Category: Relevant Reflections

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

PISCES ~ Back to the Womb

Pisces is the conclusion of the astrological year and brings us all full circle, back to the womb, where sometimes you may feel uncomfortable, unable to move naturally, cranky because of the limitations ~ but at the same time, remaining safely behind the scenes as you fully develop the “new you” – this is vital to ensure a safe, healthy birth of this “new life” whether it be a creative project, a desired goal or YOU! All seeds germinate in the darkness and the infant stages are the most delicate.

PISCES ~ Energy of the Month

As we enter the current Pisces energy, many people will be feeling more sensitive than usual, picking up many different kinds of information via all six senses. Over-sensitivity that disrupts your flow and takes you away from your center is one thing, but a better way to think of this energy is to ponder the concept of how sound penetrates when you put your head under water. It is likely the same sensation as when you were in the womb of your mother’s belly. You actually “feel” the sounds more than you “hear” them, you “sense” all the activity around you. That is the essence of NOW. And like back then, you are picking up a multitude of vibrations ~ hearing, feeling and sensing the world around you at this time.

Feb 27 – March 5, 2022 ~ Forecast

3/2 ~ Sun (source & essential Self) ~sextile~ Uranus (freedom & individuality):
This activation will help you access a deeper sense of authenticity as everyday, routine events may be more enlightening than usual this week. Anytime Uranus is involved ‘ah-ha moments’ are available, that sudden inspiration or the surprising clarity that changes everything – is bubbling near the surface, you need but invite it into your conscious awareness to be useful. Eventually, you will have to ground these breakthroughs in some literal way or physical form, but this energy supports the exploration of possibilities. Where can you use a dose of freedom & liberation? How can you lighten up?

AQUARIUS ~ Energy of the Month

This month’s energy helps you focus on expressing your innate uniqueness, on all levels. It is also the energy of experimentation – try some new way of doing an old thing. Try to get an understanding of the bigger picture, see your connection to the whole or work on planning your long-term goals. Sometimes we get too bogged down in mundane matters and we lose sight of why we started doing the things we’re doing in the first place. Avoid seeking others’ approval, as most people think differently and may not understand your truth and purpose, which is really none of their concern to begin with. Try seeing the positive side of EVERYTHING this month – even if it utterly sucks! Find the lesson and/or the blessing in it and release it back to the Universe.

AQUARIUS ~ Expand the Vision

Aquarius has to integrate the self-love lesson of Leo, in order to make its unique contribution to the community and reminds you to think outside the box (Aquarius/Uranus) & follow your heart (Leo/Sun) for the betterment of all. What has changed on a *fundamental* level (Cancer/Capricorn ~ personal/professional) for you, that has now made you aware of how vital it is to honor your own essential nature (Leo/Sun) so that you are able to contribute to the whole (Aquarius/Uranus) in a more useful and delicious way? It is time for you to further define truth and happiness for yourself. It can no longer follow the formula of generations past. You have direct access to this potent Uranian energy and you can now connect directly to a UNIQUE VISION OF LIFE, COMMUNITY AND THE PLANET.

Jan 9 – 15, 2022 ~ Forecast + Events

1/10 ~ Sun (core essential Self) ~sextile~ Neptune (vision & imagination):
This energy activates your ability to dissolve the ego (momentarily) and allow your SoulSelf to shine through! Your Spiritual center, base or practice comes up – how is it supporting you? If you’ve gotten away from your practice, this energy will make it easier to connect to your Spirit, your intuition and the vision for your life’s purpose, at this time. You may find where your contribution is most valued, when you step outside of your Self to see how others’ needs are important.

Jan 2 – 8, 2022 ~ Forecast

1/2 ~ CAPRICORN Super/New Moon: (#3 of 3 Super New Moons)
We can use this Super/New Moon to seed our intentions and clarify our goals going into the new year. The Cardinal Energy of Cancer/Capricorn/Libra/Aries is all about our *Fundamentals* and making choices & decisions in those departments of life. The messages are subtle yet fierce, clearly pointing to the end of the old as we create space and activate the fertility (compost) of the NEW!! The Capricorn Super/New Moon gives us the opportunity to set a new structure & foundation in place to support our growth & evolution in the new year.

2022 ~ Special Alignments

This update covers the Special Alignments happening in 2022. Each and every year has its own flavor and specific activations to deal with or navigate. Because I cover Venus on a monthly basis, I have only included Mars & Jupiter, although I did cover the New Venus Cycle in the Energetic Overview HERE. Saturn will be rather reserved this year after all the trouble it stirred up last year with major activations, so we are still dealing with and integrating all of that throughout this year too. For our purposes here, I will go over them in the order they happen and I will synthesize them along the way. That said, I also covered Jupiter moving into Pisces, Saturn’s last year in Aquarius and Mars lingering in Gemini on the 2022 Energetic Overview HERE, so here, I only cover how they interact with others during 2022.

2022 ~ Energetic Overview

Annual SOLAR Rhythm ~ The Sun spends about a month in each Sign, Aries through Pisces, every year. It has an Annual Rhythm that we can learn to sync-up with that is really juicy to co-create with consciously. You have your Birthday, aka Solar Return to where it was when you were born and that is a great Annual Rhythm to know for yourself. But I’ve taken it one step further and been testing my theory of starting my “New Year” with my Rising Sign Birthday.

Dec 5 – 11, 2021 ~ Forecast

12/6 ~ Mars (desire & action) ~sextile~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
This is lower will meets Higher Will ~ within you! Mars is your inner Masculine and therefore helps you take action & make choices according to who you are and what you want. Pluto will ensure that you come from the purest place within (Soul-level), which often entails a cleansing of the non-essential and over-growth of the last cycle first. Luckily, this is not a “hard/bad” activation but an opportunity to connect with what you really want, at the deepest Soul-level, which will naturally lead to whatever is blocking that and its ultimate release. Keep in mind that those who are more out-of-touch with who they are and what they want tend to explode & implode when Mars & Pluto get together, even in a positive aspect like this one. This is a potent and (thankfully) positive mix of energy & power coming together, direct it wisely on your own behalf.