallen into place ~ new life is NOW!

July 26 – Aug 1, 2020 ~ Forecast

7/27 ~ Jupiter (Consciousness & Belief Systems) ~sextile~ Neptune (Faith & Connection to Spirit):
(2 of 3: 2/20 ~ 7/27 ~ 10/12)
This is an opportunity to connect to miracles, if you believe in them. It may be miracles, but it may also be the alignment between your Heart & Soul, that part of you that trusts your intuition and believes in a higher power or Source or Universal presence. There are a couple of expressions of this energy. This is a time where your spiritual beliefs expand, taking on a more broad, Universal feel. You may feel the urge to work with those less fortunate (never a bad idea) or you may meet someone that expands your thinking, opening you to new concepts of faith. Under this influence, you may feel more optimistic & philosophical than usual, about your life and the world. It can be a fabulous energy to connect to, because when you are optimistic & faithful, as well as truly connected to the whole, you can manifest almost instantly.